New York & gun control

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lol....So.....what did Mike have to say?

It's a reasonable question and I'm very interested in hearing the answer, but nothing yet. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not picking a fight or trying to make anyone look bad....I'm just extremely curious how someone could exist in today's society with no thought to personal security. There HAS to be something I'm missing! :ummm:
It's a reasonable question and I'm very interested in hearing the answer, but nothing yet. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not picking a fight or trying to make anyone look bad....I'm just extremely curious how someone could exist in today's society with no thought to personal security. There HAS to be something I'm missing! :ummm:

Me too...this is one of the things that I DO like about this forum...people can have discussions with differing view points, and its ok. Now...that being said....I dont understand the other point of view. Its an emotional one. For every argument that the banning of certain guns will lead to safety, there are cold hard facts (statistics) to prove otherwise. For me the emotional argument is that the 2nd admendment is LAW.

I wish that someone would say..."I would like to have guns banned, because I believe that guns are dangerous". At least that is an emotional argument, instead of giving bogus statistics that guns are inherantly dangerous.

The timing is very critical but I think the NBC reports are early on in the deal as they still had reporters on the scene. If this is an attempt at manipulating the facts it will probly do more harm than good.
The Sandy Hook shooting is tragic to say the least. I will not beleaguer that point further and while I don't subscribe to the whole conspiracy theory that it was staged, etc... I am suspicious of the supposed facts that surround this case.

I seriously doubt that something like Sandy Hook was a planned and orchestrated event, however I do think that there certainly is some misinformation and intentional distortion of the facts of the case by both the government and the MSM.

Why is it the records have to be sealed for 90 days?
To give the gun grabbers a chance to push their agenda through before the real facts come out?

What would happen to the whole assault weapons push if it turns out that Sandy Hook was a handguns only incident?
Just received in my E-Mail:rofl_200::ummm::confused2:

Top 12 Reasons to Vote Democrat Like New York and California Did

1. I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever
I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd.
2. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a
gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of
gas at 15% isn't.
3. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job
of spending the money I earn than I would.
4. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine as long as nobody
is offended by it.
5. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and
I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers
and thieves.
6. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if
it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt
away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius.
7. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies
being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive.
8. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free
health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take
away the social security from those who paid into it.
9. I voted Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be
allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give
the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit.
10. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the
Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never
get their agendas past the voters.
11. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions for their oil
to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it
might upset some endangered beetle, gopher or fish.
12. I voted Democrat because my head is so firmly planted up my ass, it's unlikely
that I'll ever have another point of view. And, I've never watched Fox News.
Liberal Logic:
Since I voted for Obama, my taxes have gone up,

my employer stopped offering health insurance and

my guns were taken away.

Damn you George Bush.
Liberal Logic:
Since I voted for Obama, my taxes have gone up,

my employer stopped offering health insurance and

my guns were taken away.

Damn you George Bush.

I love this stuff. Taxes are at the lowest in many years, but deny that and claim because of Obama they have been raised. If your emplyer stopped offering insurance, it is because of greed, the answer is Unionize. As of yet no ones guns have been taken away and there have been no talk of it from Obama's administration. They are real problems with Obama but if it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker then ignore it. Just make something up that does fit.
Lighten up, Dave, don't you know a joke when you see one?

Libs won't be laughing until they convince all of us that there is no limit to the % of our income that they want for the imperial gov't to distribute the way they think it should be done , no matter that socialism / marxism / communism has never worked . Capitalism has been the U.S. staple for over 200 years , but they want to change it. That's what Bo told us to start with , and free ice cream has turned the tide in their favor.
The Communists once said that they would never have to fire a shot. One day America would wake up and realize we had achieved the status. We're considered Fat, Dumb and Happy. Some of us are awake through this process but seems that for the majority of America it was as true a statement as when Oliver North told us that Osama Bin Laden was the most dangerous adversary we'd face in the future. That was decades ago. Until we can get rid of the Criminals in our Local, State and Federal Government, We're screwed in every way. Oh,,,, Add Private Industry to that list. Gun control is just the first step to a very dark future.....

Check this.....

And this.....
Oliver North, hmmm,,do you think he was a great "American Hero"? Because I think Hitler would have loved his type. (subvert the law, constitution, for your very own personal agenda, whatever that may be).

But Spec Ops you are right on in what you wrote, except about the Bogeyman OBL, we created him, and the situation, easy to blame one person for our leaders major FUC# ups.

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I love this stuff. Taxes are at the lowest in many years, but deny that and claim because of Obama they have been raised. If your emplyer stopped offering insurance, it is because of greed, the answer is Unionize. As of yet no ones guns have been taken away and there have been no talk of it from Obama's administration. They are real problems with Obama but if it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker then ignore it. Just make something up that does fit.

OH, REALLY? :ummm: So making it illegal to possess weapons because of certain 'features' (as defined by the state) isn't the same as 'TAKING THEM AWAY'?
I hear that Remington is looking to move out of NY. I hope they do. I wish that ALL the gum makers and importers would refuse to sell to or service guns sold to the state (and city) of New York.

No one seems to mention the number of jobs outlawing ARs would cost. There is a lot of people employed making them plus a huge number employed making goodies for ARs. Taking away all those jobs for something that will do nothing to reduce gun related crime!

I just sent a 9mm 1911 in to Kimber for service (to a NY address) and the service tech told me to make sure I did NOT send the magazine with the gun.
I love this stuff. Taxes are at the lowest in many years, but deny that and claim because of Obama they have been raised. If your emplyer stopped offering insurance, it is because of greed, the answer is Unionize. As of yet no ones guns have been taken away and there have been no talk of it from Obama's administration. They are real problems with Obama but if it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker then ignore it. Just make something up that does fit.

For any who don't know, Cabela's is a large sporting equipment chain that has been selling tons of ammo and weapons lately, and at a higher than usual price.
This is a receipt from one of the Cabela's stores showing the added tax on purchases. Unk. if this is going on all over with them and other gun shops, or not. So save your receipts and study them carefully.
Here it comes! I'm glad Cabela's is showing this.....
The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be "hidden" from the consumer, but it's been brought to the public?s attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela?s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts.

Anyone still believe Obama didn't raise taxes on the middle class?


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I love this stuff. Taxes are at the lowest in many years, but deny that and claim because of Obama they have been raised.
Dave, I have heard weed in Mexico is of the highest potency, and judging by the fact you believe our taxes are the lowest in many years that seems probable. What are you smoking man? Care to provide an insight on our taxes being low??? You can't.....

If your emplyer stopped offering insurance, it is because of greed, the answer is Unionize.

Spoken like a true statist, and someone that has no clue how Obama care was set up to destroy the private insurance market. A small business (or large) that cannot remain profitable due to the ever increasing costs of entitlement programs and other statist imposed controls is forced to raise prices to pay for these idiotic burdens, and dave labels them as greedy.
"From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs" ehhh Dave???/

As of yet no ones guns have been taken away and there have been no talk of it from Obama's administration.

Actually it has been widely promoted by Obama's crew, but simply repeat the lie enough to get it to be believed by the sheep in our country eh Dave??? You must have conveniently forgot about the documented intent to ban guns as openly stated by the likes of Feintien, Schummer, Daily, etc etc etc. The gun confiscation in California, Chicago, New York etc etc etc.

They are real problems with Obama but if it doesn't fit on a bumper sticker then ignore it. Just make something up that does fit.
Long live Che Guevarra Dave.
Long live Che Guevarra Dave.

It is so easy to find out facts. Google it. Federal tax rates are at a very low rate. Local and State taxes are a different animal. Capitalism? Since when has the U.S. economy operated as pure capitalism? Tax breaks and welfare for large corporations that have the money to buy politicians. The U.S. military paid for by taxpayers keeping markets safe for U.S. business who pay little or no taxes. Walmart being the largest welfare recipient due to their business model of paying such a low wage and no health care benefits that the workers need to collect welfare to exist. U.S. capitalism; privatise profits but socialise costs. So much whinning about Obama, liberals, the Government, complaining about the second amendment. Throwing labels around like chicken feed. What are you doing to right the ship other than buying guns and ammo? With every freedom comes limits. It is easy to make the case that when the Bill Of Rights were written it meant single shot muskets because that all they had. So Danny when you write weapons, that is a dead issue. Obviously no one wants their neighbor to own a nuclear bomb. I realize that I'm being extreme to the point of being absurd but the point is restrictions. Like it or not we have them, we live with them and they are good. Who would want a center for homeless people to be built next door? Stockpiling guns will do nothing to deal with the problems we are facing. As long as we keep focused on being irrational we will not even identify the real problems.

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