New York & gun control

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The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be "hidden" from the consumer, but it's been brought to the public’s attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela’s who have refused to hide it and are showing it as a separate line item tax on their receipts.

Anyone still believe Obama didn't raise taxes on the middle class?

It is not supposed to be hidden from the consumer. It is not supposed to be directly charged to the consumer. The cost of doing business + markup = it ends up there anyway in one way or another, but it's not supposed to be directly added on top of a list price at an even %.

There is a big difference between profitable margins and adding all costs as a % and after the advertised price. What's the difference?

This company has already paid this tax out. To put it on the end of the receipt is in all likelihood a second collection, because they have likely already priced that cost into getting it on the shelf in the first place.

So they're listing a sale price at one value, and then actually adding a premium charge on the end as if it were a normal sales tax. This company is falsely advertising their prices to rip people off and you're cheering them on as if they're some kind of freedom fighter.
It is not supposed to be hidden from the consumer. It is not supposed to be directly charged to the consumer. The cost of doing business + markup = it ends up there anyway in one way or another, but it's not supposed to be directly added on top of a list price at an even %.

There is a big difference between profitable margins and adding all costs as a % and after the advertised price. What's the difference?

This company has already paid this tax out. To put it on the end of the receipt is in all likelihood a second collection, because they have likely already priced that cost into getting it on the shelf in the first place.

So they're listing a sale price at one value, and then actually adding a premium charge on the end as if it were a normal sales tax. This company is falsely advertising their prices to rip people off and you're cheering them on as if they're some kind of freedom fighter.

I didn't know you were doing the books for Cabela's, interesting:hmmm:. Why am I not surprised that this post, would turn a completely bogus tax into an evil corparation issue.
I know of no such tax and we sell retail to the public.

A CPA on our payroll has never mentioned this tax.

I too have just been reading about the Medical Device Tax. It is levied on production and importation of some medical devices. Some internet sites are claiming companies are moving overseas to escape the tax. That doesn't sound correct to me because the tax will still be levied when importation occurs. As for Cabella's levying the tax sounds illegal and done for political purposes because they do not produce medical devices. Besides it is not a retail tax. That is why the consumer will not see it.
It is so easy to find out facts. Google it. Federal tax rates are at a very low rate. Local and State taxes are a different animal. Capitalism? Since when has the U.S. economy operated as pure capitalism? Tax breaks and welfare for large corporations that have the money to buy politicians. The U.S. military paid for by taxpayers keeping markets safe for U.S. business who pay little or no taxes. Walmart being the largest welfare recipient due to their business model of paying such a low wage and no health care benefits that the workers need to collect welfare to exist. U.S. capitalism; privatise profits but socialise costs. So much whinning about Obama, liberals, the Government, complaining about the second amendment. Throwing labels around like chicken feed. What are you doing to right the ship other than buying guns and ammo? With every freedom comes limits. It is easy to make the case that when the Bill Of Rights were written it meant single shot muskets because that all they had. So Danny when you write weapons, that is a dead issue. Obviously no one wants their neighbor to own a nuclear bomb. I realize that I'm being extreme to the point of being absurd but the point is restrictions. Like it or not we have them, we live with them and they are good. Who would want a center for homeless people to be built next door? Stockpiling guns will do nothing to deal with the problems we are facing. As long as we keep focused on being irrational we will not even identify the real problems.

That's a good point Dave, I'm glad you brought it up.

The real problem......let's discuss that for a the real problem an inanimate piece of steel, not all that much different from a door latch? If you threw one of these devices into a crowd would it indiscriminantly begin to maim and, of course not, that's ridiculous as your reference to atomic bombs.

Common sense would suggest that perhaps, in deaths involving guns, it's the hands holding the gun, and the person connected to those hands that may be the REAL PROBLEM. Is this person mentally unstable? Then perhaps we need to take a good look at the mental health system in our country. Or maybe that person is heavily involved in drug trafficking and is more than willing to kill anyone they perceive as a threat? Then maybe we need to scrutunize our justice and law enforcement systems. Perhaps a husband or wife that, in a fit of jealous rage, picked up a gun and shot their spouse....well, in that case you're just going to have to deal because the human race has a very brutal core and that kind of killing has been going on since the beginning of time.

I agree with you....stockpiling guns will do nothing to help deal with the problems we are facing....anymore than trying to eliminate guns from the hands of honest, hard working Americans will help.

Now we have the highest ranking elected LEO's at the county level openly expressing displeasure (to put it lightly) with their state governors and president....and refusing to enforce gun control laws that have been passed or being considered. Personally, I find that more than a little disturbing....that and the fact that there won't be a lot of gun hoarding happening from this point on.....all the guns are sold, they're already out there!!

The DHS ordering 7,000 Select Fire AR-15's and I'm not sure how many millions of rounds of ammo doesn't do much for my peace of mind either.

This issue is going to split this country apart!
This issue and healthcare , and just about everything BO has presented to us is MEANT to divide this country. He wants the US to be a DEMOCRACY , where the majority rules. No matter that they broke the law and are here illegally , no matter that their allegience is to Sharia law , no matter that they pay no taxes , etc. etc. etc. Get used to it or remove them and the Congress of baboons running the regime / gov't. Oh , they don't want to ? They want Bo to get more terms in office ? RIGHT . More control is what they want. Without our guns they can take it .
This issue and healthcare , and just about everything BO has presented to us is MEANT to divide this country. He wants the US to be a DEMOCRACY , where the majority rules. No matter that they broke the law and are here illegally , no matter that their allegience is to Sharia law , no matter that they pay no taxes , etc. etc. etc. Get used to it or remove them and the Congress of baboons running the regime / gov't. Oh , they don't want to ? They want Bo to get more terms in office ? RIGHT . More control is what they want. Without our guns they can take it .

Danny, this is what I mean by irrational. Obama hasn't presented a gun problem. It has been developing for years. Because he and others want to find a solution to the violence that is a plague on our society that is labeled dividing the country? Give me a break. Healthcare, dividing the Country? He was elected because people wanted health care reform. Then confusing issues of majority rule in a Democracy with people in the country illegal. No way. Two separate issues. The idea that somehow illegals have affected the outcome of any election is bogus. The fact is Obama's administration has deported more illegals than any other president has. That is a fact. Another fact is the migration numbers are such that more are going back to Mexico than are crossing North. Allegiance to Sharia law? Who are we talking about? Illegal emigration is a Southern border problem and they are Catholic. No one ever refers to illegals crossing down from Canada. Are Muslims sneaking across the Alantic ocean? The abortion issues has been dividing the U.S. for years, way before Obama. It is a $10,000 fine and/or five years in jail for voting illegally. Does any one really think a person who has risked their life crossing the southern desert to make a few dollars to send back to their family in Mexico will risk it all to cast an illegal vote? In 2008 out of 180 million votes cast, 5000 was called into question. 2 was found. Am I happy with Obama? No. He is actually a moderate Republican, not the socialist liberal that some want to paint him as. The country is divided. If Obama wanted to call the Sun bright, the republicans would filibuster it. McConnell actually filibusted himself.
BO hasn't presented a gun problem because there isn't a gun problem , there is a control problem . He wants complete control of the country , to do what HE thinks is right , with out the checks & balances that our founders knew we needed , to keep despots and tyrants from turning this country into Europe. Enter the 2 nd amendment , to keep them in check by force if necessary , and NOT to be infringed upon. He's already said he's going to submit a gun control plan / solution tomorrow night , in his state of the union address. I'll be very surprised if he gives us an update on his " Fast & Furious " scandal , or his whereabouts during the final decisions being made not to help our people at Bengazi .

Oh yeah , half of the people in this country did not want Gov't healthcare.
I didn't know you were doing the books for Cabela's, interesting:hmmm:. Why am I not surprised that this post, would turn a completely bogus tax into an evil corparation issue.

I keep getting the feeling you guys think I am some ultra hippie. I didn't say evil corporate garbage. I called the act of overcharging and misrepresented list pricing like it is. You like getting ripped off then by all means knock yourself out.
BO hasn't presented a gun problem because there isn't a gun problem , there is a control problem . He wants complete control of the country , to do what HE thinks is right , with out the checks & balances that our founders knew we needed , to keep despots and tyrants from turning this country into Europe. Enter the 2 nd amendment , to keep them in check by force if necessary , and NOT to be infringed upon. He's already said he's going to submit a gun control plan / solution tomorrow night , in his state of the union address. I'll be very surprised if he gives us an update on his " Fast & Furious " scandal , or his whereabouts during the final decisions being made not to help our people at Bengazi .

Oh yeah , half of the people in this country did not want Gov't healthcare.

We don't have Gov't healthcare. We have mandated private sector healthcare. It was first proposed by Richard Nixon, a republican. I and a lot of people wanted a single payer system much like Canada. I don't know if you have figured it out yet but if you have private insurance based healthcare access, you pay but your Doctor works for the Insurance company, not you. In my frame of reference that makes you the chump. The checks and balances are the three parts of Government, not the second amendment. We get to vote. Use it wisely.
Sorry if it came across harsh Zack. I just wish you were as quick to point out when the Government Overcharges and misrepresents.

I do when it's that obvious. Medical tax itself isn't because the industry is totally backwards to begin with. It's hard to get up in arms about 3% when it's going towards controlling a cost that has gone up more than that annually for the last 50 years.

I haven't commented on much else because the thread is about NY's specific gun control and not about Obama.
Danny, this is what I mean by irrational. Obama hasn't presented a gun problem. It has been developing for years. Because he and others want to find a solution to the violence that is a plague on our society that is labeled dividing the country? Give me a break. Healthcare, dividing the Country? He was elected because people wanted health care reform. Then confusing issues of majority rule in a Democracy with people in the country illegal. No way. Two separate issues. The idea that somehow illegals have affected the outcome of any election is bogus. The fact is Obama's administration has deported more illegals than any other president has. That is a fact. Another fact is the migration numbers are such that more are going back to Mexico than are crossing North. Allegiance to Sharia law? Who are we talking about? Illegal emigration is a Southern border problem and they are Catholic. No one ever refers to illegals crossing down from Canada. Are Muslims sneaking across the Alantic ocean? The abortion issues has been dividing the U.S. for years, way before Obama. It is a $10,000 fine and/or five years in jail for voting illegally. Does any one really think a person who has risked their life crossing the southern desert to make a few dollars to send back to their family in Mexico will risk it all to cast an illegal vote? In 2008 out of 180 million votes cast, 5000 was called into question. 2 was found. Am I happy with Obama? No. He is actually a moderate Republican, not the socialist liberal that some want to paint him as. The country is divided. If Obama wanted to call the Sun bright, the republicans would filibuster it. McConnell actually filibusted himself.


Living in Mexico please excuse me if I find you totally lacking in credibility.:biglaugh:


Living in Mexico please excuse me if I find you totally lacking in credibility.:biglaugh:


What the hell where I chose to live got to do anything. But you know what, I really don't care what you find or not find credulous. A relative sent me a email about a Hollywood liberal, as some would label. Not knowing his father was an Air Force officier or that he also was a officier in the Army. Or that he was a Ranger, and helicopter pilot. Here is the link.


Living in Mexico please excuse me if I find you totally lacking in credibility.:biglaugh:


I live in Chicago and +1 to just about all of it. So feel free to formulate a serious reply to a bunch of sensible commentary that was unrelated to the author's physical location.

I have said the moderate republican thing a number of times before even.

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