Osama Bin Laden Dead

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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Mar 25, 2011
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Miami Florida
Three hundred and forty-three firefighter brothers have been avenged with the just-announced death of osama bin laden. To the men and women who have participated in the military's efforts to safeguard our lives before and since Sept. 11,2001, thank-you for your service. To the families of those who have served, thank-you for your support of your loved ones.
Re: Bin Laden dead

Ding dong the bastard's dead! think gas prices will come down now?:rofl_200: and Id love to know how many $$$$$$ were spent not to mention lives lost to get him.
Re: Bin Laden dead

Pakistan can keep saying he wasn't there. and say we didn't go into Pakistan to kill him.
win win

To all our troops GOOD JOB!! and THANK YOU
Re: Bin Laden dead

VMAXes UNITE. Let all ride down Main Street revving their pipes in as big of a pack as can be organized
Re: Bin Laden dead

Thanks to all involved in bringing this murderous bastard to justice and may he rot in hell! Time to go play my Toby Keith"Courtesy of the Red,White and Blue" and do a little partying my brothers!:punk::th_party39: God Bless America!
Re: Bin Laden dead

I know the confirmation and permission meeting didn't go this way, but you have to admit. Wouldn't it have been cool to have the president walk into the room with the CIA operatives and have said, "You wanna get your old school on?"

I'm still wondering who wrote his speech tonight. That was so unlike what he normally says, in words and in style. Kudo's to whom ever wrote it. They did a great job.

Re: Bin Laden dead

Good Riddance. Hope they peppered him up with holes like swiss cheese as a tribute to those who have suffered at his hand.
Re: bin laden dead

Sounds like a bullet through the brain and a burial at sea... The Saudi's were offered his body and wanted nothing to do with it.

So... What do we have today? We have one dead terrorist, Muslims around the world still don't trust us, and the chances of retaliation are higher than ever.

I couldn't be happier... When a push notification came over my phone last night and woke me up I about pooped! I turned on the TV, watched until Obama came on, watched his speech, and then turned it off. Needless to say, I'm tired today. lol

Re: bin laden dead

I want to see dead body pictures.. He should have been entombed in clear cast and put on display at Ground Zero.....
Re: bin laden dead

I wonder if he's gotten those 70 some virgins yet? You know, the nuns that are going to ****** slap the crap out of him? Wish this could have been announced 10 years ago.
Re: bin laden dead

My only question is whether or not the serviceman who got the bastard is going to be receiving the reward!! I surely hope so!!
Re: bin laden dead

My only question is whether or not the serviceman who got the bastard is going to be receiving the reward!! I surely hope so!!

Doubt it... That's not how it works. I'm sure they'll be getting something even better.

Just being able to sit back and KNOW you played a hand in bringing down the #1 wanted man in the U.S. would be everything.

The money was for people giving info that leads to the capture or death of him.

The Seals and others were doing the job they trained long and hard for.

Re: bin laden dead

They should have wrapped is body in the skin of a pig and entombed that ****** in concrete, followed by dropping his worthless corpse to the bottom of the Mariana Trench.....just to ensure that his soul is forever prevented for ascending to Heaven or wherever sick ***** like this think they go.

BTW: Do you know what the last thing to go through Osama Bin Laden's mind was during the raid......A 5.56 NATO round......Job Well Done Navy Seals!