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this is my ghetto ass setup
bicycle computer speedo, sunpro tach and walmart clock.
aint that pretty but it works
this is my ghetto ass setup
bicycle computer speedo, sunpro tach and walmart clock.
aint that pretty but it works
tach works fine prick...

yoi have made nothing but negative comments on every post ive made if you have nothing nice to say dont say anything at all.
I think he's inferring that your 8k limit on the tach isn't adeqate to get good coverage in the RPM's that really need it the most.
hes a mod snob who want the world to lick his *******

ill admit that he has made some nice bikes but hes made negative comments on every post ive made and its getting annoying.

for what i use my bike for (basic transportation) the 8k limit is fine. i commute so my bike rarely sees higher rpms. obviously if you plan to ride the bike like you stole it you would need a tach w a higher readout but this one suits me fine for what i use it for.
hes a mod snob who want the world to lick his *******

ill admit that he has made some nice bikes but hes made negative comments on every post ive made and its getting annoying.

for what i use my bike for (basic transportation) the 8k limit is fine. i commute so my bike rarely sees higher rpms. obviously if you plan to ride the bike like you stole it you would need a tach w a higher readout but this one suits me fine for what i use it for.
Lower your tongue cowboy...I was doing the same thing with him - no sense...
The problem is he did not done much by himself - everything was mostly bought...
Hes a quasi king for money...let it go.

But he did point you a good opinion which I also share. 8k range tacho sucks...
Looks slick Prze! Where do I sign on the dotted line!:biglaugh:
Hope to machine the casing next week. Tomorrow I have a planned visit in my friend's cnc shop. He needs some professional CAM help as its complicated part.
I have already made all CAM process - should be "load and play" into his machine.
Lower your tongue cowboy...I was doing the same thing with him - no sense...
The problem is he did not done much by himself - everything was mostly bought...
Hes a quasi king for money...let it go.

But he did point you a good opinion which I also share. 8k range tacho sucks...

yeh I was having a bad night and daddy morebucks was just icing on the cake.

maybe im not riding right but even at 5-7k i feel like im going to be ripped off the handlebars on mine? the t boost is set to kick in at 3.5k and a few seconds of that riding in traffic im either clear of all cars or up someones tailpipe.

do you guys really take your bikes past 8k anywhere but the strip? i mean props if you can manage that but even after 9 years of riding and 11 bikes (fastest being a gsxr750 track bike) i find the vmax has more than enough power below 8k rpm to do what it needs to on any US street, interstate included. ive had mine up to 135 and it never broke 8k.

all that said maybe i do puss out a little bit. my gsxr cost me my license for 2 years and about 6 grand worth of legal fees so i probably have lost my desire for the deep zone on the tach. still though, all bravado aside, the vmax can be downright scary at times- massive chassy flex at high speeds on uneven roads and in turns (remedied with frame supports i do not have yet), the front wheel does not like the pavement at all once boost kicks in which isnt a problem when youre TRYING to wheelie- but when youre merging on to interstate 4 and you crack it down to 2nd or 3rd to hop around an oil tanker merging at 35 mph and find your front tire floating as you pass over 3 lanes and have to rely on the one pot rear caliper to edge your nose close enough to the pavement to correct your trajectory before you are up and over the concrete barricade and falling a good 4 or 5 stories into the outskirts of downtown- it can be a bit disconcerting.

now if you have a max with frame supports, decent aftermarket brakes and braided lines, stage 7 kit or other work- i can understand making use of the 8k+ range and the need for it. but a stock max even in great condition IMHO has no business seeing over 8k. to me it just isnt necessary or safe.
do you guys really take your bikes past 8k anywhere but the strip?

yes pretty sure I went thru 3 gears at 10,500 the other day.. I like to get it out once a month even though its 30 degrees out
I always do. Of course not from every stop (but close to it lol). Either way the tach location isn't going to help anyway so it doesn't really matter what it reads.

I was going to use a cool tack made by autometer with the musclecar look but ended up with my current setup that I like (still working on the speed and other sensors).
Jstone your never too old. I made a video of my almost 60 year old dad takin mine down the road & back.

I was thinking there was more out there that had done a different setup with their gauges. Was it Lankee that was making a monster cluster? its been awhile
Past 8k? Heck yeah, especially 1st 2nd and 3rd gears. What would you have a Max for
if you didn't let it exercise its authority. I'm not pounding the gears either. I'm using the clutch and rolling slightly off the throttle. Plus, I'm running forward controls which ain't as direct and snappy as a stock set up. Maybe you live in a congested city? I even have 1,320 feet marked off a divided four lane stretch a mile from home for test and tune.
I always do. Of course not from every stop (but close to it lol). Either way the tach location isn't going to help anyway so it doesn't really matter what it reads.

Well said Sean!! If you other guys hate his setup so bad then step to the plate and buy him a new one... It's his bike and his money and he can sure as hell spend it whatever way he wants.. I've got a similar setup myself with a digital tach/shiftlight combo...
funny you mentioned your dad- mine finally talked me into letting him ride mine a few months ago and wheelied thru 3rd down the street by his house. idunno i like how fast it i. maybe tampa is a congested city but even out in brooksville where the roadd wind for days i rarely have a need to push it that high. i enjow the low end torque and being able to go from 30 to 80 in a few short seconds but after that im rusking jail or a hefty ticket. ive had my days of balls to the wall riding but the vmax is a pretty big bike, it doesnt handle too well and for what it is it has more than enough power to put a grin on your face under 8k. if you want to ride a bike just under red line why not trafe it in on a sportbike. theyre cheaper, faster in some cases and handle way better.

IMO the vmax is something along the lines of a sport tourer and should be ridden as such. even with all the money spent in every kind of performance part available you arent going to come close to the performance of a sport bike the same size. my gsxr750 only had a full micron and usb port power commander and honestly itd rape the vmax in every way performance wise. the difference is 1 riding position killed my back over long distances, 2 it wasnt a practical means of transportation in tampa because there was never enough road to ride it like it was intended and 3 everyone and their dog had one or knew someone who had one. i hated riding with other sport bike riders because they cut through traffic like ********s and IMO are the reason people hate bike riders in general. obnoxiously loud bikes blazing thru traffic cutting people off, revving at every stop light, cutting between cars- im just done with that era of life i guess. i prefer a quick bike that can get out of its own way when it needs to thats unique, stylish, and comfortable and thats what my VMax is to me.
I'm 69 yo and every ride has several blasts to redline. Part of the allure of the Max...:biglaugh:

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