States Seccession From The Union.

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With so many people actively thinking in the same direction, it needs to be addressed and in a respectful way.
BO has spent more money on his expense account in a week than addressing this will cost. $1.400,000,000.00 last year...
Wish I had $269,230,076.92 of OP's money to blow every week.... Guess I should run for Office.:confused2::rofl_200:
Do you want your name on a list inside the White House ? :ummm: Really ? Do you maybe think about the people that will be taking that information to the next step ? :ummm: Do you think the term ' Big Brother ' is just an organization to help little kids without fathers ? :ummm: This guy , and his little helpers are playing for keeps...just ask Petraeus and Allen...:wave bye:
With so many people actively thinking in the same direction, it needs to be addressed and in a respectful way.

I agree and I think it will warrant some kind of official response, but no secession or anything significant will result of it. It may seem like a lot but since the We The People program that is bringing all this to light requires nothing but a registration and a click there's no requirement of anything but an e-mail address. That means all 300 million + people in the US can sign or create a petition. Not just registered voters or even adults are limited to calling for action.

In that context, if the 20 states with petitions got all 25,000 signatures required for review that would represent 0.02% of the population being actively concerned with it. This program is meant to empower grassroots campaigns and bring serious issues to light that might otherwise have trouble getting noticed.

This stuff just creates noise and gives fodder to cease such programs in the future.
I said I was watching,,, For Now... I've worked for Big Brother enough to be cautious...:rofl_200:
:rofl_200: There are now 2 petitions to punish everybody who signed a secession petition :rofl_200:

Deport Everyone That Signed A Petition To Withdraw Their State From The United States Of America.

Strip the Citizenship from Everyone who Signed a Petition to Secede and Exile Them
All of this is funny and all, or not funny at all depending on who you ask. The real lesson from this is that the White House petition site is moving closer to becoming a joke with every passing day. Out of 92 open petitions, there are now 42 that are completely ridiculous and have absolutely no chance of receiving a legitimate response from the White House.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Oh but all nice things are Free.. Zack, I don't mean any of this to beat on you.
I'm sure we agree on a lot when it comes down to reality. Politics always sparks
different views. That will never change.
You have to admit the concept is pretty neat and shows something of an evolution in government.

When you think about the whole idea of how we're setup and why we're setup that way it could really stand for a bit of evolution due to communications advancements. The prevalence of the internet especially. Who knows what would be different about our laws and general structure if it were possible to inform and communicate as fast as we can now. It's worth keeping that in mind and trying something a bit new every now and again.

This represents an alternative fast-track way of getting some national attention by going with easily accessible community efforts and organizers. Rather than having to go to a local rep and hope they a) give a damn and b) can make your case hold water to a national audience. With this you can instead go to your friends, family, community organizations, churches, etc. If you get enough you have a guarantee of it being read and responded to, but of course no guarantee of action.

It's a method true to the point of how our government was structured - allowing everybody a chance to have their voice heard, and it's using tech that couldn't have possibly been imagined by founding fathers.

It's a nice idea, and it's going to complete waste with stuff like this.

Though when looking over all standing petitions and responses to petitions that made it... there doesn't seem to be anything that really puts something 'grassroots' style into play. The best response and overview that demonstrates any impact is the response to Actually take these petitions seriously instead of just using them as an excuse to pretend you are listening which shows a few petitions caused the administration to poke about and find there were already actions underway.

The program hasn't been around very long though. If even one petition goes in and gets eyes on it that wouldn't have otherwise been on it's a success in my opinion.
You have to admit the concept is pretty neat and shows something of an evolution in government.

When you think about the whole idea of how we're setup and why we're setup that way it could really stand for a bit of evolution due to communications advancements. The prevalence of the internet especially. Who knows what would be different about our laws and general structure if it were possible to inform and communicate as fast as we can now. It's worth keeping that in mind and trying something a bit new every now and again.

This represents an alternative fast-track way of getting some national attention by going with easily accessible community efforts and organizers. Rather than having to go to a local rep and hope they a) give a damn and b) can make your case hold water to a national audience. With this you can instead go to your friends, family, community organizations, churches, etc. If you get enough you have a guarantee of it being read and responded to, but of course no guarantee of action.

It's a method true to the point of how our government was structured - allowing everybody a chance to have their voice heard, and it's using tech that couldn't have possibly been imagined by founding fathers.

It's a nice idea, and it's going to complete waste with stuff like this.

So we need to consult with you first so we don't waste the gov't s time and money ?
That's not at all what I'm saying. It's just that petitions to secede from the union are not going to get serious traction. The program would be better utilized to bring to light issues that are virtual unknowns and have a chance at going somewhere as a result of the exposure.

This stuff is a gag. Most the people signing for the states to secede probably don't even live in those states.
Texas is nearing 100,000 signatures. I don't normally watch but Liberal CNN actually covered this whole issue, jokingly. It's gaining it's own traction as the states gain signatures,,, IMHO... May not be a joke when it's over....
Obama should allow Texas to secede.

$148 billion income from Texas.
$226 billion federal aid received by Texas.

Thanks for the 25,000 signatures guys, it turns out they were a great deficit reduction plan. Good luck with that border security though.

Real answer is it's all political posturing and nothing will change because once the actual ramifications are considered nobody will go through with it.
Ramifications like a Visa to travel into the United States? I'd think if any state had what it takes, it would be Texas. There would be a lot of pros and cons. Don't farm out all your jobs, or support foreign countries, and it might work. Export beef and produce to China along with oil? Texas could keep the taxes the Fed's squander now and have gas prices at $2.00 a gallon for Texans. It's complicated but interesting for sure. Don?t join the UN or be an unpaid world police force. Deport all illegals. Let me know before you seal the borders. Hmmmmmmmm
A bit more complicated than a Visa. Texas is one of the largest if not the largest homes to USAF, NASA, and a handful other of strictly US organizations. The private sector around there consists of a lot of contracted companies that support those orgs and would have to move out with them.

They're also home to some of the biggest secure data centers and tech companies, financial companies, health companies, etc. All of those industries wouldn't be allowed to be conducted outside of the US and would have to move.
A bit more complicated than a Visa. Texas is one of the largest if not the largest homes to USAF, NASA, and a handful other of strictly US organizations. The private sector around there consists of a lot of contracted companies that support those orgs and would have to move out with them.

They're also home to some of the biggest secure data centers and tech companies, financial companies, health companies, etc. All of those industries wouldn't be allowed to be conducted outside of the US and would have to move.

I don't normally get involved in political discussions but the US and technical/financial, etc companies already have facilities all over the world so I don't see that as a problem.

As stated, of all states, Texas probably is best able to survive as a separate country. Unlikely anything will happen though. I think this is just a "statement" to show displeasure at where this country is heading...
Those facilities service the regions they're in though. Most the time they're actually child companies so different tax codes and laws are subject accordingly. They pay up to the US-based parent company but they don't necessarily employ as heavily.

This would force a split from AT&T in Dallas serving the entire US to AT&T elsewhere serving the entire US and an AT&T of Texas branch.
I thought AZ was blocked because their law would have allowed the stopping of anybody at any time and be able to jail them if they couldn't produce their immigration papers on the fly? That's ripe for abuse and it gives a precedent to all kinds of things that would otherwise be illegal searches.

I don't think any amnesty plan has gone into effect or been successfully passed yet.

Looks like the 'show me your papers' part stood up.
It blocked measures that would have subjected illegal immigrants to criminal penalties for activities like seeking work. Which I guess I can see - why waste time and effort putting them through the legal system? Deport them instead.

I'm not terribly educated on this topic though so perhaps there are some catch-22's with an instant deportation.

I am living in AZ right now for work. I honestly think that if they would be seperate from the union that the laws that they would put in place would open up the job market. The illeagals leaving the state would look like people jumping from a sinking ship. I am all for that type of law, sure in the beginning it would be a pain in the ass just like TSA at the airports. It would get smoother and we in the end would appreciate the law. :clapping: I hate illeagals for the simple fact the ***** are costing each and everyone of us money sucking us dry by getting all of the free health care that they might need at our hospitals , not paying taxes and we all have to make up for the differences. It is truly hurting us , more people than jobs. Oh I forgot the one thing..... perhaps we could get some of the lazy ***** off their ass that are so called Americans that live in the states that also drain us by living off of the government. Implement drug testing for anyone that needs medicare , food stamps etc. The **** ain't free if you cannot pass the drug tests.... If the government doesn't pass something like that theyn they are only condoning the use of drugs.... but wait they are all for a drug free America LOL I swear the dumb ***** that run this country look past the little stuff that affects us as a whole. But wait " we cannot single out anyone" WTF do you think these other countries do when people break the law , like theft? sorry you need to lose a finger, hand etc. I am all for stricter laws , they might be a pain in the begining but in the end less BS to go around..

In case anybody is still seriously thinking this will go anywhere we now have:

Peacefully grant the City of Atlanta leave to withdraw from the State of Georgia and remain part of the United States

Cities petitioning to secede from states that secede.

Maybe Batman can be the new president of Arizona.
make Batman the Secretary of Defense.

On drug testing for aid recipients: It's been done in a few states already. The finding has been it's actually more expensive to drug test everybody than the savings from disqualifying the small % of those that fail the drug tests. A moral victory maybe, but a guaranteed financial loss. It makes a program that's already too expensive even more expensive so why bother?
:ummm: How many colonies Did the good old USA of A start with? :ummm: and why did it happen?

A strong, old school AMERICAN (or group of) with faith, Can (and will) DO WHAT IT TAKES, just push them far enough!

Its gonna get worse before it gets better, but it will get better, not in my lifetime and prolly not in my sons life time.

I call it a progressive regression, everything deteriorates,infrastructure, civility, value of printed money ,EVERYTHING!

but the ones that have the DESIRE TO SURVIVE,KNOWLEDGE,ETHICS, MORAL CODE, FAITH ,oh yeah AND GUNS LOTS OF GUNS. They will prevail, I belive this, But its not going to be pretty..
In case anybody is still seriously thinking this will go anywhere we now have:

Peacefully grant the City of Atlanta leave to withdraw from the State of Georgia and remain part of the United States

Cities petitioning to secede from states that secede.

Sorry Atlanta , some of the reasons the state wants to withdraw from the Socialist US of A , is to get rid of all the leftist cry babies and all their mandated presidential orders , dictator style , non-congressional approved czars with all their issues and directives , which helps keep the FREEDOM OF THE INDIVIDUAL down while supporting the poor , the illegals , and the 585 crooks running the country into the ground , who aren't bound by the freaking laws they pass .

Maybe Batman can be the new president of Arizona.
make Batman the Secretary of Defense.

This has been removed , as the moderators stated " blah , blah , blah " we didn't like this one.

On drug testing for aid recipients: It's been done in a few states already. The finding has been it's actually more expensive to drug test everybody than the savings from disqualifying the small % of those that fail the drug tests. A moral victory maybe, but a guaranteed financial loss. It makes a program that's already too expensive even more expensive so why bother?

Since when does the gov't give a rats ass about a program or enforcement of a program being more expensive ? Where are the facts about this study / findings ? I don't care about it being more expensive 'cause you know what ? As soon as the recipients find out about the testing , a ton of 'em will move to other left run cities that don't test 'em . See above comment about another reason for GA. withdrawing from the US of A.

Here's another plus for GA. & Texas . Once we're a foreign country , Bo can give us a few hundred billion for economic and humanitarian aid , and when he visits , he can bow down and kiss the governors ass !
Treason. I wish people would just get the **** out if they hate this country so much. Texas would not last two weeks without the rest of the USA. You guys need to get a life. You talk about loving this country while discussing how to break it apart. You do not know how good you have it. Pay your taxes and stop thinking somebody is stealing your ****. If you want to be part of the Fox News sheep, continue on. Murdoch is an Australian, ****** is not even American born. Ranger Tab out.

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