States Seccession From The Union.

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Treason. I wish people would just get the **** out if they hate this country so much. Texas would not last two weeks without the rest of the USA. You guys need to get a life. You talk about loving this country while discussing how to break it apart. You do not know how good you have it. Pay your taxes and stop thinking somebody is stealing your ****. If you want to be part of the Fox News sheep, continue on. Murdoch is an Australian, ****** is not even American born. Ranger Tab out.

Wow!!! This is why I said I hesitate to get involved in political discussions...

As far as Texas goes, I believe it has more natural gas and oil than most states except maybe Alaska. Texas could probably stand on its own better that almost any other state except again, Alaska. However, Alaska is just too cold for me... :biglaugh:

No state is going to secede. People are just trying to make a point that they are not happy with the direction and politics of this country.

Since when does the gov't give a rats ass about a program or enforcement of a program being more expensive ? Where are the facts about this study / findings ? I don't care about it being more expensive 'cause you know what ? As soon as the recipients find out about the testing , a ton of 'em will move to other left run cities that don't test 'em . See above comment about another reason for GA. withdrawing from the US of A.

Here's another plus for GA. & Texas . Once we're a foreign country , Bo can give us a few hundred billion for economic and humanitarian aid , and when he visits , he can bow down and kiss the governors ass !

Please don't use the red text it hurts to read on black.

Florida implemented it. Their governor also happens to have financial benefits from drug testing companies but no direct links have been made. A conflict of interest at the least though.

Considering this is being advocated for saving money on welfare I figured cost was of concern? Average cost of test = $30 * avg # of people on welfare per month * 12 months = a lot of money.

Even if you assume a large % of people are doing drugs and on welfare you have to also assume they won't be able to beat the test. Either not that many people on welfare are on drugs or a lot of people beat it. Whichever is going on less than 3% of people failed the tests and so it's not effective for the purpose of saving money.
Treason. I wish people would just get the **** out if they hate this country so much. Texas would not last two weeks without the rest of the USA. You guys need to get a life. You talk about loving this country while discussing how to break it apart. You do not know how good you have it. Pay your taxes and stop thinking somebody is stealing your ****. If you want to be part of the Fox News sheep, continue on. Murdoch is an Australian, ****** is not even American born. Ranger Tab out.

Treason. A violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

Asking for a peaceful civil divorce is not treason, and discussing things with people that have opposing views never hurts. At the end the goal is everybody learns something new and a more informed decision or compromise results. That's sort of the core of our current political system, even if it doesn't always work out that way.
Treason. I wish people would just get the **** out if they hate this country so much. Texas would not last two weeks without the rest of the USA. You guys need to get a life. You talk about loving this country while discussing how to break it apart. You do not know how good you have it. Pay your taxes and stop thinking somebody is stealing your ****. If you want to be part of the Fox News sheep, continue on. Murdoch is an Australian, ****** is not even American born. Ranger Tab out.

I'm a Texan, trust me, the secessionists are just taken as a bunch of crackpots here. Their argument for the ability to secede is invalid from the get go and will never come to fruition. Holds as much water as tax protesters saying income tax doesn't apply to wages.

Their motivation does hold validity in that the Feds have completely forgotten about the 10th amendment and ignored it for decades. But secession is no way to address it.
Yes, Texas prolly would stand a better chance on its own than most but the whole idea of breaking the USA up, splitting away from the greatest nation ever on the face of the planet is just plain moronic.
I applaud Texas and Arizona for making a statement, at least. The federal Gov't needs to get a clue from somewhere. They have completely screwed up this country. It's been a bi-partisan effort too. It started long ago. Get out there job hunting then tell me how much you love this country. I resent that Dick Wad that says I should leave if I don't like it here. **** you, you leave! See how happy you are with your fantastic country when everything you worked for is hanging by a thread. I worked my ass off since I was 15 and minimum wage was $2 an hr. There are no jobs that will support tradesman that have spent a lifetime buying tools, schooling and doing long and hard apprenticeships. Check CL, tools are cheap. Nobody needs them. We've paid our dues and just want to work. The wages here are kept low from the immigrants (thank you ted kennedy your legacy lives on) that have been allowed to come in and steal our jobs, working for peanuts. On the Cape they sleep in shifts, in the same bed, 10-15 in a small apaertment, and spend as little as they can to live. Don't get me going on the free medical they recieve. Then, they take their money and go back home to Brazil. I had an immigrant landscaper willing to cut my lawn for $15!(it takes a good hour to cut) The rest of the jobs got sent overseas where labor is cheap. All to help the rich! It's easier to milk the system than put a hard day’s work in. Learn Chinese if your young. I hope I'm long gone before it's needed to communicate with our new masters!
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Please don't use the red text it hurts to read on black.

Florida implemented it. Their governor also happens to have financial benefits from drug testing companies but no direct links have been made. A conflict of interest at the least though.

Considering this is being advocated for saving money on welfare I figured cost was of concern? Average cost of test = $30 * avg # of people on welfare per month * 12 months = a lot of money.

Even if you assume a large % of people are doing drugs and on welfare you have to also assume they won't be able to beat the test. Either not that many people on welfare are on drugs or a lot of people beat it. Whichever is going on less than 3% of people failed the tests and so it's not effective for the purpose of saving money.

You can change the black background or take the color out of the text if it hurts .

If there are no direct links to " financial benefits " to the governor , where is the conflict ? Campaign contributions perhaps ? We can go there if you like , glass houses & stones etc.

$ 30. per test would be cheap compared to a welfare brood mare with 7 kids by 6 different fathers , none of which are home to support them X 12 months per each.

Where and how and when did the 3 % number come from ? After the announcement that testing would occur ? Maybe a ton of 'em left the state for a more lucrative state that doesn't do testing ?
I'm Hi-Jacking My Own Thread......

Wow, I didn't expect this thread to go like it is. Because of the work I do, this and other subjects of current interest will have a huge impact on my life. At this stage, rumors and speculation abound about lots of things. It's my duty to sort through them and be better informed. I've held back on expanding further because I like truth. I've contacted a number of Senators and Congressmen and Women, trying to sort out the BS.

I'll wait and see about a lot of things but the Benghazi Attack ultimately falls on the President. 4 Americans were allowed to needlessly die. That doesn't set well with me or the Democrats / Republicans in Office. It's a huge blunder that will be answered for. No matter how many Generals are sacrificed as Flak to divert our attention. All of "We the People" deserve answers on this and should demand it. Contact our Congress and do the so.................

Seperating from The Union isn't an idea that will work. We all have to fight to fix a Totally Broken Government System. All of it, Democrat, Republican and Other.....
You can change the black background or take the color out of the text if it hurts .

I know I was just asking for you to save me the trouble.

If there are no direct links to " financial benefits " to the governor , where is the conflict ? Campaign contributions perhaps ? We can go there if you like , glass houses & stones etc.
Gov Rick Scott co-owns Solantic which is an urgent care company that offers drug testing at its facilities. Mandating every welfare recipient gets a drug test and not excluding his company that he directly stands to benefit from increased business is a conflict of interest. He hasn't been as bold as to require or contract his company do the testing so there is no smoking gun, but not exactly on the up and up as he hasn't excluded it either.

Additionally his old hospital company pleaded guilty to medicare fraud and paid $1.7 billion in fines. The hammer dropped a couple years after he resigned, but the fraud cases charged extend back to when he was at the helm.

Rollie said:
$ 30. per test would be cheap compared to a welfare brood mare with 7 kids by 6 different fathers , none of which are home to support them X 12 months per each.

This is a reasonable assumption, but testing the theory has shown it to be false.

Where and how and when did the 3 % number come from ? After the announcement that testing would occur ? Maybe a ton of 'em left the state for a more lucrative state that doesn't do testing ?
The % comes from the article I linked earlier:
From July through October in Florida — the four months when testing took place before Judge Scriven’s order — 2.6 percent of the state’s cash assistance applicants failed the drug test, or 108 of 4,086, according to the figures from the state obtained by the group. The most common reason was marijuana use. An additional 40 people canceled the tests without taking them.
I know I was just asking for you to save me the trouble.

Gov Rick Scott co-owns Solantic which is an urgent care company that offers drug testing at its facilities. Mandating every welfare recipient gets a drug test and not excluding his company that he directly stands to benefit from increased business is a conflict of interest. He hasn't been as bold as to require or contract his company do the testing so there is no smoking gun, but not exactly on the up and up as he hasn't excluded it either.

Additionally his old hospital company pleaded guilty to medicare fraud and paid $1.7 billion in fines. The hammer dropped a couple years after he resigned, but the fraud cases charged extend back to when he was at the helm.

This is a reasonable assumption, but testing the theory has shown it to be false.

The % comes from the article I linked earlier:

Are you really a Government Representitave that I should be talking one on one with???? You have answers for everything.:worthy:
No just a news hound lol

Keep up the good work there though. Sorry about your shady governor. Coming from Illinois I know all about that crap.
I worked my ass off since I was 15 and minimum wage was $2 an hr. There are no jobs that will support tradesman that have spent a lifetime buying tools, schooling and doing long and hard apprenticeships.

I feel you man. I'm from a long line of tradesmen in electric, plumbing, cabinetry, hvac, etc. The housing crisis caused a commercial real estate crisis which wasn't nearly as talked about. There was no work to be had for a long time and a lot of my family was out of work for the first time in their lives as a result. It's been a really rough couple of years, but on the plus side at least here all of them are employed again.

Things are getting better, but for sure not as quickly as they need to be.

As to your $2 min. wage - just going to point out the problem with minimum wage as it stands today. That $2 went waaaaaay further than the min wage goes now.

I present these 2 things as a simple statement of why people are feeling squeezed so hard:

The money everybody makes isn't working for them as much as it used to. Despite the $ amount increasing it's not keeping up with general cost of living. The average household now has 2 incomes compared to 50 years ago when it had 1 and people on the whole are not twice as well off. Immigration holding wages down is certainly part of it, but hardly the whole of it.
Not to change the subject but we are approaching 1,000,000 signatures on the petitions and all major news organizations are covering this. The Joke is being taken more seriously with each vote. I believe a point will be made at the very least. Americans are Sick and Tired of the entire Federal Government and serious Change and Reform Need to be made before we can move Forward as Our President has promised... WE'VE CHANGED FOR THE WORSE AND WE ARE NOT MOVING FORWARD.. Hello.......
If we can start lowering the cost of healthcare we'll see more tax income without actually having to raise taxes. We'll see the average dollar in our pockets go a little further, and we'll see an increase in consumer demand across the board. The first year Obamacare puts significant restrictions on the cost of insurance rising is 2015. I'm holding out for that.

This stuff is a gag. Most the people signing for the states to secede probably don't even live in those states.

Checked this out because that seems like a lot of signatures. Well I don't know about most, but it looks like a fair few of them are.

Looks like a lot of people just hate Texas...
Total Thread Hi Jack

ZackDaniels: I'd like to issue a challenge. You say you're a news hound. I watch all of the news channels so I can get the whole picture. I'm somewhat Far Right but but open to anything that's good for America. I like to see how the 90 percent Left American News Media portrays the important News. Benghazi is at the top of my list and all I see on the channels other than Fox News is Sensationalizing the Extra Marital Sex Scandal and a bunch of different things like defending Susan Rice's stupidity in Lying about the facts of what actually happened in Benghazi. She may have been thrown to the Lions but it's hard for me to believe anyone who may become our Secretary of State would be so Dumb. Now, liberal media is flowing over to blaming Isriel for protecting it's people. I watched as the Israeli Ambassador's interview was twisted to make Israel the Bad Guy in the current conflict... I wouldn't want to bet on America helping them out either. After all, Obama has told us we are a Muslim Nation. All of this peripheral BS is being used to take attention away from the Outright Lies told about Benghazi and many other things by the Obama Administration..

The Liberal News Channels are still bashing Romney who I consider to be a very Honorable Man who lost the Election. More Flak. Give it a REST. Also, the Liberal News Channels have started a Bash Campaign against Marco Rubio and other young Republicans. Getting an early start with the lies about them...

Yes, Fox is slanted to the right but has interviews with Senators and Congresspeople of both parties who have now seen evidence showing just how many lies have been told by this administration, starting before, during and after the Election. I hate all this Flak being reported to cover up and draw attention away from the lies to the American Public. You can tell when someone is lying, the story keeps changing. That's all I see from this Administration and the Liberal News. All of this has to End. We demand the truth be told.... Obama is ultimately responsible for 4 Outstanding American being killed and not even trying to stop it from happening.

Are you open to looking at the Whole Picture? Please, Give it an honest try.
I consider myself center right, but the Republican party over the last 4-8 years has ran way far right and left me standing in dirty Democrat territory as they shifted over to fill the void. Nixon and Reagan both campaigned on the importance of healthcare and sane social security policies, but now it's suddenly a dirty liberal thing? The GOP may have changed their mind but I haven't.

Everybody that isn't Fox stopped covering Benghazi in earnest since before the election. They just don't smell the scandal that Fox seems to. They mention it where there's new information to report such as the hearings and what not, but they don't dedicate half an hour of air time asking why nobody else is covering it. With this view in mind they're not talking about current events to avoid talking about Benghazi, they're just not talking about old news every single day.
SpecOps13 said:
She may have been thrown to the Lions but it's hard for me to believe anyone who may become our Secretary of State would be so Dumb.

Not to justify the current thing, but if you remember SoS Colin Powell pointing to sat photos and telling everybody they were WMDs in Iraq. We went to war over bad information. **** happens sometimes, and when that **** ends up removing a shitbag like Saddam I'm not about to get overly worked up about it. It's the point though that if we knew then what we know now we probably wouldn't have gone. If you want to tunnel vision that then all the lives and economic resources used for Iraq.... I didn't buy the conspiracy theories about blood for oil then, and I don't buy this crap now.

SpecOps13 said:
Are you open to looking at the Whole Picture? Please, Give it an honest try.

To the point of Benghazi being a big scandal. What's the current reasoning for this over at Fox?
The cover up: They said it was a video and it wasn't!
They never said with certainty that this was a video. They said we are pretty sure it's a spontaneous thing caused by this video, but we're still investigating. At times they went as far as insisting they had absolutely no information to imply it was an organized attack, but they were still investigating.
During this time in addition to saying they were still investigating there were also statements made condemning acts of violence like this and stating that there would be retribution against all those taking part in acts of terror (not labeling it terrorism). Romney reaaaaally botched this in the 2nd debate by walking himself into a semantics trap. He missed the point he was trying to make by hyper focusing on specific words. The result is 'please proceed' now being a thing people say when they know somebody is about to hang their self.

The inaction: They watched the whole thing, they ignored calls for security, and had units in range that could have responded.

They watched it all happen from an unarmed drone. I remember watching a plane hit the towers and everybody being uncertain as to wtf. This might be a malfunction, and it might be a terrorist attack, and we hope for answers as soon as possible and..... oh **** a second plane just hit... no doubt about it anymore we are under attack. Watching a mob outside a building doesn't tell you anything other than that there's a mob outside a building. If you see automatic weapons and mortars going off you warrant a full investigation into the cause, effect, and those responsible. You don't make announcements to the public stating it was for certain a terrorist attack until you have more to go on.

The same guy that testified about his calls for security being ignored also stated that the security he was requesting wouldn't have made a difference. A dozen extra guards and an extra wall wouldn't have stopped this unprecedented attack. Security was beefed up around the world for the 9/11 anniversary, and there was a judgment call that an area that had never had anything like this before wasn't the priority. The wrong call in hindsight, but you can't fault people for not being psychic, and it's especially hard to fault them when the same guy that requested it said it only would have resulted in the loss of more American lives.

A lot of what I see about resources in XYZ area seem outright ridiculous. No doubt we could have responded better but to suggest the right call was there to be made instantly and resources could have been rallied and responded in the nick of time is reaching at the very least. The response does seem to have been flubbed by not including all the parties that should have been included.

The Point
I have yet to see anything that has lead me to believe this to be an intentional cover up or full of malice. Of course people along the way ****** up somewhere or this wouldn't have happened. What I don't understand is why we are so heavily looking inward on this and trying to hang our own people for it. A full investigation is being conducted and the administration has vowed full cooperation with it, and the break downs will be discovered and improved on going forward. What are you reading that makes you think otherwise?
"Nixon and Reagan both campaigned on the importance of healthcare"

I seem to remember Reagan warning that if we allowed the government to control healthcare we would one day wake up to discover we were living under Socialism.
You're right I should have separated that better. Let me revise.

Nixon campaigned on the importance of healthcare, and Reagan on sane social security policies.

Fact checked myself a bit and found Nixon's actual call for action in 1974.
Here's some stats he uses to justify how important reform is:
--Across the Nation, the average cost of a day of hospital care now exceeds $110.
--The average cost of delivering a baby and providing postnatal care approaches $1,000.
--The average cost of health care for terminal cancer now exceeds $20,000.

Since then the average cost of these things has gone up by a factor of 10. Meanwhile the inflation adjusted average wages of a household has stagnated and the value of the dollar has actually dropped. No need for reform though because Obama.... ?
Zack for the most part I'm with you and if it weren't for fast and furious and other scandals I would most certainly hold your same view but once the red flags are raised there is no going back... I hated Bush almost as badly as Obama and I hated Clinton before him because they all seem to want to destroy our liberties at home and flat out ignore the constitution... I'm not informed enough to get into the Libya thing but Obama has done plenty enough in other areas to make hate his guts...

Sent from my HTC Rezound using Tapatalk 2
I see that, but I don't think there is a president in recent history that was without scandal. All I can do is support the things I agree with and grimace at the things I don't. It's too defeatist to me to just throw my arms up in the air and **** on things making good progress because something else unrelated was terribly botched.

I haven't defended fast and furious and I won't because it's inexcusable. I just don't let it dim my view of absolutely everything else.
Not to change the subject but we are approaching 1,000,000 signatures on the petitions and all major news organizations are covering this. The Joke is being taken more seriously with each vote. I believe a point will be made at the very least. Americans are Sick and Tired of the Entire Federal Government and serious Change and Reform Need to be made before we can move Forward as Our President has promised... WE'VE CHANGED FOR THE WORSE AND WE ARE NOT MOVING FORWARD.. Hello.......

We need a Government FOR the People, Not an Emperor with Czars.....
I for 1 Don't like Socialism.... Both Current Parties are corrupt and have
been for a long time...... They haven't watched out for "We the People"
in a long time. IMHO.
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