I consider myself center right, but the Republican party over the last 4-8 years has ran way far right and left me standing in dirty Democrat territory as they shifted over to fill the void. Nixon and Reagan both campaigned on the importance of healthcare and sane social security policies, but now it's suddenly a dirty liberal thing? The GOP may have changed their mind but I haven't.
Everybody that isn't Fox stopped covering Benghazi in earnest since before the election. They just don't smell the scandal that Fox seems to. They mention it where there's new information to report such as the hearings and what not, but they don't dedicate half an hour of air time asking why nobody else is covering it. With this view in mind they're not talking about current events to avoid talking about Benghazi, they're just not talking about old news every single day.
SpecOps13 said:
She may have been thrown to the Lions but it's hard for me to believe anyone who may become our Secretary of State would be so Dumb.
Not to justify the current thing, but if you remember SoS Colin Powell pointing to sat photos and telling everybody they were WMDs in Iraq. We went to war over bad information. **** happens sometimes, and when that **** ends up removing a shitbag like Saddam I'm not about to get overly worked up about it. It's the point though that if we knew then what we know now we probably wouldn't have gone. If you want to tunnel vision that then all the lives and economic resources used for Iraq.... I didn't buy the conspiracy theories about blood for oil then, and I don't buy this crap now.
SpecOps13 said:
Are you open to looking at the Whole Picture? Please, Give it an honest try.
To the point of Benghazi being a big scandal. What's the current reasoning for this over at Fox?
The cover up: They said it was a video and it wasn't!
They never said with certainty that this was a video. They said we are pretty sure it's a spontaneous thing caused by this video,
but we're still investigating. At times they went as far as insisting they had absolutely no information to imply it was an organized attack,
but they were still investigating.
During this time in addition to saying they were still investigating there were also statements made condemning acts of violence like this and stating that there would be retribution against all those taking part in acts of terror (not labeling it terrorism). Romney reaaaaally botched this in the 2nd debate by walking himself into a semantics trap. He missed the point he was trying to make by hyper focusing on specific words. The result is 'please proceed' now being a thing people say when they know somebody is about to hang their self.
The inaction: They watched the whole thing, they ignored calls for security, and had units in range that could have responded.
They watched it all happen from an unarmed drone. I remember watching a plane hit the towers and everybody being uncertain as to wtf. This might be a malfunction, and it might be a terrorist attack, and we hope for answers as soon as possible and..... oh **** a second plane just hit... no doubt about it anymore we are under attack. Watching a mob outside a building doesn't tell you anything other than that there's a mob outside a building. If you see automatic weapons and mortars going off you warrant a full investigation into the cause, effect, and those responsible. You don't make announcements to the public stating it was for certain a terrorist attack until you have more to go on.
The same guy that testified about his calls for security being ignored also stated that the security he was requesting wouldn't have made a difference. A dozen extra guards and an extra wall wouldn't have stopped this unprecedented attack. Security was beefed up around the world for the 9/11 anniversary, and there was a judgment call that an area that had never had anything like this before wasn't the priority. The wrong call in hindsight, but you can't fault people for not being psychic, and it's especially hard to fault them when the same guy that requested it said it only would have resulted in the loss of more American lives.
A lot of what I see about resources in XYZ area seem outright ridiculous. No doubt we could have responded better but to suggest the right call was there to be made instantly and resources could have been rallied and responded in the nick of time is reaching at the very least.
The response does seem to have been flubbed by not including all the parties that should have been included.
The Point
I have yet to see anything that has lead me to believe this to be an intentional cover up or full of malice. Of course people along the way ****** up somewhere or this wouldn't have happened. What I don't understand is why we are so heavily looking inward on this and trying to hang our own people for it. A full investigation is being conducted and the administration has vowed full cooperation with it, and the break downs will be discovered and improved on going forward. What are you reading that makes you think otherwise?