Ah, I bet I stuck my velcro over it. Thanks for the heads up.
Anybody know if there is a replacement MAP Sensor that can be sourced locally? I mean from a general parts store like O'Reilly or NAPA. I was doing a little tweaking with the ignitech and noticed that the MAP sensor was reading 107mV with the engine on or off and did not respond to throttle input. Checked out all of the wiring and it all looks good. Have 5V at the MAP sensor plug. Any suggestions?
I played around with some of the maps again today, and made the V-boost TRULY RPM based.
I also broadened all of the part throttle curves.
I would suggest using 1 and 99 instead of 0 and 100. When the Ignitech unit starts, it first finds out the limits of the VBoost motor by rotating them both ways untill they go no further. I tested the percent range with my TPS and found out it strains the motor at 100% so 99 might be a safer option.
Only one setting needs to be changed for COP's without resistors.
Attached picture shows Miscellaneous tab. Halfway down on left side in Dwell box change the setting to either Short or Auto.
I attached a PDF detailing step by step how to do this.
It is important that you Read settings from TCI first, this is so you know you are modifying what is programmed into TCI., Make change, then Program back into TCI.