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Trump wasn't elected to be a nice guy, or to be cultured, or to practice eloquence in his speaking. He was elected to fix the country since the previous administration sold us out at every opportunity. And despite what the Left will have us think, Trump has done an excellent job. Don't believe me? Look at all the numbers because numbers don't, and cannot lie. 99% of the people I know got larger tax returns this past year. They are seeing more money in their paychecks. Trump is exactly what we needed, a NON-politician who puts this country first and doesn't care who doesn't like it all the while fighting the Democrats who KNOW the only way they can beat him is to remove him from office, ergo... the Brown Ring Circus continues. If Democratic Voter Fraud is contained reasonably well, Trump will win in 2020 by a tremendous electoral college landslide. Wait and see.
There are a hell of a lot of closet Trump supporters out there. Sad we have to stay in the closet to be safe from the folks who pitch tolerance.
Hi Im a Swede looking at your discussion with a little worrying....: Whats happening ? From 1960- 2016 ? US was the safety factor in a problematic world NOT NOW anymore ? Just this Years less tax ? Future ?
Im really worried if US goes "only US" then the Chinese will WIN no chance they have taken over the World in next 10-15 Years see whats happening with Car industry.......
Sorry that man MR Trumph makes me very worryed….. all his work from 2017 til to day is "US only" getting his all "right-right" Contries a new bonus ( Hungary ,Turkay, Saidi Arabia, Russia, Syria and so on..... Is this a coming NEW NAZI WORLD ?
Im really worried if US goes "only US" then the Chinese will WIN no chance they have taken over the World in next 10-15 Years see whats happening with Car industry.......

I would not worry either, Trump is only a feature of the US at the moment, he does not define us by any means. He was the thing we needed to displace Hillary Clinton from doing even more progressive/liberal style damage to our great country, and he succeeded. He also succeeded in helping the US (et al) place a long overdue foot on China's windpipe. Love him or hate him, he does deserve some credit for a few things.

My greatest hope is that nobody reading this thread from abroad takes Trump, or any of our recent POTUS/wannabees as an example of the mostly fine people that make up our country. Everyday people (for the most part) are not like any of these idiots.

trump is the best president that has come in a very long time not to worry

A disturbing fact that outlines some real problems with our whole electoral system. But it is a fact nonetheless.

I avidly dislike him, but more than that I love how much the left just ******* hates the tears out of him. That pleases me, makes me giddy like a schoolgirl when I hear the venom pouring out from the left!

President Donald Trump is the man for the time. Is he right about everything, no, is he wrong about everything, no. Just witness if you will the amount of corruption oozing out of DC as a result of the Schiff Clown Impeachment Show. The dummies are showing all their cards and the rats are starting to scatter. From the corrupt FBI/DOJ all the way up to the former President Obozo the vultures are starting to circle. In every charge against President Trump it's been boiled down to absolutely ZERO. Now the Bidens, that's another story and I'm not even going to mention the pay-for-play Klintons.
Anyone that does not see what has been happening in this country is stone blind and dumb.
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I have been fighting Socialism / Communism most of my 67 years. That's how I view the Democrats. JFK was the last Democrat that I Loved..
Our Government needs to be shaken up and Trump is doing his absolute best to do that... I want to see the Constitution of our Republic Stand and be Respected. I want people to do as the President wants because I would do the same things if I were there. We are America and I want to get back to what we were 50 years ago... I will vote for Trump's Family if they ever run for an office.. America First, then fix the rest of this **** Hole world to make it a good and safe place for everyone.
I have been fighting Socialism / Communism most of my 67 years. That's how I view the Democrats. JFK was the last Democrat that I Loved..
Our Government needs to be shaken up and Trump is doing his absolute best to do that... I want to see the Constitution of our Republic Stand and be Respected. I want people to do as the President wants because I would do the same things if I were there. We are America and I want to get back to what we were 50 years ago... I will vote for Trump's Family if they ever run for an office.. America First, then fix the rest of this **** Hole world to make it a good and safe place for everyone.

Sorry that man MR Trumph makes me very worryed….. all his work from 2017 til to day is "US only" getting his all "right-right" Contries a new bonus ( Hungary ,Turkay, Saidi Arabia, Russia, Syria and so on..... Is this a coming NEW NAZI WORLD ?

Going back to World War II, Europe and the rest of the world have taken advantage of the United States. Example 1: Europe has STILL not paid the legitimate debt owed to America for WWII. Trade deals, which Trump is tearing up, thankfully, have been decidedly one sided against America, especially with the Chinese. The Iran Nuclear Deal that Obozo set up was a complete joke. Does anyone with enough sense to pull down their pants before they sit down on a toilet believe that Iran can be trusted??? lol.... Hell, Obozo financed Iran's Nuclear Program's resurgence by flying back a plane load of cash that we, under our laws, could have legitimately kept. Just think of what that money could have done for our Veterans, etc. The U.S. is not the world's policeman. If other countries want our assistance, they need to bring something to the table as well.
trumpski is a vile man; a liar and a cheat, a bigot, a self-serving narcissist who works only for himself. He brings out the worst in humanity. He further enables that which he comes from; that being the very, very wealthy (I'm mostly retired, and paid more in taxes this year than I did before the GOPs tax-cut for the wealthy). The national debt has sky-rocketed because of that very tax cut. I can afford health coverage only because of the ACA; we all watched as trumpski and the GOP tried to drop health care with no replacement whatsoever, which would have left tens of millions of US citizens without coverage. As supposedly the most robust western economy, why is it that it is only the US that "can't afford" quality health care for all? He directs the brutal treatment of immigrant families at the southern border, while pushing for a stupid and very expensive wall which would have little impact other than displacing some landowners and being an eyesore.Comrade trumpski cozies up with foreign autocrats while damaging ties, perhaps irreparably, with our long-time allies. He rolls back environmental protections, and denies the reality of what is probably the greatest danger that life on this planet is facing, that being climate change. He undermines the military leadership by over-ruling the penalties they impose on rogue service members.

If all the myriad accusations against trumpski are fiction, why does he fight so hard to cover up the evidence? He should welcome the public display of evidence, if it only vindicates him. He promised to reveal his tax returns, as all modern presidents have, once elected, but (surprise!) he has no intention of doing so. He's a multi-failed businessman who manged to con a minority into getting him the Electoral College vote. We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama, and gained a wannabe mob boss, whom most of the population rightfully despises. The right wing seeks out vindication for their wacky conspiracy theories by ignoring the real news and visiting propaganda machines like Faux News, Breitbart, etc. They shun honest journalism and flock to quacks like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter. Their ignorance and gullibility astonishes me, but as PT Barnum is said to have mused, "there's a sucker born every minute". Come 2021, the US will begin rebuilding its place on the world stage, absent Don the Con.
"We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama"

Boy are YOU out in left field! Thank God most of the country doesn't agree with you, as you will soon see with our next election.
I have been fighting Socialism / Communism most of my 67 years. That's how I view the Democrats. JFK was the last Democrat that I Loved..
Our Government needs to be shaken up and Trump is doing his absolute best to do that... I want to see the Constitution of our Republic Stand and be Respected. I want people to do as the President wants because I would do the same things if I were there. We are America and I want to get back to what we were 50 years ago... I will vote for Trump's Family if they ever run for an office.. America First, then fix the rest of this **** Hole world to make it a good and safe place for everyone.
EXACTLY Could not have put it better myself!
trumpski is a vile man; a liar and a cheat, a bigot, a self-serving narcissist who works only for himself. He brings out the worst in humanity. He further enables that which he comes from; that being the very, very wealthy (I'm mostly retired, and paid more in taxes this year than I did before the GOPs tax-cut for the wealthy). The national debt has sky-rocketed because of that very tax cut. I can afford health coverage only because of the ACA; we all watched as trumpski and the GOP tried to drop health care with no replacement whatsoever, which would have left tens of millions of US citizens without coverage. As supposedly the most robust western economy, why is it that it is only the US that "can't afford" quality health care for all? He directs the brutal treatment of immigrant families at the southern border, while pushing for a stupid and very expensive wall which would have little impact other than displacing some landowners and being an eyesore.Comrade trumpski cozies up with foreign autocrats while damaging ties, perhaps irreparably, with our long-time allies. He rolls back environmental protections, and denies the reality of what is probably the greatest danger that life on this planet is facing, that being climate change. He undermines the military leadership by over-ruling the penalties they impose on rogue service members.

If all the myriad accusations against trumpski are fiction, why does he fight so hard to cover up the evidence? He should welcome the public display of evidence, if it only vindicates him. He promised to reveal his tax returns, as all modern presidents have, once elected, but (surprise!) he has no intention of doing so. He's a multi-failed businessman who manged to con a minority into getting him the Electoral College vote. We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama, and gained a wannabe mob boss, whom most of the population rightfully despises. The right wing seeks out vindication for their wacky conspiracy theories by ignoring the real news and visiting propaganda machines like Faux News, Breitbart, etc. They shun honest journalism and flock to quacks like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter. Their ignorance and gullibility astonishes me, but as PT Barnum is said to have mused, "there's a sucker born every minute". Come 2021, the US will begin rebuilding its place on the world stage, absent Don the Con.
You are wrong on every point. Don't just blindly follow the Dem story. Do your due diligence. Unless you take an hour a day off from CNN MSNBC CBS and the rest of the Dem controlled media and watch FOX you will never see the other side. If Trump cured cancer the 99% of the media would find fault. Frankly I can't understand how any reasonably educated person could not fiind some positive aspect of the Trump Presidency.

That is generally the dead give away. Everyone has experienced something positive from Trump. These blind rants show how ill informed some people are.. To Bad for our country.
"We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama"

Boy are YOU out in left field! Thank God most of the country doesn't agree with you, as you will soon see with our next election.
Correct! I really hoped Obama would be a great president. He had the opportunity and blew it.

Watch the clip where he t(Obama on a hot mic) tells Putin he'll be more flexible after the election. Frighting!

Also the country was never more decided Black vs White since the 60's Yes I'm that old..

And never more decided Dem vs Replican.

Just horrible. Look at the Trump Rally's plenty of every color and dialect. I love it!

The Dems try to devide the country
to get their own silly agenda.
trumpski is a vile man; a liar and a cheat, a bigot, a self-serving narcissist who works only for himself. He brings out the worst in humanity. He further enables that which he comes from; that being the very, very wealthy (I'm mostly retired, and paid more in taxes this year than I did before the GOPs tax-cut for the wealthy). The national debt has sky-rocketed because of that very tax cut. I can afford health coverage only because of the ACA; we all watched as trumpski and the GOP tried to drop health care with no replacement whatsoever, which would have left tens of millions of US citizens without coverage. As supposedly the most robust western economy, why is it that it is only the US that "can't afford" quality health care for all? He directs the brutal treatment of immigrant families at the southern border, while pushing for a stupid and very expensive wall which would have little impact other than displacing some landowners and being an eyesore.Comrade trumpski cozies up with foreign autocrats while damaging ties, perhaps irreparably, with our long-time allies. He rolls back environmental protections, and denies the reality of what is probably the greatest danger that life on this planet is facing, that being climate change. He undermines the military leadership by over-ruling the penalties they impose on rogue service members.

If all the myriad accusations against trumpski are fiction, why does he fight so hard to cover up the evidence? He should welcome the public display of evidence, if it only vindicates him. He promised to reveal his tax returns, as all modern presidents have, once elected, but (surprise!) he has no intention of doing so. He's a multi-failed businessman who manged to con a minority into getting him the Electoral College vote. We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama, and gained a wannabe mob boss, whom most of the population rightfully despises. The right wing seeks out vindication for their wacky conspiracy theories by ignoring the real news and visiting propaganda machines like Faux News, Breitbart, etc. They shun honest journalism and flock to quacks like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter. Their ignorance and gullibility astonishes me, but as PT Barnum is said to have mused, "there's a sucker born every minute". Come 2021, the US will begin rebuilding its place on the world stage, absent Don the Con.

I'd rather wake up tied to an ant hill than God Forbid, think like you.... You need to step away from the crack pipe, open your eyes and actually face reality. There is only one way to accurately gauge how well Trump is doing as President; the numbers... LOOK at the numbers because numbers can't lie, as opposed to the Liberals and Lying Democratic Party who I STRONGLY consider America's newest homegrown terrorist organization. Stock up on Kleenex because it will be in very short supply after you Libs get BLOWN out of the water in the next election. The vast majority of Americans have seen through the 'Brown Ring Circus' you Dims have talk about Barnum and Baily, and Schiff and Nadler... Keeping the Democratic Voter Fraud in check will produce the largest Electoral College victory for Trump in U.S political history.... sorry, (not really) your side is TOAST... We will retake the House, increase our advantage in the Senate, and keep the White House EASILY... The only people that don't agree are the Libs continually stuck in LaLa Land.. Trump was EXACTLY what we needed after Obozo sold us down the river at EVERY opportunity.... and he's doing all of this while thumbing his nose at you Democrats... he's proven he doesn't need your side... Your party is sinking as fast as the Titanic with people walking away from the Democratic Party in droves every single day. And we're LOVIN' IT.....
Most thinking, voting, tax-payers are able to recognize when someone is promising the sun and the moon with little to no negative impact. It has been very hard to take many of the recent candidates seriously when they still beat the tired old drum of free healthcare for all, free college for all, everyone deserves a place to live (in a city of their own choosing) and food to eat simply because they exist. Lets not forget mass student loan forgiveness among other absurd promises.

This is not a time for pipe dreaming and hollow words/bribes to voters, it's a time to try and reign in our bloated gov and reintroduce the politically incorrect concept of personal responsibility/accountability. Until the left can make some serious progress in these areas they will sure not have my vote. As stated I'm no fan of Trump but I'm a pretty big fan of some of his work.

What we need to remember is the left and right are not separate evils, they are two different pissflaps grafted to the same meatus. I hope to see the day that this bipartisan system goes down and candidates can be judged strictly on their positions and past behaviors.

I would also like to shift gears a little bit on this special day and express my strongest support for pro-democracy demonstrators across the globe. I saw one of these countries is waving American flags and doing a Thanksgiving day demonstration after Trump signed some legislation that seems to get sweeping approval from both left and right. It's nice in these rare times when virtually everyone agrees on the correct moves.
Most thinking, voting, tax-payers are able to recognize when someone is promising the sun and the moon with little to no negative impact. It has been very hard to take many of the recent candidates seriously when they still beat the tired old drum of free healthcare for all, free college for all, everyone deserves a place to live (in a city of their own choosing) and food to eat simply because they exist. Lets not forget mass student loan forgiveness among other absurd promises.

This is not a time for pipe dreaming and hollow words/bribes to voters, it's a time to try and reign in our bloated gov and reintroduce the politically incorrect concept of personal responsibility/accountability. Until the left can make some serious progress in these areas they will sure not have my vote. As stated I'm no fan of Trump but I'm a pretty big fan of some of his work.

What we need to remember is the left and right are not separate evils, they are two different pissflaps grafted to the same meatus. I hope to see the day that this bipartisan system goes down and candidates can be judged strictly on their positions and past behaviors.

I would also like to shift gears a little bit on this special day and express my strongest support for pro-democracy demonstrators across the globe. I saw one of these countries is waving American flags and doing a Thanksgiving day demonstration after Trump signed some legislation that seems to get sweeping approval from both left and right. It's nice in these rare times when virtually everyone agrees on the correct moves.
Don't even get me started on people being responsible.. That is a whole new rant for me. People need to be held accountable for their actions.

Saw yesterday on TV. 10,000 guns were confiscated in Chicago. The city with the toughest gun laws in the country. Some cop.. didn't catch his name said the real law is that unless you're picked up the 3x you get a pass and set on your way. No Penalty! What is up with that? These guys need to get 3-5 in a Fed facility or 3-5 in the Marines, Army or Navy.. Where they can learn to behave. If you're dishonorably discharged you spend the balance of your time + 2 years in a federal pen.
I can’t help but chime in here as I have a pretty objective view of politics. I consider myself the most conservative guy at a Whole Foods and the most liberal at a Monster truck event. Lol. Let’s not forget that our system has swung back and forth left and right over time. and one side has always found valid and invalid reasons to dislike the opposite party leader at the time. Some will take it too far, some will not listen to anything the other side says if we can agree on that it is easier to understand the width and depth of the divide, which we should all be trying to mend instead of increase. At the end of the day us Americans have the right to disagree with the power and can voice that opinion. Don’t take someone’s opinion as anti America. No matter someone’s view of a president let’s respect each other. Or not?
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