three percent the truth

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My argument was more about respect for our fellow Americans despite there political belief. Nothing really For or against trump. I’ve always argued that the middle ground has the best view when it comes to politics. Politicians all have an agenda and it seldom revolves around the majority of the people.
Unfortunately Correct
if any country gains a leader that puts people before corporations they'll probably end up assassinated
Trump sold us out for a tax break. Our country's debt is sky rocketing! Take your heads out of Trump and Fox's lies. They are master brainwashers. We all know that short term gains from tax cuts end up hurting us bad. But since Trump believers are in denial they just keep parroting lies. We all know ignoring how we are changing the planets climate will hurt us all bad. Yet Trump said China made it up so the brainwashed believed. Sorry guys I am smart enough to see the brainwashing and not allow it to happen. Drop the denial, turn off fox and Trump do some independent investigation followed by independent thought and you will realize how bad you have been fooled!!
I come on here to read about V max stuff and I see AH's bragging about failed former presidents. Shouldn't be allowed on here, period.

I think the burn out pit is the only place here that it is allowed. Sort of a safe space for those of us that hate safe spaces, if you will.

I can assure you that the rest of the forum sections here are filled with quality motorcycle related content, helpful folks and nothing else. I dont care for personal attacks but this content and subject matter is interesting to many of us, even when it goes off the rails a tad. This section is labeled as **** so there is that heads up for those entering.
I like reading about VMAX stuff the most. But as long as the political stuff stays on 1 thread personally I think it is OK.

Unfortunately I / we have to deal with some of these rants of personal opinion vs real facts.
All leaders, presidents, chairmans, CEOs, pharaons, tzars, representatives, noblemen... etc just ****** piece of ****! TRAMP, OBAMA, BUSH CLINTON... included. Your deserve your ********, if you do not understand this.
I personally don't think we have had a really good president since Regan, and I did like Kennedy.

For all his faults, Trump calls it like he sees it. No BS. He has been one of the few presidents that has made every effort to fulfill his promises ( regardless if you agree with him or his approach) in spite of being completely blocked by the Dems no matter what the issue.

He absolutely puts the US and people First. He just signed that humanitarian bill in support of the people of Hong Kong knowing full well it was going to piss off the Chinese and put the China deal in a bit more shakey ground. But was the right thing to do.
It's not so hard to see that I don't fit in with this group. See you at the voting booth.

Be sure to buy a lot of Kleenex cause you'll be needing it after the 2020 Trump is going to win in an Electoral College LANDSLIDE... You want to see the job Trump is doing? Look at the NUMBERS because numbers cannot lie... and all the while he is succeeding beyond all hope while thumbing his nose at the brain dead Liberal Democrats who I consider America's newest homegrown terrorist organization.
All leaders, presidents, chairmans, CEOs, pharaons, tzars, representatives, noblemen... etc just ****** piece of ****! TRAMP, OBAMA, BUSH CLINTON... included. Your deserve your ********, if you do not understand this.

It states you are from Los Angles. Half of your city is a third world complete ********, just like every major city run by Democrats... You have half the homeless people in the country living in CA. Your Gov. Newsom is so busy giving illegal refugees everything on a silver platter that he can't afford to buy any more firefighting equipment..... Best thing for this country would be if CA would just slide off into the Pacific.... except the northern part where people still act, behave, and think normally. Southern CA just never stopped dong recreational drugs and the result is a terminal 'LaLa Land'.... lol
Yours is a reasonable argument, but it's very difficult to see sanity in support for such an obviously immoral incompetent as trump. As far as I'm concerned, he's public enemy #1

As far as I'm concerned you are a homegrown terrorist. Look at the 'numbers', we are in the strongest economic position ever.... Look at every major city controlled by Democrats... nothing but third world shitholes.... Stock up on Kleenex and go back to your coloring books and safe space.
It states you are from Los Angles. Half of your city is a third world complete ********, just like every major city run by Democrats... You have half the homeless people in the country living in CA. Your Gov. Newsom is so busy giving illegal refugees everything on a silver platter that he can't afford to buy any more firefighting equipment..... Best thing for this country would be if CA would just slide off into the Pacific.... except the northern part where people still act, behave, and think normally. Southern CA just never stopped dong recreational drugs and the result is a terminal 'LaLa Land'.... lol
The video of S. CA is appalling!

I wonder if the Left media show how bad it is..
The video of S. CA is appalling!

I wonder if the Left media show how bad it is..

I have friends/family still peppering the West Coast, lived in SoCal as a child through the 70s and I can tell you much of it was ugly then. Now I hear it's a public toilet (literally as well as figuratively) almost everywhere. WA not too much better, parts of Seattle were downright appalling when I left in 05.

If we're wondering what a progressively/liberally run country might look like, we can start by looking at fully blue states too preview that frightening scenario.

With all due respect to my left leaning Vmax counterparts, it's sort of hard to explain this away. I'm not talking about moderate dems, I'm talking about extreme lefties like some of the current Dem candidates.
Trump sold us out for a tax break. Our country's debt is sky rocketing! Take your heads out of Trump and Fox's lies. They are master brainwashers. We all know that short term gains from tax cuts end up hurting us bad. But since Trump believers are in denial they just keep parroting lies. We all know ignoring how we are changing the planets climate will hurt us all bad. Yet Trump said China made it up so the brainwashed believed. Sorry guys I am smart enough to see the brainwashing and not allow it to happen. Drop the denial, turn off fox and Trump do some independent investigation followed by independent thought and you will realize how bad you have been fooled!!

Don't EVEN talk to me about 'Selling Out' after Hillary's Uranium Deal with Russia or OButthead giving back Iran 150 BILLION dollars in the middle of the night that we could have legitimately kept but NO... OButthead personally kickstarted Iran's Nuclear Program with that gift.... I don't think you're smart enough to open up a new box of Crayola Crayons. THE best way to judge any President is to look at the 'numbers' because numbers cannot lie. Obama said that a 2% GDP would never been seen again, that a 1% GDP was "The new norm". He even asked how Trump would make good on his promise with "A magic wand or something?" It's now at 4.1% thanks to Trump and his policies. You Liberals are a humiliating embarrassment to this country. You have totally lost the concept of common sense, so badly that you dreamed up Common Core Math which is THE most insane program I've ever seen introduced into our educational system. Libs now in certain brain dead areas of our country have now installed mandatory classes on Muslim 'religion' and Sharia Law. If I ever caught a teacher trying to fill my children's heads with such propaganda, I would throw him/her through a wall. My idea is to send all the Libs to Venezuela and let them live happily ever after. Democrats: the newest face of homegrown Terrorism.... well bring it Dims, I'm MORE than ready....
Trump sold us out for a tax break. Our country's debt is sky rocketing! Take your heads out of Trump and Fox's lies. They are master brainwashers. We all know that short term gains from tax cuts end up hurting us bad. But since Trump believers are in denial they just keep parroting lies. We all know ignoring how we are changing the planets climate will hurt us all bad. Yet Trump said China made it up so the brainwashed believed. Sorry guys I am smart enough to see the brainwashing and not allow it to happen. Drop the denial, turn off fox and Trump do some independent investigation followed by independent thought and you will realize how bad you have been fooled!!
Practice what you preach, look at the Democrats and tell me about independent thought! Give me a break.
Don't EVEN talk to me about 'Selling Out' after Hillary's Uranium Deal with Russia or OButthead giving back Iran 150 BILLION dollars in the middle of the night that we could have legitimately kept but NO... OButthead personally kickstarted Iran's Nuclear Program with that gift.... I don't think you're smart enough to open up a new box of Crayola Crayons. THE best way to judge any President is to look at the 'numbers' because numbers cannot lie. Obama said that a 2% GDP would never been seen again, that a 1% GDP was "The new norm". He even asked how Trump would make good on his promise with "A magic wand or something?" It's now at 4.1% thanks to Trump and his policies. You Liberals are a humiliating embarrassment to this country. You have totally lost the concept of common sense, so badly that you dreamed up Common Core Math which is THE most insane program I've ever seen introduced into our educational system. Libs now in certain brain dead areas of our country have now installed mandatory classes on Muslim 'religion' and Sharia Law. If I ever caught a teacher trying to fill my children's heads with such propaganda, I would throw him/her through a wall. My idea is to send all the Libs to Venezuela and let them live happily ever after. Democrats: the newest face of homegrown Terrorism.... well bring it Dims, I'm MORE than ready....
THE best way to judge any President is to look at the 'numbers' because numbers cannot lie. Obama said that a 2% GDP would never been seen again, that a 1% GDP was "The new norm". He even asked how Trump would make good on his promise with "A magic wand or something?" It's now at 4.1% thanks to Trump and his policies...

So actually Obama said that growth in the 2% range would be the new normal..... which happens to be where we are right now after the corporate tax cut sugar high. Nowhere near 4.1%.

If you're getting your "facts"/"stats" from one of Trump's rally speeches, that's probably the problem. He is a habitual, some would say pathological liar and exaggerater.
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