three percent the truth

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Obozo did how many Quantative Eazing rounds. What an ass.. To have 1% GDP growth.. Then says that is the norm.. BS..

If Nancy P would put USMCA to the floor.. we would all be in even better shape but she won't give Trump a win. Also, Trump has got the balls to go head to head with the Chinese which not 1 President from either side ever had the balls to take these bastards on. GDP and markets would be over the top.. we'll get there.. DOW 30K! Watch your 401k and kids 529 GROW!!

Hopefully we'll take back the house too !! Yippee!

Tell me again why Trump sucks.. NOT..
Who was it that brought unemployment WAY down, and put the deficit on a path down?

Deficit it on its way up now with Drumpf in office.

Don't listen to the Donald.....he's a liar.

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So actually Obama said that growth in the 2% range would be the new normal..... which happens to be where we are right now after the corporate tax cut sugar high. Nowhere near 4.1%.

If you're getting your "facts"/"stats" from one of Trump's rally speeches, that's probably the problem. He is a habitual, some would say pathological liar and exaggerater.
It appears that your numbers are
skewed, look at the facts and quit making up your own numbers to try and appear somewhat intelligent.
Haha yeah..... I just made those charts up. LOL. :)

Fake news! LMAO!
BTW ..... Obama had quarters where the GDP was around 5%, Drumpf has never done that.


I hate to confuse anybody with the facts.

Trump has played golf on 186 different days since becoming President.

Have you ever see a bigger ******** artist!
I sure wish there was a way to filter out this thread from my daily "Vmax" thread updates. There are plenty of other sites if you want to argue politics.
So actually Obama said that growth in the 2% range would be the new normal..... which happens to be where we are right now after the corporate tax cut sugar high. Nowhere near 4.1%.

If you're getting your "facts"/"stats" from one of Trump's rally speeches, that's probably the problem. He is a habitual, some would say pathological liar and exaggerater.

That is NOT what Obama said. There are multiple sources where you can listen to his speech. I get my facts from multiple websites and the only news I watch is BBC. The only problem is that you Libs won't pull your heads out of your own azzes and as of last Wed. the GDP WAS at 4.1% so it might be appropriate if you actually started doing a little research rather than pull BS out of your azz. And wasn't it nice when Trump visited troops in Afghanistan over Thanksgiving when Obammy couldn't even be bothered to salute the Marines when departing Air Force One. Look at all Help Wanted signs posted everywhere which has driven wages up. Look at all the 18 Wheelers traveling the Interstates now delivering goods. How about all the new cars and trucks flying out of dealer's showrooms. How about the businesses that have cancelled their overseas plans and keeping jobs in America? You saw NONE of that under Obammy.... Maybe try opening your eyes and actually seeing what's going on... You're so brainwashed by the Loony Left that you are too scared to see what Trump has done for the country which is now enjoying perhaps the best economy on record. So suck on that.... buy Kleenex and crayons because they will be in very short supply after Trump CRUSHES you in 2020... And maybe in YOUR spare time, you might teach Jerry Nadler how to wear a pair of
BTW ..... Obama had quarters where the GDP was around 5%, Drumpf has never done that.


I hate to confuse anybody with the facts.

Seeing as you're from New York, that pretty much disqualifies you from even attempting to state facts.... The last time the GDP was at 5% was back in 1978 when the Fed raised rate to 20% to stop inflation.... You heard right, 1978... Kind of sucks to be you when you're bagged stating outright Here's the link for you 'Research Challenged Dullards'...

Time to go back to your crayons and safe space, 'Richardhead'... lmao
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New York is a **** hole, the city is destroying the rest of the upstate. They should be their own state "new California" and completely cut off from the upstate. Commy Cuomo and his minions think what's good for the city is good for the upstate that's mostly rural. My wife and I worked 40 hour a week jobs and lived with her mom we had two cars, and car payments, cell phone, insurance, and barely had enough money to buy food. Moved 5 years ago to South Carolina and with just me working 60 hours a week we were far more ahead than we ever were in NY and we have more bills. Rent, utilitys, insurance on 4 vehicles, and 2 motorcycles, 1 vehicle payment on my 18 Vmax, and we still have money to save for a house. Difference between a red state and blue state I guess. NY is nothing but an ambarasment anymore........... Nobody wants to work, they all want free handouts. Ithaca has an O.D. place for druggies with emt on standby so the poor druggies don't die from and they can't be arrested. Just more votes to keep commy Cuomo in office, give everybody free handouts to bait the voters. Give them what they want, instead of what they need, you'll win their vote Everytime. Sad, sad, sad. Don't even get me started on the "safe act" that was illegally implemented in the wee hours of the night, and ram rodded into law in less than 24 hours. I'm not one for being told what I can and what I can't do on my own property, with my own property. Why people want to be told how to live is beyond me, led around by the hand like a child. Big brother will take care of you, just hold my hand while your lead to the slaughter house, it'll be ok I'll give free stuff on the way, you just gotta do what I tell you do, when I tell you to do it.
Seeing as you're from New York, that pretty much disqualifies you from even attempting to state facts.... The last time the GDP was at 5% was back in 1978 when the Fed raised rate to 20% to stop inflation.... You heard right, 1978... Kind of sucks to be you when your bagged stating outright Here's the link for you 'Research Challenged Dullards'...

Time to go back to your crayons and safe space, 'Richardhead'... lmao

I'm just wasting time with you.......

Last 2 quarters GDP 2%.


You're the one that is brainwashed......

You might want to work on your sources for statistics, I'm using numbers right from the Bureau of Economic Analysis...not some website that spins the numbers.

As far as being from NY, I've lived 20 minutes from NYC (one of the safest cities in the US BTW) my whole life. That's how I know all about Trump. Everyone that has seen him on a regular basis knows that he's an immoral con man. Some in other parts of the country are starting to see that now with his constant barrage of lies and with everyone around him (you know "I only hire the best people" LOL) going to jail or resigning.

You can believe what you want to believe, it's America after all. My facts are correct and indisputable.

Name calling isn't very attractive, but it's pretty common with people on the wrong side of an argument.
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" And wasn't it nice when Trump visited troops in Afghanistan over Thanksgiving when Obammy couldn't even be bothered to salute the Marines when departing Air Force One."

President Obama met with troops in Iraq as a senator in 2008 and returned as president within three months of taking office in 2009.

He would visit service members in Afghanistan four times during his presidency. During a surprise trip in 2014, after addressing a crowd of uniformed personnel, Obama made a point of shaking hands with each of them.

Forgot to salute one time so he went back and apologized.

Trump salutes North Korean general. This was of course after him and Kim "Fell in love" ......Trump's own words! LOL

This would be so much fun if I didn't have better things to do.....I need to retire. :D
This would be so much fun if I didn't have better things to do.....I need to retire. :D

Well I'm sure no one will miss either you OR your New York ********... Just be sure you're on the front lines when you and your fellow Cumoites come and try to take our guns... lmao... Anybody that even chooses to voluntarily live in NYC should go ahead and get rings through your noses so you can be led around easier...

And the GDP WAS at 4.1... stop looking at the Clinton News Network....
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