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As a foriegner I have made several questions of the situation in US..... still no answering on my normal outsider questions !
Why ? Afraid of reality ?
Perhaps People outside US is not worth discussing with ?
Just GDP level interesting.. !
I just noticed this RE tax records of Trump.

Looks like we might see whats in there after all. I'll laugh my ass of if it's all on the up and up, especially given how hard he made them work for it. I suspect that is not the case though.
I think it's probably true that if the IRS or any other alphabet soup agency digs into your financial or any other part of your former private lives then they will with certainty find something that can be amplified in a major "federal" crime. My dad, an honest and admirable man, WW2 Marine veteran told me from a young age to watch and be aware because if the cops want you for anything or any reason, you're screwed.
As a foriegner I have made several questions of the situation in US..... still no answering on my normal outsider questions !
Why ? Afraid of reality ?
Perhaps People outside US is not worth discussing with ?
Just GDP level interesting.. !
Sorry Lars, Guess I am not understanding your specific question. Maybe I have just missed it.
As a foriegner I have made several questions of the situation in US..... still no answering on my normal outsider questions !
Why ? Afraid of reality ?
Perhaps People outside US is not worth discussing with ?
Just GDP level interesting.. !

I think it's awesome that you are here, I love to see those from outside the US, diversity is never bad. The USA is a fantastic place to visit and live. There truly is something for everyone, many different states here are just like separate countries so a little research would make sure you had the best time and one you were looking for, complete with all the vices you enjoy. We've got some amazing weed over here too, in some states it is very legal. Tons of micro-brewers if you like to indulge in some booze, wine tours etc. Beautiful women from all over the globe here too. Whatever your poison is we can tell you where to go and have a great time. If your a misanthrope like me and want some stunning scenery away from cities, we've gotcha covered there too. The further from US cities you get the nicer folks get as a general rule. I live in the woods and enjoy some of the finest motorcycling roads on earth (some of, there are other awesome places too).

The political discussions definitely bring out the worst in anyone. We are passionate about preserving our country, and to some extent restoring it from decades of terrible leadership. We have some differing ideas about how that should be done, hence these discussions. I think a lot of us are terribly frustrated by the extremely poor leadership choices we have been getting for the last quarter century, or longer. The folks you see here disagreeing are all decent folk, I've been here long enough to realize that.

I want to repeat this for everyone abroad. Please, please do NOT take our POTUS or any of our politicians as an example of normal Americans. They are the absolute worst people we could possibly come up with. With precious little exception they are morally and creatively bankrupt, crooked, greedy, often pretty stupid, self serving lying sacks of ****. It is a deep flaw of the USA that this is what it takes to enter politics.

For the most part we not only tolerate but often embrace those from other cultures, countries, lifestyles and belief systems. What you see in this thread is not what you would see hanging out stateside. I hope this helps solve some ambiguity brought on by our feisty political banter. We have our bad folks too but America is fantastic and like I said, something for everyone.
More amusing and very good news. To bad they have so many spares of her ilk.

Her and Beto, thank God. Only 1 more left that blats about the second amendment, then you got the Mr. Magoo, and his wife spewing about free health care, free college, and whatever other free hands out to bait the voters that need to drop out............ More common sense people need to run, not these ones with their heads out past Jupiter. I just don't see how free hand outs is gonna fix anything, or make anything any better.
I think it's probably true that if the IRS or any other alphabet soup agency digs into your financial or any other part of your former private lives then they will with certainty find something that can be amplified in a major "federal" crime. My dad, an honest and admirable man, WW2 Marine veteran told me from a young age to watch and be aware because if the cops want you for anything or any reason, you're screwed.
In regard to IRS I understand the disposition but it doesn’t make the lie ok. Check out on Netflix the confession tapes I think it’s called. It’s cases where people were coerced into confession. Definitely will not build any trust in our justice system.
Until this country starts to return to it's Biblical roots and principals it will continue to go down this path. We are born into corruption and without being led away from that by God's word we are all led by our self serving greed as is displayed by the majority of the leadership in DC. This wonderful country was founded under the umbrella of the principal's found in the Bible, God's word. It's our history, our real history, not the history they are slicing and dicing and feeding young skulls of mush the last 50 or so years. I will continue to pray for our great country and all that reside in it, that those that haven't will repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for repentance and His leadership and guidance through the Holy Spirit. May God Bless you all!
For over 3 years we have endured a non-stop onslaught against a duly elected President. The Mueller Report was supposed to be the 'Knockout Punch' against Trump and it was anything but. Most consider it a total flop. Now the Impeachment Hearings. I watched them closely and I saw/heard was conjecture based upon 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand hearsay. I watched as Elise Stefanik made mincemeat out of Adam Schiff. Jim Jordan did the same but with all the Democrats and their witnesses. When finished, I realized I had watched nothing other than a Political Party try to unseat a duly elected President for no other reason than they hate him and the entire reason for this is because the Democrats KNOW there is no chance in the world they can beat Donald Trump in the next election so their only option is to remove him from office. THAT is how desperate the Democrats are to stay in power. For them, the good ship 'Ethics' has long since sailed. To me Democrats have become nothing more than the newest homegrown terrorist organization. They want everything their way and only their way. Compromise is not in their vocabulary. Barring voter fraud by Democrats which we know is coming, Trump will win re-election in an Electoral College landslide. If Democratic voter fraud actually causes him to lose, there will be an armed rebellion in this country such as the world has never seen. Wait and see.... Over 125 MILLION legal gun owners, with well over 600 MILLION registered weapons (not including unregistered), and over 14 TRILLION rounds of ammunition are just waiting....
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By Oleg Atbashian
First published in Front Page Magazine

CrowdStrike: a Conspiracy Wrapped in a Conspiracy Inside a Conspiracy

In the last few days, media talking heads have been saying the word "CrowdStrike" a lot, defining it as a wild conspiracy theory originating in Moscow. They were joined by Chris Wallace at Fox News, who informed us that president Trump and his ill-informed fans believe in a crazy idea that the DNC wasn't hacked by the Russians but by some Ukrainian group named CrowdStrike that stole the DNC server and brought it to Ukraine , and that it was Ukraine that meddled in our 2016 election and not Russia.

A crazy idea indeed. Except that neither Trump nor his fans had ever heard of it until the Democrat-media complex condescendingly informed them that these are their beliefs.

Let's look at the facts:

Fact 1. In 2016 the DNC hired the Ukrainian-linked firm CrowdStrike to analyze their server and investigate a data breach.

Fact 2. CrowdStrike experts determined that the culprit was Russia.

Fact 3. The FBI never received access to the DNC server, so the Russian connection was never officially confirmed and continues to be an allegation coming from the DNC and its Ukrainian-linked contractor.

Fact 4. Absent the official verdict, other theories continue to circulate, including the possibility that the theft was an inside job by a DNC employee, who simply copied the files to a USB drive and sent it to WikiLeaks.

None of these facts was ever disputed by anyone. The media largely ignored them except for the part about the Russian hackers, which boosted their own, now debunked, wild conspiracy theory that Trump was a Russian agent.

Now that Trump had asked the newly elected Ukrainian president Zelensky to look into CrowdStrike during that fateful July phone call, the media all at once started telling us that "CrowdStrike" is a code word for a conspiracy theory so insane that only Trump could believe in it, which is just more proof of how insane he is.

But if Trump had really said what Mr. Wallace and the media claim, Ukrainians would be the first to call him on it and the impeachment would've been over by now. Instead, Ukrainians back Trump every step of the way.

So where did this pretzel-shaped fake news come from, and why is it being peddled now?

Note this is a classic case study of propaganda and media manipulation:

  1. Take an idea or a story that you wish to go away and make up an obviously bogus story with the same names and details as the real one.
  2. Start planting it simultaneously on media channels until the fake story supplants the real one, while claiming this is what your opponents really believe.
  3. Have various fact-checking outlets debunk your fake story as an absurd conspiracy theory. Ridicule those who allegedly believe in it. Better yet, have late night comedians do it for you.
  4. Once your opponent is brought down, mercilessly plant your boot on his face and never let up.

This mass manipulation technology had been tested and perfected by the Soviet propaganda machine, both domestically and overseas, where it was successfully deployed by the KGB. The Kremlin still uses it, although it can no longer afford it on the same grandiose scale. In this sense, the Democratic think tanks are the true successors of the KGB in deviousness, scope, and worldwide reach of fake narratives. How they inherited these methods from the KGB is a story for another day.

For a long time this technology was allowing the Democrats to delegitimize opposition by convincing large numbers of Americans that Republicans are…

  • Haters
  • Racists
  • Fascists
  • Deniers of science
  • Destroyers of the environment
  • Heartless sellouts to corporate interests
  • And so on - the list is endless.

The Soviet communists had aptly named it "disinformation," which is a cut above the English word "misinformation." It includes a variety of methods for a variety of needs, from bringing down an opponent to revising history to creating a new historical reality altogether. In this sense, most Hollywood movies on historical subjects today disinform us about history, supplanting it with a bogus "progressive" narrative. The Soviet term for such art was "socialist realism."

Long story short, the Democrat-media complex has successfully convinced one half of the world that Trump is a Russian agent. Now they're acting as if they'd spent the last three years in a coma, unaware of any bombshell stories about collusion. And bombshell stories without any continuation are a telltale sign of fake narratives. The only consequence of these bombshells is mass amnesia among the foot soldiers.

The Trump-Russian outrage is dead, long live the Trump-Ukraine outrage. And when that outrage is dead, the next outrage that will be just outrageous.

The current impeachment narrative alleges that Trump used military aid as leverage in asking Ukraine to dig up dirt on Joe Biden (which implies the Democrats know Biden is dirty, otherwise why bother?). What's not in this picture is CrowdStrike. Even though Trump mentioned it in the phone call, it has nothing to do with the Bidens nor the Javelin missiles. CrowdStrike has nothing to do with impeachment. We're told it's just a silly conspiracy theory in Trump's head, that it's a nonissue.

But then why fabricate fake news about it and plant blatant lies simultaneously in all media outlets from Mother Jones to Fox News? Why risk being exposed over such a nonissue? Perhaps because it's more important than the story suggests.

Only a computer illiterate would think that CrowdStrike needed to take the physical DNC server to Ukraine in order to analyze it. Any computer can be cloned and its digital image can be sent anywhere on the planet in the form of ones and zeroes. It can also exist in multiple digital copies, carrying not just confidential archives, but also history logs and other content that can reveal to an expert whether the hacking occurred, and if so, by whom.

The copies of the DNC server on CrowdStrike computers are likely to hold the key to understanding what really happened during the 2016 election, the origin of the anti-Trump witch hunt, and the toxic cloud of lies that had been hanging over the world and poisoning minds during the last three years.

And now the new Ukrainian government might subpoena these copies from CrowdStrike and finally pass them to FBI experts, which should've been done three years ago. The danger of this happening is a much greater incentive for the Democrats to preemptively destroy Trump than all the dirt Joe Biden had been rolling in as Obama's vice president.

This gives the supposedly innocuous reference to CrowdStrike during Trump's call a lot more gravity and the previously incoherent part of the transcript begins to make sense.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I would like you to do us a favor though because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I would like you to find out what happened with this whole situation with Ukraine, they say CrowdStrike... I guess you have one of your wealthy people... The server, they say Ukraine has it. There are a lot of things that went on, the whole situation.
If you read the transcript on the day it was released, you probably didn't understand what Trump was even talking about, let alone what had caused such a disproportionate outrage, complete with whistle blowing and calls for impeachment. What in that mild conversation could possibly terrify the Democrats so much? They were terrified because, unlike most Americans, the Democrats knew exactly what Trump was talking about. And now you know, too.

The fraudulent "CrowdStrike conspiracy" deflection is not a show of the Democrats' strength. Instead, It betrays their desperation and panic, which tells us that Trump is squarely over the target.

It also helps us to see who at Fox News can be trusted to tell us the truth. And it ain't Chris Wallace
Interesting read, Chris Wallace used to be the most centered journalist on Fox, he has been getting a little “Zaney” lately. My wife and I have discussed this a few times and I must agree with the jist of this article.
Until this country starts to return to it's Biblical roots and principals it will continue to go down this path. We are born into corruption and without being led away from that by God's word we are all led by our self serving greed as is displayed by the majority of the leadership in DC. This wonderful country was founded under the umbrella of the principal's found in the Bible, God's word. It's our history, our real history, not the history they are slicing and dicing and feeding young skulls of mush the last 50 or so years. I will continue to pray for our great country and all that reside in it, that those that haven't will repent and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ for repentance and His leadership and guidance through the Holy Spirit. May God Bless you all!

This would be the first thing in this thread I have 100% disagreed with. This may have worked at one time but that ship has long sailed.

Here in South Dakota we have a hyper-religious gov now, it's NOT going well. So many of us are embarrassed by her trying to drag us further back into the stone ages with her trying to inflict her personal religious beliefs on everyone else. We (SD) are pretty backwards as it is, we don't need this too.

Religion should be a personal choice, not something that should be forced/legislated to the masses, at the expense of the masses. That inevitably ends up as discrimination for anyone who does not believe in the same brand of religion. It's just not okay in our increasingly diverse society. There is no way to slice that to make it just, it is nothing short of overt discrimination. There are two (many more really) levels on which this is deeply flawed.

1. Tax dollars used to endorse one specific religion in a society that contains many religions is obvious discrimination. There should be NO religious reference in a governing body responsible for our society that is much more diverse now than it was generations ago.

2. Leaders armed with religion consistently and passionately try to inflict their beliefs on the public in the form of intrusive legislation and in appropriate references. I should have no clue what religion elected leaders believe in. It's none of my business. Live and let live are NOT Christian values. Proselytizing from a tax payer funded position of power is an outrage to say the least.

Do we really want a gov dictating who we can marry and how to handle our reproductive rights? This is one (maybe the only) area where the left has handily exceeded the right in practicing fairness. It's imperative that we keep government out of our personal lives, not allow them to browbeat/force everyone onto compliance with their personal deity. I for one am not going to allow gov to dictate my personal choices, even if it puts me outside the lines a bit.

Fairness and freedom of (and from) religion is a personal choice we should all make for ourselves. It's one more thing gov has no business meddling in.
I think it's probably true that if the IRS or any other alphabet soup agency digs into your financial or any other part of your former private lives then they will with certainty find something that can be amplified in a major "federal" crime. My dad, an honest and admirable man, WW2 Marine veteran told me from a young age to watch and be aware because if the cops want you for anything or any reason, you're screwed.

Spot on! Absolutely true!! What is so difficult for people to understand why Trump is not willing to release his tax records. Given the treatment that the press has given him (and our Republic for that matter), why would or should he release his tax records? Honestly, ask yourselves. Would you? I can't even get on my internet homepage every day without a large screaming headline that is beyond misleading about Trump. Then the "news article" itself is full of obfuscation, lies, and all out wild anti-Trump fabrications. If I conducted myself like the press does with Trump (or any other matter that doesn't conform to their soft-communist agenda), I would expect to have zero credibility with anyone. Yet, somehow they seem to retain some significance and the next day the same "news source" will have another castigating article on Trump. But, that modus operandi is right out of the "rules for radicals" and "communist playbook". Would you go to a party, stand around a group of people notorious for being critical, or in this case hypocritical of you and talk openly about your personal affairs? I'm talking 100% legal, ethical, and moral affairs. That would be foolish. You can only imagine the kind of spin that Trumps critics would put on that information. After all, in a society that seems to thrive on "fairness", the punishment of success and the rewarding of failure is epidemic. He would be villanized instantly. Whether or not everything with his taxes is 100% on the up and up is discretionary, and like previously stated, the IRS can scrutinize everything on a persons tax return if they want to. AND, I would be willing to bet six bucks and my right nut that the IRS, as a whole, is NOT in favor of Donald Trump. So probably, if there really was something with his taxes that they could sink their teeth into, there would already be a leak or a whistle-blower. An unnamed whistle-blower of course.

Your father was absolutely right about law enforcement (the noun not the verb). I always tell people "avoid the cops like you would any other criminal". In other words, don't involve them in your affairs unless absolutely necessary.
. They want everything their way and only their way. Compromise is not in their vocabulary. Barring voter fraud by Democrats which we know is coming, Trump will win re-election in an Electoral College landslide. If Democratic voter fraud actually causes him to lose, there will be an armed rebellion in this country such as the world has ever seen. Wait and see.... Over 125 MILLION legal gun owners, with well over 600 MILLION registered weapons (not including unregistered), and over 14 TRILLION rounds of ammunition are just waiting....

Nice post. That's a good way to get the FBI knocking at your door.

The Presidential election voter fraud fantasy that the President and other conspiracy theorist like yourself like to talk about has no basis in fact. Not one scintilla of substantiated evidence has ever come forward. (please don't post a link to some white nationalist website that claims proof)

Now there was some recent fraud perpetrated by a Republican in North Carolina this year that was proven, but even that was a matter of very few votes....albeit in a close election.
For over 3 years we have endured a non-stop onslaught against a duly elected President. The Mueller Report was supposed to be the 'Knockout Punch' against Trump and it was anything but. Most consider it a total flop. Now the Impeachment Hearings. I watched them closely and I saw/heard was conjecture based upon 2nd, 3rd, and 4th hand hearsay. I watched as Elise Stefanik made mincemeat out of Adam Schiff. Jim Jordan did the same but with all the Democrats and their witnesses. When finished, I realized I had watched nothing other than a Political Party try to unseat a duly elected President for no other reason than they hate him and the entire reason for this is because the Democrats KNOW there is no chance in the world they can beat Donald Trump in the next election so their only option is to remove him from office. THAT is how desperate the Democrats are to stay in power. For them, the good ship 'Ethics' has long since sailed. To me Democrats have become nothing more than the newest homegrown terrorist organization. They want everything their way and only their way. Compromise is not in their vocabulary. Barring voter fraud by Democrats which we know is coming, Trump will win re-election in an Electoral College landslide. If Democratic voter fraud actually causes him to lose, there will be an armed rebellion in this country such as the world has ever seen. Wait and see.... Over 125 MILLION legal gun owners, with well over 600 MILLION registered weapons (not including unregistered), and over 14 TRILLION rounds of ammunition are just waiting....
Armed rebellion? Who would be the target? Anyone who disagrees with your theory? That is a brazen suggestion. One that i hope is false. Sounds like if that is how you feel then you are the uncompromising one.
We elected those democratic cork saulkers to work for US. All they have done so far is WASTE 3 years on this BS and make any good remaining demos ashamed to be associated with that party. Why havent they passed that treaty? Where's the damn infrastructure bills? Anyone who votes any of these time wasters back into office needs to re examine their priorities. For pete's sake leave Trump alone and let him do the job he was duly elected to do!
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Nice post. That's a good way to get the FBI knocking at your door.

The Presidential election voter fraud fantasy that the President and other conspiracy theorist like yourself like to talk about has no basis in fact. Not one scintilla of substantiated evidence has ever come forward. (please don't post a link to some white nationalist website that claims proof)

Now there was some recent fraud perpetrated by a Republican in North Carolina this year that was proven, but even that was a matter of very few votes....albeit in a close election.

I thought you had decided to leave us. You're so full of NY BS I'm surprised you can see to type. Your statement of "Not one scintilla of substantiated evidence has ever come forward" is ridiculous. The woman who heads up Broward County in FL has now been indicted THREE times for voter fraud and ethics violations, favoring Democrats of course. If you could actually stop watching Spongebob Squarepants long enough to do some actual research you wouldn't come off as the complete idiot you certainly seem to be. In YOUR mind perhaps there has not been voter fraud, but your laughable opinion doesn't make it so. How about spending just thirty minutes on some legitimate research, then you can come back and apologize to all of us for the nonsense you seem only capable of spouting....I haven't met a Liberal yet who would bother to research FACTS, and I know why; because you can't find facts to support your insanity. Stay in New York, keep your dumb azz opinions to yourself, and for Lord's sake stop spouting complete lies and trying to make them appear as fact or truth. Despite what you Libs think, we really are not that stupid.... And I have NO problem if the FBI comes knocking because I have absolutely nothing to hide. All my guns are registered. I've held a CCP for over 35 years now. I possess a 'FFL', Federal Firearms License since you probably have no clue what that is. Do you have any idea the background checks you have to go through to obtain that? Of course you don't. I'd be surprised if you knew which end of the gun a bullet exits... Nothing but a typical Liberal Clown....
Armed rebellion? Who would be the target? Anyone who disagrees with your theory? That is a brazen suggestion. One that i hope is false. Sounds like if that is how you feel then you are the uncompromising one.

First, I am in NO WAY promoting an armed rebellion. And just where did I say "My theory" about anything. Who would be the target? Liberals and Demcrats who are trying to pull a coup against a duly elected President. Another thing that would start 'it', is if the Dims try to confiscate firearms or shred the Second Amendment. I can compromise quite easily... leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you alone. As my friend George says, "Your rights end where my nose begins." The major difference between the Right and the Left, is the Right wants smaller govt., individual rights, and primarily to simply be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. The Left wants gigantic govt. who is in charge of every aspect of our lives, wants little or no individual freedoms, wants to tax us every time we sit on a toilet, they want to confiscate all guns, and they want to REQUIRE us to follow THEIR insane agendas. They put illegal refugees before our own Veterans. That right there is all I need to know about Liberals. And the reason that the Democrats are so in favor of no voter registration required is that because they fully intend to cheat at every opportunity. You have to provide a photo ID to purchase alcohol, tobacco products, certain prescriptions, to open a checking or savings account, to purchase a vehicle, to board a commercial aircraft, and on and on and on, YET Liberals feel that is not necessary to vote in OUR Presidential elections. That is such a crock I don't understand how anyone can even take a different POV on that subject. Our Presidential elections are among the most important aspects of what we citizens of this country participate in, and not having to show a photo ID is insane. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a damn fool. When it comes to the American principles that brought this country into the world, I am damn sure uncompromising and I am READY for anything that might happen... I choose to live in an area of the country that is easily defended, and I can live the rest of my life, quite comfortably, without having to go to Publix for food.
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