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Don't EVEN talk to me about 'Selling Out' after Hillary's Uranium Deal with Russia or OButthead giving back Iran 150 BILLION dollars in the middle of the night that we could have legitimately kept but NO... OButthead personally kickstarted Iran's Nuclear Program with that gift.... I don't think you're smart enough to open up a new box of Crayola Crayons. THE best way to judge any President is to look at the 'numbers' because numbers cannot lie. Obama said that a 2% GDP would never been seen again, that a 1% GDP was "The new norm". He even asked how Trump would make good on his promise with "A magic wand or something?" It's now at 4.1% thanks to Trump and his policies. You Liberals are a humiliating embarrassment to this country. You have totally lost the concept of common sense, so badly that you dreamed up Common Core Math which is THE most insane program I've ever seen introduced into our educational system. Libs now in certain brain dead areas of our country have now installed mandatory classes on Muslim 'religion' and Sharia Law. If I ever caught a teacher trying to fill my children's heads with such propaganda, I would throw him/her through a wall. My idea is to send all the Libs to Venezuela and let them live happily ever after. Democrats: the newest face of homegrown Terrorism.... well bring it Dims, I'm MORE than ready....
Our national deficit is going up faster than our GDP. How is that NOT selling America out for short term gains?
I think it's awesome that you are here, I love to see those from outside the US, diversity is never bad. The USA is a fantastic place to visit and live. There truly is something for everyone, many different states here are just like separate countries so a little research would make sure you had the best time and one you were looking for, complete with all the vices you enjoy. We've got some amazing weed over here too, in some states it is very legal. Tons of micro-brewers if you like to indulge in some booze, wine tours etc. Beautiful women from all over the globe here too. Whatever your poison is we can tell you where to go and have a great time. If your a misanthrope like me and want some stunning scenery away from cities, we've gotcha covered there too. The further from US cities you get the nicer folks get as a general rule. I live in the woods and enjoy some of the finest motorcycling roads on earth (some of, there are other awesome places too).

The political discussions definitely bring out the worst in anyone. We are passionate about preserving our country, and to some extent restoring it from decades of terrible leadership. We have some differing ideas about how that should be done, hence these discussions. I think a lot of us are terribly frustrated by the extremely poor leadership choices we have been getting for the last quarter century, or longer. The folks you see here disagreeing are all decent folk, I've been here long enough to realize that.

I want to repeat this for everyone abroad. Please, please do NOT take our POTUS or any of our politicians as an example of normal Americans. They are the absolute worst people we could possibly come up with. With precious little exception they are morally and creatively bankrupt, crooked, greedy, often pretty stupid, self serving lying sacks of ****. It is a deep flaw of the USA that this is what it takes to enter politics.

For the most part we not only tolerate but often embrace those from other cultures, countries, lifestyles and belief systems. What you see in this thread is not what you would see hanging out stateside. I hope this helps solve some ambiguity brought on by our feisty political banter. We have our bad folks too but America is fantastic and like I said, something for everyone.

Thx Casey for good answer... I have in last 30-35 Years have had a lot of contact with very great and helpful US motorcycle specialist exspecially when working on my Honda CBX 6 cylinder....and US people have in my opinion have good reputation in European countries after the world War 2 ended 1945 given the rest of the World a little stability in a crazy World.
The built up of the military group "NATO" after WW2 with US and 6 other European Countries + Canada made a counterpart to Russians and China military power. US have taken a big responsibility to a better World no doubt...
That NATO group seems more and more to be "desarmed" after Your new Potus coming in 3 years ago as he believes more in Russia /Mr Putin and other dictators than normal longtime US friends in Europe..... WHY ?
He cant behave !
Last meeting this week in UK was a disaster; all other leaders make a joke of him as he all the time was only yealling about "impeachment" and not possible to work with important world wide questions as a normal WORLD LEADER ....
Its hard to understand that a Estate agent could get up to POTUS level seeing it from outside ....what will happen next Year in US ? Of course there is also good and well educated Political people !
Internal fight with ARMs between lib/rep supporters ? IF reading some of inlets here on this site im worried...
Terrible to see this reality show from outside ...all world follows it !
First, I am in NO WAY promoting an armed rebellion. And just where did I say "My theory" about anything. Who would be the target? Liberals and Demcrats who are trying to pull a coup against a duly elected President. Another thing that would start 'it', is if the Dims try to confiscate firearms or shred the Second Amendment. I can compromise quite easily... leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you alone. As my friend George says, "Your rights end where my nose begins." The major difference between the Right and the Left, is the Right wants smaller govt., individual rights, and primarily to simply be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. The Left wants gigantic govt. who is in charge of every aspect of our lives, wants little or no individual freedoms, wants to tax us every time we sit on a toilet, they want to confiscate all guns, and they want to REQUIRE us to follow THEIR insane agendas. They put illegal refugees before our own Veterans. That right there is all I need to know about Liberals. And the reason that the Democrats are so in favor of no voter registration required is that because they fully intend to cheat at every opportunity. You have to provide a photo ID to purchase alcohol, tobacco products, certain prescriptions, to open a checking or savings account, to purchase a vehicle, to board a commercial aircraft, and on and on and on, YET Liberals feel that is not necessary to vote in OUR Presidential elections. That is such a crock I don't understand how anyone can even take a different POV on that subject. Our Presidential elections are among the most important aspects of what we citizens of this country participate in, and not having to show a photo ID is insane. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a damn fool. When it comes to the American principles that brought this country into the world, I am damn sure uncompromising and I am READY for anything that might happen... I choose to live in an area of the country that is easily defended, and I can live the rest of my life, quite comfortably, without having to go to Publix for food.
I appreciate the clarification. I Was not trying to put words in your mouth just understand what you were getting at. I don’t think any rhetoric of an armed rebellion is a very good talking point if you are talking about compromise. I hope you don’t have to use your “readiness”.
I appreciate the clarification. I Was not trying to put words in your mouth just understand what you were getting at. I don’t think any rhetoric of an armed rebellion is a very good talking point if you are talking about compromise. I hope you don’t have to use your “readiness”.

That makes two of us.... I don't want it either, but the way things appear to be going, I'm not counting it out. As my Dad would have said, "Better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it." Wise words indeed.
Our national deficit is going up faster than our GDP. How is that NOT selling America out for short term gains?

Day before Thanksgiving the GDP was at 4.1%. Obammy said that 2.5% would NEVER be seen again and 1% was the new norm. Obammy raised the National Deficit MORE than ALL other presidents combined. There's an old addage, "You have to spend money to make money." This is quite true. Maybe you should promote AOC for President.. at least the farms would smell better since she would not allow cows to fart.... lmao...
I see several posts on here from a few of the left leaning emotional types that are laughable.

First, I have been focused on this national debt thing since Chris Mathews pissed down his own leg and it gave him a tingle. When the empty suit marxist sat in the Whitehouse, no one except us "fringe, extreme, far right, alarmists" were making noise about the "monetary easing" that was going on. I kept saying that if they keep printing (and they did) we're gonna be past the point of no return no matter who's in office, and I think we got there long before the current president was sworn in. See once you get past the window of opportunity to take the patient (so to speak) off of the dope you have to keep giving it to him to keep him alive, but either way at this point he's a dead man. I agree with the concern about national debt, but please explain in detail what should be done to bring it back down. That will be an interesting read because any practical solution will reinforce a lot of Trumps policies and will CRUSH just about all of the left's policies. An interesting thing about the left, they are reactive instead of being proactive. They squeal about things (usually the inevitable result of their previous short sighted policies) all while offering no practical solution.

Second, How can it be said that there is not on scintilla of evidence supporting the DNC's involvement in voter fraud. LOL!! Motor voter, no I.D to vote, open borders, DNC on video (more than one occasion) stating that if they don't impeach Trump he will be reelected, black panthers on video intimidating voters, etc, etc. LOL!!! Laughable!

Third, the left touts itself as being the intelligent solution, the enlightened ones, and my favorite, the "educated" ones. So, I'm guessing if you "got yourself an education" you were probably exposed to some type of human psychology and some sort of history classes as offered by any community college. That being said, if you don't think that their would be some sort of resistance against a coupe to unseat a duly elected president of the USA, you are truly as delusional as I think you are. Whether it's an armed insurrection or a tax revolt, you can bet your ass that there's gonna be some action Slick. You see, these are all playground lessons that you should have learned at a young age about human nature. The bully pushes the kid around every day on the playground and steals his lunch until the kid has enough and gives the bully his lunch pail with a full thermos inside repeatedly against his head. You push people or an animal in the corner and their gonna fight. And their gonna fight with passion. It's all in the history books I previously mentioned, you should check em' out. Which brings me to the fourth point;

Fourth, the thing that sets the USA apart from the rest of the world is a our Constitution. A Republic we are, as it turns out. And that gives us God given inalienable rights. Whether or not YOU believe in a Christian god or not is irrelevant as you can just inject your own god into the statement. But, there has to be a higher power that enforces this. This means that contrary to most leftists beliefs that you can't just take the peoples rights away with a popular vote. You should be very thankful for this. Two foxes and a hen don't get to vote for "what's for dinner". That being said, among the first ten amendments is the second. This one (symbiotic with the first) safeguards the others. You see, I'm exercising the first one right now. If you sorry-ass, soft-boned, left wing conformists think that their wouldn't be an escalating movement to take back the Republic, you're likely to see the contents of the future history books play out in living color.

I'm not writing this to perpetuate controversy or to just make inflammatory statements. There is a real danger with the current political situation. I'm 53 years old and most of us alive today have seen a good long peace-time in our lives and so we get complacent with the idea that atrocities on a large scale can't happen here in the US. If you think about that, it's a preposterous mind set. Today the Dems just set precedence for any party in the future that wants to recklessly unseat the other party's duly elected president and has free reign with no real evidence of an impeachable offense. Looks and sounds like the beginning of tumult, to me anyway. One more thing; You can have the best government system ever in recorded history (not perfect, but the best we know of), the best justice system in the world (not perfect, but the most fair), and a free market capitalist economy (not perfect, but far better than anything else that we know of, EVER) but, without an honest and moral people, none of these are possible and will not work. It'll just be a free-for-all.
Trump sold us out for a tax break. Our country's debt is sky rocketing! Take your heads out of Trump and Fox's lies. They are master brainwashers. We all know that short term gains from tax cuts end up hurting us bad. But since Trump believers are in denial they just keep parroting lies. We all know ignoring how we are changing the planets climate will hurt us all bad. Yet Trump said China made it up so the brainwashed believed. Sorry guys I am smart enough to see the brainwashing and not allow it to happen. Drop the denial, turn off fox and Trump do some independent investigation followed by independent thought and you will realize how bad you have been fooled!!
You really think we have the power to change our climate? We can screw up a lot of things, but our climate isn't one of them. We could spend bazillions of dollars and give up a lot our habits only to find out we're not God. The climate WILL change, just as it has for eons.
I see several posts on here from a few of the left leaning emotional types that are laughable.

First, I have been focused on this national debt thing since Chris Mathews pissed down his own leg and it gave him a tingle. When the empty suit marxist sat in the Whitehouse, no one except us "fringe, extreme, far right, alarmists" were making noise about the "monetary easing" that was going on. I kept saying that if they keep printing (and they did) we're gonna be past the point of no return no matter who's in office, and I think we got there long before the current president was sworn in. See once you get past the window of opportunity to take the patient (so to speak) off of the dope you have to keep giving it to him to keep him alive, but either way at this point he's a dead man. I agree with the concern about national debt, but please explain in detail what should be done to bring it back down. That will be an interesting read because any practical solution will reinforce a lot of Trumps policies and will CRUSH just about all of the left's policies. An interesting thing about the left, they are reactive instead of being proactive. They squeal about things (usually the inevitable result of their previous short sighted policies) all while offering no practical solution.

Second, How can it be said that there is not on scintilla of evidence supporting the DNC's involvement in voter fraud. LOL!! Motor voter, no I.D to vote, open borders, DNC on video (more than one occasion) stating that if they don't impeach Trump he will be reelected, black panthers on video intimidating voters, etc, etc. LOL!!! Laughable!

Third, the left touts itself as being the intelligent solution, the enlightened ones, and my favorite, the "educated" ones. So, I'm guessing if you "got yourself an education" you were probably exposed to some type of human psychology and some sort of history classes as offered by any community college. That being said, if you don't think that their would be some sort of resistance against a coupe to unseat a duly elected president of the USA, you are truly as delusional as I think you are. Whether it's an armed insurrection or a tax revolt, you can bet your ass that there's gonna be some action Slick. You see, these are all playground lessons that you should have learned at a young age about human nature. The bully pushes the kid around every day on the playground and steals his lunch until the kid has enough and gives the bully his lunch pail with a full thermos inside repeatedly against his head. You push people or an animal in the corner and their gonna fight. And their gonna fight with passion. It's all in the history books I previously mentioned, you should check em' out. Which brings me to the fourth point;

Fourth, the thing that sets the USA apart from the rest of the world is a our Constitution. A Republic we are, as it turns out. And that gives us God given inalienable rights. Whether or not YOU believe in a Christian god or not is irrelevant as you can just inject your own god into the statement. But, there has to be a higher power that enforces this. This means that contrary to most leftists beliefs that you can't just take the peoples rights away with a popular vote. You should be very thankful for this. Two foxes and a hen don't get to vote for "what's for dinner". That being said, among the first ten amendments is the second. This one (symbiotic with the first) safeguards the others. You see, I'm exercising the first one right now. If you sorry-ass, soft-boned, left wing conformists think that their wouldn't be an escalating movement to take back the Republic, you're likely to see the contents of the future history books play out in living color.

I'm not writing this to perpetuate controversy or to just make inflammatory statements. There is a real danger with the current political situation. I'm 53 years old and most of us alive today have seen a good long peace-time in our lives and so we get complacent with the idea that atrocities on a large scale can't happen here in the US. If you think about that, it's a preposterous mind set. Today the Dems just set precedence for any party in the future that wants to recklessly unseat the other party's duly elected president and has free reign with no real evidence of an impeachable offense. Looks and sounds like the beginning of tumult, to me anyway. One more thing; You can have the best government system ever in recorded history (not perfect, but the best we know of), the best justice system in the world (not perfect, but the most fair), and a free market capitalist economy (not perfect, but far better than anything else that we know of, EVER) but, without an honest and moral people, none of these are possible and will not work. It'll just be a free-for-all.

Very well stated, sir, VERY well stated, and exactly right.... Liberals honestly don't have a clue how strongly the Right WILL resist their attempts to chance this country into a Socialist Chithole.... OR how far we are willing to go to protect a duly elected President. The right owns 97% of the firearms in this country. The Military has a sworn duty to "Uphold the Constitution, to protect it from all enemies foreign AND domestic.... As long as the Second Amendment stands, the Military will protect it... Best thing for these lame azz Libs to do would be to move to Venezuela where they can live their **** in the street lives happily ever after....
I was in town today, I didn't know this place existed (I don't ever go to town unless I absolutely must). This is a tax preparer joint during tax season, but I guess now it's this.

I must preface this by again saying that I am NOT a trump fan. I must also reiterate that I agree that he is the best POTUS we have had in a very long while. I did this to **** with you guys, in a good natured way of course, and not to endorse trump.

Let me add that for living in a bright red state as badly run as any red state can be run (Thanks Kristi Noem, you dud piece of **** governor), I almost never see Trump signs or bumper stickers. Also this store was empty and nobody parked near it. Peace!!

I was in town today, I didn't know this place existed (I don't ever go to town unless I absolutely must). This is a tax preparer joint during tax season, but I guess now it's this.

I must preface this by again saying that I am NOT a trump fan. I must also reiterate that I agree that he is the best POTUS we have had in a very long while. I did this to **** with you guys, in a good natured way of course, and not to endorse trump.

Let me add that for living in a bright red state as badly run as any red state can be run (Thanks Kristi Noem, you dud piece of **** governor), I almost never see Trump signs or bumper stickers. Also this store was empty and nobody parked near it. Peace!!

View attachment 70483
Must be an ex Apple billionare changing profession....

If this wasn't so tragic for the country.................

If this wasn't so tragic for the country.................

Both investigations into this - Horowitz's and Barr's led by John Durham were a bust.

Pretty much everyone the lunatics on Fox News have been saying for months now were going to be indited......have been vindicated.

It's all over the real need to catch up.
You really think we have the power to change our climate? We can screw up a lot of things, but our climate isn't one of them. We could spend bazillions of dollars and give up a lot our habits only to find out we're not God. The climate WILL change, just as it has for eons.
Climate does change, agreed. I respect you opinion however please research human impacts due to CO2 and methane emissions. It seems clear to me we have had impacts that can be minimized based on our environmental stewardship and energy practices. If you don’t understand the scientific principles see what happens when you leave your car running in your garage with the doors closed. It becomes an environment that will not sustain life. Our atmosphere cannot inherently and infinitely process greenhouse gases. I will say, yes on a geological scale of climate over time our impact may be minimal but we do play a part as do all inhabitants of an ecosystem effect their environments.

I would add that I’m not in favor of spending a bazillion dollars and issuing a mile of restriction like a green new deal or whatever. But I am in favor of practicing sustainable and less wasteful culture to help minimize impacts. Denying our impact does not help create that culture.
No disrespect to your opinion and outlook.
United States leanings have swung far to the left. Are we now starting the slow swing towards center or is this just a temporary reprieve?
You can vote your way into socialism but you have to shoot your way out. That's not an opinion or a guess.
First, I am in NO WAY promoting an armed rebellion. And just where did I say "My theory" about anything. Who would be the target? Liberals and Demcrats who are trying to pull a coup against a duly elected President. Another thing that would start 'it', is if the Dims try to confiscate firearms or shred the Second Amendment. I can compromise quite easily... leave me the hell alone and I'll leave you alone. As my friend George says, "Your rights end where my nose begins." The major difference between the Right and the Left, is the Right wants smaller govt., individual rights, and primarily to simply be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. The Left wants gigantic govt. who is in charge of every aspect of our lives, wants little or no individual freedoms, wants to tax us every time we sit on a toilet, they want to confiscate all guns, and they want to REQUIRE us to follow THEIR insane agendas. They put illegal refugees before our own Veterans. That right there is all I need to know about Liberals. And the reason that the Democrats are so in favor of no voter registration required is that because they fully intend to cheat at every opportunity. You have to provide a photo ID to purchase alcohol, tobacco products, certain prescriptions, to open a checking or savings account, to purchase a vehicle, to board a commercial aircraft, and on and on and on, YET Liberals feel that is not necessary to vote in OUR Presidential elections. That is such a crock I don't understand how anyone can even take a different POV on that subject. Our Presidential elections are among the most important aspects of what we citizens of this country participate in, and not having to show a photo ID is insane. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a damn fool. When it comes to the American principles that brought this country into the world, I am damn sure uncompromising and I am READY for anything that might happen... I choose to live in an area of the country that is easily defended, and I can live the rest of my life, quite comfortably, without having to go to Publix for food.
In a nut shell.. Before all the BS..You made a few points that even the most distorted Liberal has to take a second thought...

YOU WROTE: They put illegal refugees before our own Veterans . It is unimaginable but true...
YOU WROTE: And the reason that the Democrats are so in favor of no voter registration required is that because they fully intend to cheat at every opportunity. 100% CORRECT!
YOU WROTE: they want to confiscate all guns. There is a reason our Constitution has the 2nd Amendment folks.. God help us all if these Libs really get a hold but they have shot themselves in the foot [sorry] with this impeachment **** Show

How about "Gun Violence" have any of you guys ever seen a Violent Gun?? I haven't.. I know it is trite but lets all face it. Guns don't kill people .. People kill people..

BTW.. Did any of you guys see Nancy P last night saying how there are NO politics in her decision to pursue the impeachment. OMG how does that bitch look at herself in the mirror.. West Coast Liberal Freak she is..
Thx Casey for good answer... I have in last 30-35 Years have had a lot of contact with very great and helpful US motorcycle specialist exspecially when working on my Honda CBX 6 cylinder....and US people have in my opinion have good reputation in European countries after the world War 2 ended 1945 given the rest of the World a little stability in a crazy World.
The built up of the military group "NATO" after WW2 with US and 6 other European Countries + Canada made a counterpart to Russians and China military power. US have taken a big responsibility to a better World no doubt...
That NATO group seems more and more to be "desarmed" after Your new Potus coming in 3 years ago as he believes more in Russia /Mr Putin and other dictators than normal longtime US friends in Europe..... WHY ?
He cant behave !
Last meeting this week in UK was a disaster; all other leaders make a joke of him as he all the time was only yealling about "impeachment" and not possible to work with important world wide questions as a normal WORLD LEADER ....
Its hard to understand that a Estate agent could get up to POTUS level seeing it from outside ....what will happen next Year in US ? Of course there is also good and well educated Political people !
Internal fight with ARMs between lib/rep supporters ? IF reading some of inlets here on this site im worried...
Terrible to see this reality show from outside ...all world follows it !

First, your claim of 'world leaders laughing at Trump' was nothing more than one reporters claim. But let's say they were. Why? Laughing, under certain circumstances, is a defensive mechanism. The 'world leaders' realize they don't have the buttocks kissing traitor that they had their way with during the last administration. Now they have Trump who doesn't take any crap off anybody. He puts AMERICAN interests first and doesn't care who does or doesn't like that. THAT'S WHY HE WAS ELECTED. The 'rest of the world' has taken advantage of the U.S. for far too long with your one-sided trade deals and refusing to pay back your debts owed this country since WWII. We are also not the world's policeman though you've thought of us as such. Trump recognizes that. No more. You folks are going to pay your fair share and shoulder your share of responsibility when required for whatever situation might arise. It's no longer "Let America deal with it while we sit on our *****"... You folks can't even control all the illegal refugees that are invading your country so badly it's become a plague. Entire towns have been taken over by these two legged animals while people who lived in them, some for up to 8 generations, have lost their homes, their businesses and yet your Govt. sits by and does nothing. Well WE have the means to stop that crap. Southern California won't but they don't count because of an overabundance use of recreational drugs out there that it's fried their itty bitty brains. You won't see that problem here otherwise 'Farmer John's' pigs are going to be MUCH fatter.... You don't see ANTIFA pulling their BS where I live because they KNOW what will happen. Where I live 85% of men AND women have concealed carry permits.... You loot we shoot.... Guns owned by citizens is the ONLY reason Japan did not attempt to invade California after Pearl Harbor.... Thank the good Lord our Forefathers had the good sense to write the Second Amendment, one that half this country is willing to die for to preserve.... so if you decide to take on America, our military is the second thing you'd have to worry about.... Take care of your own problems before you start criticizing us....
In a nut shell.. Before all the BS..You made a few points that even the most distorted Liberal has to take a second thought...

YOU WROTE: They put illegal refugees before our own Veterans . It is unimaginable but true...
YOU WROTE: And the reason that the Democrats are so in favor of no voter registration required is that because they fully intend to cheat at every opportunity. 100% CORRECT!
YOU WROTE: they want to confiscate all guns. There is a reason our Constitution has the 2nd Amendment folks.. God help us all if these Libs really get a hold but they have shot themselves in the foot [sorry] with this impeachment **** Show

How about "Gun Violence" have any of you guys ever seen a Violent Gun?? I haven't.. I know it is trite but lets all face it. Guns don't kill people .. People kill people..

BTW.. Did any of you guys see Nancy P last night saying how there are NO politics in her decision to pursue the impeachment. OMG how does that bitch look at herself in the mirror.. West Coast Liberal Freak she is..

I went to a Gun Show 2 weeks ago held inside a 26,000 sq. ft. building. Over 7,000 people walked through the doors of an event featuring over 120 vendors. There were literally tens of thousands of firearms on the premises not including all those that were 'carrying', yet, not one single solitary incident took place. Imagine.... all those people, all those guns, and not a single shot was heard. Yet Liberals came up with the 'Gun Free Zone' idea, which is nothing more than an engraved invitation for bad guys/whack jobs to come in and do their evil. Is there anyone out there who actually believes that if a bad guys shows up with bad intentions, that when he reads he's entering a Gun Free Zone, that he thinks "Uh oh... I can't go in there" and then walks away and leaves??? If you seriously believe that, check yourself into the Rubber Room Hotel immediately.
I went to a Gun Show 2 weeks ago held inside a 26,000 sq. ft. building. Over 7,000 people walked through the doors of an event featuring over 120 vendors. There were literally tens of thousands of firearms on the premises not including all those that were 'carrying', yet, not one single solitary incident took place. Imagine.... all those people, all those guns, and not a single shot was heard. Yet Liberals came up with the 'Gun Free Zone' idea, which is nothing more than an engraved invitation for bad guys/whack jobs to come in and do their evil. Is there anyone out there who actually believes that if a bad guys shows up with bad intentions, that when he reads he's entering a Gun Free Zone, that he thinks "Uh oh... I can't go in there" and then walks away and leaves??? If you seriously believe that, check yourself into the Rubber Room Hotel immediately.
reminds me of a video out there of where some idiot try’s to rob a store or maybe it was a coffee shop in Texas and it wasn’t three seconds after he holds up the cashier that every patron in the place puts a bead on him.
First, your claim of 'world leaders laughing at Trump' was nothing more than one reporters claim. But let's say they were. Why? Laughing, under certain circumstances, is a defensive mechanism. The 'world leaders' realize they don't have the buttocks kissing traitor that they had their way with during the last administration. Now they have Trump who doesn't take any crap off anybody. He puts AMERICAN interests first and doesn't care who does or doesn't like that. THAT'S WHY HE WAS ELECTED. The 'rest of the world' has taken advantage of the U.S. for far too long with your one-sided trade deals and refusing to pay back your debts owed this country since WWII. We are also not the world's policeman though you've thought of us as such. Trump recognizes that. No more. You folks are going to pay your fair share and shoulder your share of responsibility when required for whatever situation might arise. It's no longer "Let America deal with it while we sit on our *****"... You folks can't even control all the illegal refugees that are invading your country so badly it's become a plague. Entire towns have been taken over by these two legged animals while people who lived in them, some for up to 8 generations, have lost their homes, their businesses and yet your Govt. sits by and does nothing. Well WE have the means to stop that crap. Southern California won't but they don't count because of an overabundance use of recreational drugs out there that it's fried their itty bitty brains. You won't see that problem here otherwise 'Farmer John's' pigs are going to be MUCH fatter.... You don't see ANTIFA pulling their BS where I live because they KNOW what will happen. Where I live 85% of men AND women have concealed carry permits.... You loot we shoot.... Guns owned by citizens is the ONLY reason Japan did not attempt to invade California after Pearl Harbor.... Thank the good Lord our Forefathers had the good sense to write the Second Amendment, one that half this country is willing to die for to preserve.... so if you decide to take on America, our military is the second thing you'd have to worry about.... Take care of your own problems before you start criticizing us....
Sorry Mate to make You more upset ....seems that in Your world gunpowder is the only solution..... BUT US earlier has have friends in many different Countrys around World; what will happen with POTUS behavior in the next Year ?
Dictators in China ,Korea, Russia Hungary, Turkei, Syria etc, feels very good just now with such a leader in US I can assure.
All Our Countrys have different problems but some Countries are not FREE... Your POTUS like bosses in that type of Countries ... WHY ?
Me like old US with freedom and possiblity to make a good living.... Just now what happens ?
Sorry Mate to make You more upset ....seems that in Your world gunpowder is the only solution..... BUT US earlier has have friends in many different Countrys around World; what will happen with POTUS behavior in the next Year ?
Dictators in China ,Korea, Russia Hungary, Turkei, Syria etc, feels very good just now with such a leader in US I can assure.
All Our Countrys have different problems but some Countries are not FREE... Your POTUS like bosses in that type of Countries ... WHY ?
Me like old US with freedom and possiblity to make a good living.... Just now what happens ?

Sorry to have to point out something that should be so abundantly obvious to even the most casual observer but, every law in every land that supports peace and civility and opposes lawlessness IS ultimately enforced with gun powder. Maybe not yours (which might explain a few things), but my local constable as mild in demeanor as he might be will ultimately use gunpowder to keep the peace and uphold the law if necessary. It's even half of the reason that law-enforcement choose to open-carry their side arm. It conveys the silent message that while they may have a benign demeanor, they are by no means inert. Peace through strength my friend.
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