three percent the truth

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That's the response I expected.
- You're well within your right to keep your tax returns to yourself. Just don't expect to ever hold any public office of import. It's hilarious that ya'll tout one of Trump's great appeals is he's going to drain the swamp which we can all agree is rife with corruption. Greed is universal and bi-partisan. Yet you COMPLETELY fail to see the need for transparency of financial disclosures. I take it you've never held a security clearance in order to have access to highly sensitive information, because if you did, you'd know you financial disclosures are one of the biggest things that is looked at during the security clearance process. There's a reason - greed is universal. It is the grease that lubricates all the cogs of the engine of corruption. And Trump is covered in grease. And yes Clintons is too. As far as your argument that Democrats would look to find something -- you're right. Just like the Republicans did when Hillary Clinton released her tax returns. Take off the diapers and crying about Democrats going after Trump. Because back before the election Republicans were BRAGGING that they already had years of investigations lined up for Clinton if she won. Just google "Chaffetz Years Of Clinton investigations" and pick anyone of the results.

-You're point about Obama purely intending to derail the train. This makes ZERO sense. You know why? Because the recession hit during the Bush administration. Did you forget that? Apparently you did. The train was already derailing. If he wanted the derailment to succeed he could have just stepped out of the way and let it continue its course. But he didn't. But maybe I'm missing something. Educate me. Explain to me why someone intent on derailing the US economy would even bother stepping in front of it when it was already coming off the rails? Reminder: the last 6 months of Bush's presidency the country lost 3.4 MILLION jobs.

-Democrats being homegrown terrorists is just bombastic fiction. How are you even qualifying that statement? What are you defining as terrorism these days that Democrats are engaging in? Is this where you spout a bunch of Antifa/BLM stuff? If so, please do me the favor of citing specific examples and then tell me why those count as Democrat terrorism but folks like Dylan Roof, Edgar Maddison, Cesar Sayoc don't count as Republican terrorism. Please note, I'm not saying Republicans are terrorists. If you plan to just dismiss what the folks I mentioned did just like you dismissed Trump being found guilty by our courts of fraud then don't even bother trying to explain it. We can just file it away with all of the other bombastic fiction like Hillary ran a child sex ring out the basement of a pizza shop.

Previously in this thread I saw the phrase "Look at the numbers!" when it comes to proving the good Trump has done. So which numbers do you want us to look at specifically?
- I remember some folks on this forum have a being problem with Obama's deficit which was a fair criticism. Trump is on track to double it. So I guess deficit isn't a problem.
- I remember people having a problem with Obama spending 12billion to bail out the auto-industry -- claiming it was socialism. Most of that money was paid back by the auto makers by the way. Yet Trump has already spent 24billion bailing out farmers for the Trade War he started. Is that socialism too?
- Maybe immigration numbers? We can do that too although I think you'll be surprised to see Trumps deportation numbers compared to Obamas.

I'm just trying to figure out the baseline here. What numbers do we need to look at?

If you honestly cannot figure out for yourself what 'numbers' I'm referencing, you are not intelligent enough to even belong in this conversation. Seeing as St. Louis just got named the most violent city and most likely to be murdered in, perhaps you could better spend your time straightening out your own city rather than blathering on here trying to impress us. Do you even know what 'unemployment numbers' mean? How about 'most jobs ever for young black males and Hispanics? How about the number of jobs brought BACK to the U.S. that sailed away under Obozo. How about the day before Thanksgiving a 4.1% GDP??? Especially since Obozo was quoted as so eloquently stating "A 2.5% will NEVER be seen again and !% is the new norm. How is Trump going to bring these jobs back, does he have a magic wand or something?" YES, Obozo said that. Well I don't know if he has a magic wand or not, but he's given us the best economy in over 50 years and arguably the best ever. I have neither the interest, time, or patience to explain reality to any brain dead Liberal. WE are bringing this country back, against the wishes of you and yours. Here's a tip. Stay the hell out of our way. We have "HAD IT" with you and your no common sense whatsoever agendas.... So you go right ahead and spout away your nonsense; at me or whoever. I won't reply because you're a total waste of time. In closing let me add that I see you have 946 "messages" with a grand whopping total of 26 likes.... Seems like not very many people agree with you... ROTFLMAO....
And for the record, anyone is more than welcome to quote me. Just be aware I didn't come with a filter and I'm NOT Willie Wonka.... And I have NO tolerance for coddling weenies....
If you honestly cannot figure out for yourself what 'numbers' I'm referencing, you are not intelligent enough to even belong in this conversation. Seeing as St. Louis just got named the most violent city and most likely to be murdered in, perhaps you could better spend your time straightening out your own city rather than blathering on here trying to impress us. Do you even know what 'unemployment numbers' mean? How about 'most jobs ever for young black males and Hispanics? How about the number of jobs brought BACK to the U.S. that sailed away under Obozo. How about the day before Thanksgiving a 4.1% GDP??? Especially since Obozo was quoted as so eloquently stating "A 2.5% will NEVER be seen again and !% is the new norm. How is Trump going to bring these jobs back, does he have a magic wand or something?" YES, Obozo said that. Well I don't know if he has a magic wand or not, but he's given us the best economy in over 50 years and arguably the best ever. I have neither the interest, time, or patience to explain reality to any brain dead Liberal. WE are bringing this country back, against the wishes of you and yours. Here's a tip. Stay the hell out of our way. We have "HAD IT" with you and your no common sense whatsoever agendas.... So you go right ahead and spout away your nonsense; at me or whoever. I won't reply because you're a total waste of time. In closing let me add that I see you have 946 "messages" with a grand whopping total of 26 likes.... Seems like not very many people agree with you... ROTFLMAO....

I've noticed that you keep doing this childish thing with people who disagree with you and associating their city to them as if that's somehow a point or insult? I guess it's a defense mechanism when you don't have reason or an actual point. You still never explained your logic behind Obama deliberately trying to derail this country by *checks notes* bringing the country back from a recession created by the Bush Administration. Or what you consider terrorism. Guess that was too much of challenge to explain that pretzel logic. Easier to just make impotent city insults. I understand. Your internet tough guy talk is amusing though. That actually made me chuckle and I found it adorable. Thanks for your time. I understand you're busy saving America.
I find it pretty easy to argue against it. But you seem to be confusing my argument. My argument isn't that Clinton was an angel. My argument is everything you claim Clinton is, Trump has proven he is too. But you're fine with that. Here's a classic example. This is your statement: "Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it."

Tell me what "business is usual" is for you?

With respect, I rarely disagree with anything you say, I think we are possibly inverted on who is worse between these two clowns but the flavor is about the same otherwise. I do believe voters knew Clinton would be one scandal after another, and another, and another. IMHO American voters have very little appetite for more of that. I did not mean to imply that Trump would be much better, but obviously subjectively I believe as bad as he is, Clinton would have given us so much more to bitch about. Even now I would not trade them but that's not saying that I did not want a less appalling moderate from either side instead.

I should clarify, business as usual is the same career politicians doing the same things from either side, in my intended context. Walking back to my point about dems and reps being two legs on the same nasty unwashed ass, not completely separate organisms. Business as usual, I meant more that business that could be instantly solved by just removing money from politics completely (fat chance, I know). Everyone up there is for sale, both sides. Nobody here can deny that. Anyone trying to do the actual right thing would die a political death and never get within line of sight of the WH.

I would like to also clarify my take on proselytizing politicians. I am probably extra on-edge about this because we have a handful of elected leaders in South Dakota that are outrageous with the bible-thumping and pushing Christian values on an increasingly non-Christian state/society. Our ******* governor just mandated that "In God We Trust" be emblazoned on all public schools in the state. YUP, IN 2019! Someone should show this **** a ******* calendar. Also to be clear with my intend to my religious counterparts here. I'm cool, no issues. I married a devout Catholic and shes an angel. She walks her walk and lives her beliefs but never proselytizes or tries to force her beliefs. That I respect! With regards to her I always think of the cliche' "a sermon is better seen than heard". I'm with a whole lot of South Dakotans in being completely fed up with this twist in our elected officials. I did not intend to step on anyone's beliefs, it was my frustration starting to burst at the seams with our state leadership stepping on my beliefs or lack thereof. It's really dark over here in this regard. I'm leaving the state as soon as my family no longer needs me, I'm OUT of this crazy backwards state!

Oh, what I said about the first lady, I stand by that, she repulses me when she talks, the hair on the back of my neck stands up when I hear her or see her. If it's of any consolation I found Mrs Obama equally unattractive and unappealing, and equally full of ****.
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The only issue I'm aware of that is 'inflexible' as far as the majority of the right is 'Pro-Life'. Other than that, the Right primarily just wants to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. Nothing wrong with that. If someone chooses to believe in God, that is their personal choice. I believe very strongly in God, but I have nothing whatsoever to do with any 'Church'....I don't like the hypocrisy of it. 'Sin' six days a week then spend 90 minutes in church being 'absolved' and 2 hours later 'they' are right back 'at it'... no need for that. And I certainly know of no 'anti-freedom' anything that the Right is trying to invoke which is the exact opposite of the left. If everyone would simply respect the right of others to live their lives as they see fit, and shut the hell up about it, we would not have this divide in the country that exists today. If Liberals want Gun Free Zones, let them. No skin off my butt. I ignore them anyway. If San Francisco allows people to crap in their streets even though it's against the law for dogs to do that, go ahead, I'm never going there... that's their problem. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with people having different political ideologies, as long as no one tries to shove theirs down anyone else's throat which is EXACTLY what today's Democrats are doing. It will NOT work with me... And for the record I consider myself an Independent who leans toward 'Pro-Choice'.

I don't understand your slam against Melania as she's the classiest first lady we've had since Jackie Kennedy. The woman is fluent in 7 languages (I think that's the number) and is EASILY as smart as anyone.

My issues with the first lady are hard to identify. She is smart, smarter than Donald, probably not as smart as Hillary, or as wealthy, or well connected. This is exactly why it was so vital to keep Hillary out of the WH, she is VERY able and obviously willing to hurt the USA quite badly. I dont know a whole lot about the current first lady but she makes my teeth hurt, the caked on makeup is tacky as **** and unbecoming of a first lady. It makes her an easy target so I took a shot. Her eyes look like pissholes in the snow, really hard to look at.

The pro-life issue is by far my biggest reservations about the right, and their long standing discrimination of those from alternative lifestyles, which seems to be easing. I'm of the school of thought that the church should decide who can marry and the medical community should decide how and when termination of pregnancy is appropriate. Traditionally the right has wanted gov to impose their beliefs via legislation. That has mostly kept me firmly Libertarian and not full on republican.

I reread my post and it sounded like I was bashing my bible reading counterparts. I'm apologizing to anyone was offended (unless you proselytize). It was not my intent. In my last post I touched on it but it did sound harsh and was not meant at all for those who practice their beliefs and respect, or at least tolerate the beliefs of others. I'm a little defensive sometimes because I do get centered out now and then for not believing in Jesus or the bible. Green light to anyone who does, live and let live.
I've noticed that you keep doing this childish thing with people who disagree with you and associating their city to them as if that's somehow a point or insult? I guess it's a defense mechanism when you don't have reason or an actual point. You still never explained your logic behind Obama deliberately trying to derail this country by *checks notes* bringing the country back from a recession created by the Bush Administration. Or what you consider terrorism. Guess that was too much of challenge to explain that pretzel logic. Easier to just make impotent city insults. I understand. Your internet tough guy talk is amusing though. That actually made me chuckle and I found it adorable. Thanks for your time. I understand you're busy saving America.

The suggestion for your city was real, not a deflection. And I have noticed that you Liberals always accuse others of what you yourself do. Trump has done SO much more in 3 years than Obama accomplished in two terms... so my question to you would be, if Trump could bring us out of the disaster that Obozo left us in, why couldn't Obozo bring us back from the mess Bush left us in??? I'm a bit confused with your comment of my "Internet tough guy talk". I just state my beliefs, how you take them is entirely up to you as I don't care one way or the other. If you're asking me would I stand up to defend the duly elected President, or our Constitution, then that answer would be an emphatic yes, as would 95% of the people I know. Now you can think whatever you wish about that. You are one of way too many Liberals who constantly jabber in circles trying to make it sound like you know something, yet, you had to ask me about 'numbers'... That right there says all that needs to be said about yourself.
"The disaster that Obozo left us in, why couldn't Obozo bring us back from the mess Bush left us in???" I'm posting this graph of the unemployment rate since 2008 for the second time now.
Maybe you could take your head out of your ass just long enough to comprehend what it shows.
You probably can't....... comprehend that is. LOL


What do you have.....
the Kool-Aid on intravenous?
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The suggestion for your city was real, not a deflection. And I have noticed that you Liberals always accuse others of what you yourself do. Trump has done SO much more in 3 years than Obama accomplished in two terms... so my question to you would be, if Trump could bring us out of the disaster that Obozo left us in, why couldn't Obozo bring us back from the mess Bush left us in??? I'm a bit confused with your comment of my "Internet tough guy talk". I just state my beliefs, how you take them is entirely up to you as I don't care one way or the other. If you're asking me would I stand up to defend the duly elected President, or our Constitution, then that answer would be an emphatic yes, as would 95% of the people I know. Now you can think whatever you wish about that. You are one of way too many Liberals who constantly jabber in circles trying to make it sound like you know something, yet, you had to ask me about 'numbers'... That right there says all that needs to be said about yourself.

As it ItGoes has pointed out multiple times on this thread with actual numbers. This financial "disaster" that you claim Obama left us in doesn't exist.

You implied I'm stupid because I asked about numbers. Well perhaps I am stupid, but you seem to have a memory issue. You see, I remember the 2012 race between Obama and Romney. And I remember the Republican argument via Romney being "Yea, we're recovering from the recession. But we're not recovering fast enough. If I'm elected president. I'll grow the economy faster." Do you remember that? Apparently not. I sure do. I also remember hen he set some numbers for 2016. Do you remember them? I do. One in particular that Romney touted was the unemployment number. Romney said by 2016 he'd have unemployment below 6%. Do you know what the unemployment number was when Obama left office? 4.8%. So according to Republicans in 2012 Romney's numbers he set were great for America. In 2016, according to Republicans or at least you, those numbers Romney set in 2012 were a disaster. Trump numbers have only been continuing the trend(as easily seen in the graph above ItGoes posted). They are not remarkably different than Obamas. But your perspective on those numbers ARE significantly different depending which person you're referring to. But Trump does get credit for at least keeping it going. Obama got criticized often on the national debt. That's a fair criticism. But Trump's currently on pace to doubling the debt numbers of Obama. So is it important or not? There's a lot of moving the goalposts. That's why I asked about numbers.

Now as one person posted previously, number didn't mean **** to him. It's what he's experiencing in his life. And I think that's perfectly reasonable response. Maybe his work sector struggled under Obama and therefore gives him a different perspective. I can acknowledge that. Saying "My life wasn't better under Obama" is a very different take than "the disaster Obozo left us in." For me, and the company I work for, we did great under Obama. Under Trump my company has shed about 10,000 jobs(globally) and shut a few factories down here in the US in the last two years. My group specifically had a round of layoffs that hit us a few months ago. Is that Trumps fault? Not from where I sit. Businesses change and those changes can have real effects on real people's lives. I was fortunate and didn't get laid off. But guys I worked with did. It wouldn't be unreasonable if one of them had the perspective of "My life wasn't better under Trump."

Finally, regarding your "suggestion" for my city that you said was real. If it was a real suggestion, then it was mockingly stupid suggestion for so many reasons. The most important one being you know nothing about me and what I do. My daughter is off to med school and my son is deployed in Afghanistan. As a result, I'm an empty nester now I have a lot of free time on my hands. I do a lot of work with my local VFW doing repairs on homes/vehicles of disabled vets. I volunteer at the USO. And during the holidays like this past thanksgiving I bring a trunk load of food - mainly canned goods and help a food shelters ran by the Catholic church/school my kids went to. Every Christmas an organization I've worked with for over a decade takes donations from around the city and then we have families "adopt" servicemen and women who are deployed in warzones and we wrap these donations as gifts and send them off to our troops. It's a wonderful cause. It's something my kids would participate in every with me. This years was especially special because they've watched my kids grow up. So it was incredibly special this when they adopted my son(he was deployed to Bagram in Sept). One of the volunteers there is a teacher and the school she works at does something similar through a different charity(there are a lot of great charities in this city) and they have their classes "adopt" a soldier. Her 5th grade class also adopted my son which was incredibly kind and special They invited me to visit their class and tell them all about him personally. It was an absolute honor to do so and probably one of the proudest moments of my life as a father.

I list all of this not because you triggered me in any way or to pat myself on the back. I posted all of that to point out how stupid your suggestion was when you don't know anything about someone. I've served my country in the USAF and I've always served my community and always will. I'm only one man and I'm not even much a good one, but I do what I can. But I guess you expect one man in a county of a million people to put on a cape and wait for the police commissioner to shine a light in the clouds like Batman to lower a cities violent crime rate.

There's a paraphrase of wine that is often falsely attributed to Ben Franklin that goes "Beer is proof God loves us and wants us to be happy." St. Louis has it's problems like every major city does. But the micro brews here are great so I'm happy here in St. Louis.
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If we can't trust the FBI, then who do we trust? The following link is undisputed truth.


I'm glad your kids are doing well and best of luck to your son, however I don't NEED to know you or any other individual when I see what an absolute violent ******** that St. Louis has become. One of my best friends moved there from California a year ago, moved into a suburb on the west side where she thought was safe. She was wrong. Now she's scrambling to get the hell out of there. No, I don't expect you to put on a cape, what I expect from you is to do your part in trying to make your city safer rather than come on here with your blather about crap for no other reason than the Democrats number one default.... DEFELECTION.... You sound like every Liberal I encounter... You live your life as you see fit and I'll live mine.
With respect, I rarely disagree with anything you say, I think we are possibly inverted on who is worse between these two clowns but the flavor is about the same otherwise. I do believe voters knew Clinton would be one scandal after another, and another, and another. IMHO American voters have very little appetite for more of that. I did not mean to imply that Trump would be much better, but obviously subjectively I believe as bad as he is, Clinton would have given us so much more to bitch about. Even now I would not trade them but that's not saying that I did not want a less appalling moderate from either side instead.

I should clarify, business as usual is the same career politicians doing the same things from either side, in my intended context. Walking back to my point about dems and reps being two legs on the same nasty unwashed ass, not completely separate organisms. Business as usual, I meant more that business that could be instantly solved by just removing money from politics completely (fat chance, I know). Everyone up there is for sale, both sides. Nobody here can deny that. Anyone trying to do the actual right thing would die a political death and never get within line of sight of the WH.

I would like to also clarify my take on proselytizing politicians. I am probably extra on-edge about this because we have a handful of elected leaders in South Dakota that are outrageous with the bible-thumping and pushing Christian values on an increasingly non-Christian state/society. Our ******* governor just mandated that "In God We Trust" be emblazoned on all public schools in the state. YUP, IN 2019! Someone should show this **** a ******* calendar. Also to be clear with my intend to my religious counterparts here. I'm cool, no issues. I married a devout Catholic and shes an angel. She walks her walk and lives her beliefs but never proselytizes or tries to force her beliefs. That I respect! With regards to her I always think of the cliche' "a sermon is better seen than heard". I'm with a whole lot of South Dakotans in being completely fed up with this twist in our elected officials. I did not intend to step on anyone's beliefs, it was my frustration starting to burst at the seams with our state leadership stepping on my beliefs or lack thereof. It's really dark over here in this regard. I'm leaving the state as soon as my family no longer needs me, I'm OUT of this crazy backwards state!

Oh, what I said about the first lady, I stand by that, she repulses me when she talks, the hair on the back of my neck stands up when I hear her or see her. If it's of any consolation I found Mrs Obama equally unattractive and unappealing, and equally full of ****.

I understand. We are inverted on who would be worse. My point was Trump was supposed to be this outsider that changes things. I never believed that. In fact, back during the primaries I remember posting a video on these boards where Trump bragged about as businessman he participated in the pay to play politics. I argued back then he wanted to be on the receiving end of that transaction and I was right. Back then I pointed out how Trump donated to Florida AG Pam Pondi's campaign and suddenly the lawsuit against Trump University was dropped. Pam Bondi now works for the White House.

Regarding your position of religion and politics I agree. If you don't mind reading a bit, I'd like to offer a backstory that I think is relevant to this. I've said it many times here and I know no one believes me. I was a Republican most of my life. I grew up in the deep south. The phrase "The only good liberal is a dead liberal" was quite literally a bumper sticker on half the trucks. If anyone has served in the military they know it's HEAVILY Republican. When I was a young mind who really didn't give a **** about politics coming into the service and already grown up in culture that hated liberals I was an easy choice for me to be Republican. Limbaugh was on every radio in every office/room on the HQ PACAF building. Even the barber shop. Then when Clinton became pres Limbaugh took off and he was everywhere. I mean he even had his own nightly talk show at one point that was trying to compete with Letterman and the Tonight Show. Remember those days? He was a HUGE conservative voice in mainstream media. The thing is, even back then, I considered myself a Republican but I hated Limbaugh. My roommate loved him. We would debate a lot. My biggest irk with Limbaugh was in my opinion he always talked down to his conservative audience. Always with that air that he was the smartest guy in the room. So while I considered myself a Republican, I never really felt I was a mainstream... so it should be no surprise I ended up becoming a big fan of John McCain. I'll say this right off the bat the 2018 McCain was a considerably different than the 90s McCain. That's not a flaw necessarily. We should always been growing/evolving. I'd be more worried about someone who was exactly the same as they were 30 years prior. But my point is that many people look at 2018 McCain and forget why he was nicknamed "The Maverick" back in the 80s/90s.

But McCain in those days was one of the lone voices in the Republican party that pushed back on this encroachment of religion into politics and especially within his party. He was VERY outspoken against TV evangelists, but Jerry Falwell in particular. He saw the direction the party was headed and he was trying to right the ship. When he ran in the primaries against Bush, he made GWB look foolish on the debate stages. But McCain wouldn't pander to the evangelicals. It cost him dearly because GWB won the nomination by a landslide due to the evangelical vote. That 2000 primary showed me where the party was heading. Again, growing up in the deep South of Mississippi/Alabama and around evangelicals all my life.. I knew the party was heading in a direction toward religious overreach. And it changed McCain too. The maverick that used to speak out on the congressional floor against Jerry Falwell was doing photo ops where he was hugging him as campaigned in 2008. Part of me lost respect but really -- what else could he do? A Republican can't win now without the evangelicals. So I understood why McCain had to do it, but I still didn't like seeing it. I've been an independent ever since and the #1 reason I broke from the Republican party back then was due to it being taken over my religious fundamentalists/hypocrites. Almost 20 years later, it's even worse now. Not only in terms of the stranglehold evangelicals have on the Republican party now. But also how huge the disconnect is from Christianity and Evangelicals.

I sent my kids to Catholic school, because like you I married a Catholic. I'm an atheist. So I'm fully aware Catholics have a bunch of issues too that disconnect from Christianity. Overall I respect peoples faith. But I'm a separation of church and state diehard and always will be.
For every link that I provide that proves the Earth is round, you can find links that state it's flat. Graphs can be found anywhere that state what YOU want it to state. Polls: anyone who believes polls is foolish.

I'm done with this thread. I don't have the time or patience to teach Liberals actual history of this country, or explain to Europeans who can't even control their own problems.

One last thing: The Second Amendment does NOT give us permission to own guns.... It FORBIDS the Govt. from ever taking them..... "Shall Not Be Infringed" is actually pretty easy to understand....

You boys have fun... I'm going to go watch paint dry.
No, I don't expect you to put on a cape, what I expect from you is to do your part in trying to make your city safer rather than come on here with your blather about crap

Listen to yourself. Again, with almost zero knowledge of me, you're saying I don't my part in trying to make my community safer because I engaged in discussions on a forum. That's so effin' stupid. I'm well within my rights to be on this board just like you. Is there a crime statistic our city has to meet in order to post here that I'm unaware of? Do I need to show you my conceal carry permit I've had forever(even though Missouri no longer requires it). What an absolute ridiculous perspective.

But sincerely if your friend needs a safe place to stay until they move, they can stay here as long they don't mind a bulldog. I got 3 spare bedrooms and spare bathoom. I've been here for 13 years with never a problem.
Listen to yourself. Again, with almost zero knowledge of me, you're saying I don't my part in trying to make my community safer because I engaged in discussions on a forum. That's so effin' stupid. I'm well within my rights to be on this board just like you. Is there a crime statistic our city has to meet in order to post here that I'm unaware of? Do I need to show you my conceal carry permit I've had forever(even though Missouri no longer requires it). What an absolute ridiculous perspective.

But sincerely if your friend needs a safe place to stay until they move, they can stay here as long they don't mind a bulldog. I got 3 spare bedrooms and spare bathoom. I've been here for 13 years with never a problem.

You completely missed the point.
Listen to yourself. Again, with almost zero knowledge of me, you're saying I don't my part in trying to make my community safer because I engaged in discussions on a forum. That's so effin' stupid. I'm well within my rights to be on this board just like you. Is there a crime statistic our city has to meet in order to post here that I'm unaware of? Do I need to show you my conceal carry permit I've had forever(even though Missouri no longer requires it). What an absolute ridiculous perspective.

But sincerely if your friend needs a safe place to stay until they move, they can stay here as long they don't mind a bulldog. I got 3 spare bedrooms and spare bathoom. I've been here for 13 years with never a problem.

Forgot... please thank your son for his service...
It's pretty tough to argue against any of this. It's why Clinton is not POTUS and Trump is. She's even more vile than he, and by no small margin. Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it.

The extreme dems have put themselves in line for this extinction, they were nothing like this when I came of voting age, "domestic terrorists" is a very strong reference but it sure looks like they are trying to don that hat with all the damage they intend to do, and have done. On the flip side, all these extreme, meddle-in-your-personal-affairs bible-thumping, pro-life, anti-freedom righties are probably right behind them out the door. We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador.

I move that we place a mandate on anyone running for any public office that active US military service be on their resume along with a willingness to submit to a lifelong audit of all finances and business records, short of PHI. I dont see any other way to weed out those of extremely weak charactor (Bush, Obama, Clinton (all of em) and Trumps (all of em), including the first lady that looks like a badly aging pole dancer. Actually all these names make Bush look good, but I remember that he was only less bad.
Why bring an honesty lovely First lady in on this? Parts of your diatribe I agree with, but Melania is without a doubt the epitome of Class. Stupid!
I understand. We are inverted on who would be worse. My point was Trump was supposed to be this outsider that changes things. I never believed that. In fact, back during the primaries I remember posting a video on these boards where ....
I sent my kids to Catholic school, because like you I married a Catholic. I'm an atheist. So I'm fully aware Catholics have a bunch of issues too that disconnect from Christianity. Overall I respect peoples faith. But I'm a separation of church and state diehard and always will be.

Everyone is making good points, even if not in agreement with each other, but I'm 100% agreeing with this.

My step daughters were in the best Catholic school near Iloilo, when they came here I was floored by the obvious quality of their education and the strength of their character. My wife is an outstanding mother as well as an eerily spectacular best friend/wife. I'm not sure if private schools are really that good or our public school are just that bad. Thinking a combo but I definitely see a parallel between private education and a quality outcome.

TV evangelists don't bother me at all, I'm not the target demographic so I simply dont watch. When evangelism or any religious mention is intertwined into politics and public office it is forced upon us, and we are also forced to fund it. We cant just surf past the channel. It's the "stained-glass ceiling" trapping SD in the stone ages. SD is an embarrassment to the right as CA is an embarrassment to the left. It sure illustrates how some politicians are more deeply concerned with their own personal agenda than the good of those they are supposed to represent.

Fun fact for those not familiar with FFRF, as I was not until recently. Ron Regan, son of the late POTUS is in their TV spots speaking as a free-thinker. link for anyone interested in seeing it. I'm not affiliated or a supporter of FFRF yet but it's an amusing short spot. I will probably support them since they came out of pocket to help others understand that not all South Dakotans are like our governor and others here.

If we survive as a species long enough everyone on earth will be a pleasant tan color. Bipartisan-ism and organized religion will be long forgotten. I can only imagine the dismay of good Catholics out there as the church starts to unravel and we see what is really going on with the widespread abuse with abusers protected by the church rather than exposed. Even in SD we have no openly Catholic politicians that I'm aware of.

A side question, isnt it strange to see how many freethinking males are married to Catholics and/or non-Americans? Is this consistent with your observations?
Why bring an honesty lovely First lady in on this? Parts of your diatribe I agree with, but Melania is without a doubt the epitome of Class. Stupid!

She looks absolutely terrible so I took a cheap shot, I'll admit that. I already conceded that I don't know much about her other than I don't care for her for reasons I cant really identify. She may be classy and just not look it. I'll cop to a cheap shot based mostly on appearances and the fact that she is with trump, who is all but classy.
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Sorry mate just copy some others answer is not ok !
Do YOU also as "Your partner GURUvm...." work in a Triumph department in the State ? Who the hell are You two describing costs not payed from other Countries ? ?
MY country was not involved in either WW1 or 2 why should we pay MR Potus with his big balls....
Do You know anything of situation in Europe ? (more than Trumph campaign talk....) interesting to here a description of it not in just some rude words...

Okay Lars, fine! You stay in your European dreamland and stay the hell out of mine. At least we finally have a president that has the balls to look out for OUR interest first. Doesn't mean we can't be good neighbors. Just means our damn household comes first! I was in London within a year after 9/11 and listened to the people there bitch and whine about the US and I was actually told that we finally got what we deserved. Now, I was a guest in their country and in those peoples home so I bit the **** out of my tongue. Even though we (the US) wouldn't have looked like such an easy target if we would have had a real man in the Whitehouse for the eight years PREVIOUS to the weak-tit bastard that was in the Whitehouse WHEN it happened. And just where in the hell do you get YOUR numbers to dispute anything previously stated? And did you subtly suggest that you work in some capacity as a government employee? Cause if you did, that WOULD definitely explain some ****. Look at Brexit, you socialist bastards just can't wait to get in your hard working neighbors bank account, then when your friggin neighbor says he's had enough, you say YOU'LL tell him when he's had enough. Look at the Prime Minister of the UK. LOL! That disheveled son-of-a-bitch can't even get out of bed early enough to comb his ****** hair. Or how about prince andrew? Hangin out with Jeffery Epstein? Wow! All that "royalty". And you don't like my guy? LOL! Listen Lars, it's Sunday, so shame on me for even sitting here writing this post to some poor SOB that doesn't even have the freedom to go take a **** without applying for a permit or permission from some bureaucrat, let alone take his favorite firearm out for some range time. Meanwhile my local sporting goods store is having a sale on brass and GUN POWDER and I'm gonna go make myself a purchase. And thank god to Federalism, I have the freedom, and I do choose to exercise it, to live in a state with low taxes. So, when I purchase my **** load of GUN POWDER later, I won't have to pay a "kings ransome" in taxes. I don't know, nor do I give a **** where in Europe you live, but just continue kissing the ass of whatever king, monarch, or autocrat that you acquiesce to and we'll continue to defend our constitution and our way of life. With GUN POWDER if necessary.
I'd like to continue to read, but I have to take a grandson to Catholic Mass. He attended a Jewish pre-school. His father attended Catholic parochial school from 1st grade, his maternal grandparents are Hindu Sikhs, his paternal great-grandparents fled Cuba because of Castro denying religious freedom to them after he rose to-power. His paternal grandmother was sent ahead of the great-grandparents, to the USA, because of a lack of religious freedom under Castro, she came-home from school one day, singing a song she learned in elementary school, "Fidel is greater than God." That same little girl had her Jesuit cousin who was a Cuban Catholic priest shot under orders from Che Guevara. When she came here, she was in a Catholic orphanage for 3 years while her parents tried to leave Cuba. Thank god for freedoms we enjoy.

This thread topic has caused a lot of enmity. I wish it would just go-away. The new owners haven't locked anything that I know-of. This would be a good place to start.
This thread topic has caused a lot of enmity. I wish it would just go-away. The new owners haven't locked anything that I know-of. This would be a good place to start.

This thread went off the rails because a couple of members that are very short on facts want to make their case in an arrogant way while additionally making ad homminen attacks.

The old saying "you can have your own opinions but you can't have your own facts" fits nicely here. I posted information right from the governments bureau of statistics and was told they were not correct.When someone dabbles in conspiracy theories and only gets their information from sources that have information THEY WANT to be true, that can be expected.

To call people names and tell them where they live is a "********" is not productive and only shows you are losing the argument. Interestingly enough this is one of Trump's favorite things to do. Much more prevalent on the Right in recent years has been my observation......just look at FOX "News".

BTW NYC (in my backyard), is the safest big city in the country, and quite likely the greatest big city in the world. All that with a Democrat Governor and Mayor (neither whom I like very much).

Oh yeah we have very strict gun laws too and that works fine for us. I walk among tens of thousands of people in Times Square unarmed, and am never in fear.

So a little bit of civility, intellectual curiosity and common decency goes a long way in these types of discussions here and everywhere else.
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