three percent the truth

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Curious because I have only ever voted by mail, which I have to register for. How or where would someone be able to vote without registering? And by registering aren’t you giving a residence? Pardon my ignorance. I understand the idea and concern for voter fraud but it appears that there are measures in place to prevent it, right? Like registering?
I’ve heard some are convinced that people also vote multiple times?

Yep. I think there are concerns of stale registration data get exploited. So for example, I die(the crowds cheer). Registration data still thinks I'm alive. Someone shows up claiming they're me and votes. That's the concern. Many states try to clean their voter rolls, but a lot of legitimate people get caught up in those purges and show up to the polls finding out they're no longer registered. So you should check your registration a couple of times a year. There are other ways to address that issue. Photo ID is one of a few suggestions.

There's all sorts of vulnerabilities with our voting systems and they concern me. My larger concerns are man in the middle type of attacks. Every state does it different, but when it comes to these electronic voting machines, that data gets transmitted somewhere. Finds its way on a server. That's where I worry about the integrity of that data. Is it encrypted? Is it heavily audited/logged? Are those audit logs reviewed thoroughly? Etc etc.

We know through DHS reports and the Mueller Report that all 50 states got scanned by Russia, 21 states got penetrated. At least one state had all of their voter registration data stolen(we found this out through one of the many indictments from the Mueller Report). Photo ID aint gonna fix any of that however.

The one thing that I'll never understand is why we don't make the day we vote in November a national holiday.
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And late yesterday afternoon the DOJ determined that ALL of this impeachment crap was started with the Steele Dossier that is nothing but fantasy, has been proven to be nothing but lies and financed totally by the Clinton Foundation.... anyone getting any insight here????

-Impeachment has nothing to do with Steele Dossier. I don't have any idea how you are tying those two things together. You really are detached from the facts.
Well I can tell you for sure...I didn't do it! But it does look authentic.

Upon further review I checked with Truth or Fiction, which I like better than Snopes, and they agree with is not accurate.

Yeah Danny, I think that would be to easy to fake. Also I'm pretty sure there weren't many bar coded ID's back then. I'm in that industry since 1986 and they were not real prevalent then....... and that ID card is from 81.
LOL....this took me 3 minutes to do in MS Paint. Not as good but you get the idea.

The scary stuff is what can be done with video now. Change what people say, and change their mouth movements to match the voice. It's getting hard to detect what is real and what is not. In 10 years or so the way technology is advancing it may be impossible.

TRUMP ID 2.jpg
LOL....this took me 3 minutes to do in MS Paint. Not as good but you get the idea.

The scary stuff is what can be done with video now. Change what people say, and change their mouth movements to match the voice. It's getting hard to detect what is real and what is not. In 10 years or so the way technology is advancing it may be impossible.

View attachment 70500

Yea, regardless of your political persuasion, we are in the early years of major disinformation warfare. And the "deepfake" video technology is scary good. They can also use computers now to create voice replication too. Here's a really good Ted Talk about it that talks about the technology. It shows the really amazing creative and positive things you can do with it as well as the negative things. As you said, in 10 years this is probably going to be hard to tell from the human eye.
LOL....this took me 3 minutes to do in MS Paint. Not as good but you get the idea.

The scary stuff is what can be done with video now. Change what people say, and change their mouth movements to match the voice. It's getting hard to detect what is real and what is not. In 10 years or so the way technology is advancing it may be impossible.

View attachment 70500
I’m gunna need to see trumps birth certificate lol
Yea, regardless of your political persuasion, we are in the early years of major disinformation warfare. And the "deepfake" video technology is scary good. They can also use computers now to create voice replication too. Here's a really good Ted Talk about it that talks about the technology. It shows the really amazing creative and positive things you can do with it as well as the negative things. As you said, in 10 years this is probably going to be hard to tell from the human eye.

It will remove credibility from video until software to suss out the deep fakes catches up. Scary indeed.

The good news is if a fellows wifey ever sees that tape from the gents club, he can claim it's an absurd fake haha.
It will remove credibility from video until software to suss out the deep fakes catches up. Scary indeed.

The good news is if a fellows wifey ever sees that tape from the gents club, he can claim it's an absurd fake haha.
Do you have strip clubs out in the sticks where you live? Lol
It wouldn't be the first time that I saw a photo on the internet that was fake but, lots of folks say it was real just because they want it to be true.
View attachment 70498

Truthfully Mike, I don't give a damn one way or the other if Obama has a green card or not. POTUS's come and go, the last one did, this one will, and the next one too. Not going to affect me much one way or the other unless I allow it....which I won't.

The three ****s? Now that's a different story altogether!! Or All Together...whichever way you look at it/them.
-Impeachment has nothing to do with Steele Dossier. I don't have any idea how you are tying those two things together. You really are detached from the facts.

Apparently you didn't understand what my comment said. The DOJ determined that the Steele Report (which has been proven beyond all doubt was completely made up) was THE basis or the foundation of all of these investigations. In other words, the document that started all of this has been proven completely false and financed by the Clinton Foundation. Now, if the Steele Report got this 'Impeachment Ball of Wax' rolling, how can anyone even suggest that the two are not tied together??? Seems to me either you are the one that is "detached from the facts" OR you have a terrible reading comprehension problem. Though I did agree with your post on voting issues and problems.
This particular issue has been brought up in discussions on this forum before. I still have the same opinion now as I did back then. I have no problems with a photo id requirement to vote as a concept. It all comes down to how its implemented. But the big requirement I have is also it must be free. There can be no fee attached to getting the ID. This isn't like a drivers license. Driving is a privilege. Voting is a right. There should be no cover charge for a right.

By that logic, it should be the same with the second amendment.
Okay Lars, fine! You stay in your European dreamland and stay the hell out of mine. At least we finally have a president that has the balls to look out for OUR interest first. Doesn't mean we can't be good neighbors. Just means our damn household comes first! I was in London within a year after 9/11 and listened to the people there bitch and whine about the US and I was actually told that we finally got what we deserved. Now, I was a guest in their country and in those peoples home so I bit the **** out of my tongue. Even though we (the US) wouldn't have looked like such an easy target if we would have had a real man in the Whitehouse for the eight years PREVIOUS to the weak-tit bastard that was in the Whitehouse WHEN it happened. And just where in the hell do you get YOUR numbers to dispute anything previously stated? And did you subtly suggest that you work in some capacity as a government employee? Cause if you did, that WOULD definitely explain some ****. Look at Brexit, you socialist bastards just can't wait to get in your hard working neighbors bank account, then when your friggin neighbor says he's had enough, you say YOU'LL tell him when he's had enough. Look at the Prime Minister of the UK. LOL! That disheveled son-of-a-bitch can't even get out of bed early enough to comb his ****** hair. Or how about prince andrew? Hangin out with Jeffery Epstein? Wow! All that "royalty". And you don't like my guy? LOL! Listen Lars, it's Sunday, so shame on me for even sitting here writing this post to some poor SOB that doesn't even have the freedom to go take a **** without applying for a permit or permission from some bureaucrat, let alone take his favorite firearm out for some range time. Meanwhile my local sporting goods store is having a sale on brass and GUN POWDER and I'm gonna go make myself a purchase. And thank god to Federalism, I have the freedom, and I do choose to exercise it, to live in a state with low taxes. So, when I purchase my **** load of GUN POWDER later, I won't have to pay a "kings ransome" in taxes. I don't know, nor do I give a **** where in Europe you live, but just continue kissing the ass of whatever king, monarch, or autocrat that you acquiesce to and we'll continue to defend our constitution and our way of life. With GUN POWDER if necessary.
Sorry to make YOU so upset on A SUNDAY YOU of course YOU has Christian values ? Or a Putin man as your chief in business ?
I have been in my neighbour contrys Denmarks capital Copenhagen in 3 days for Christmas vacation ; Drinking their good beer and some Irish whisky... they are nice friendly people there, seen totally 6 cops in 3 days and just 2 outside a Israelian Synagoge with a Rifle thats a Country with the good "feeling"; Friendly and comfortable and nice to discuss with them on their PUBs but here on site ? Crazy no argumetation at all ! Rifles as usual only answer boss can behave as he want .... hes choosen .....(VMax guru) Why always talk about the other Presidents?
BUT Go on Love Your Rifles and have a good time me to old to behave as a ********" as many of the "Pontus" believiers love to as chief in state do the same . Shitholes like shitholes....
IF Feel very Sorry of todays US and thx for this time will leave this forum now; gives nothing but sadness....
Do you have strip clubs out in the sticks where you live? Lol

I think strip clubs and bars will be the last thing standing when everything else is closed. I was to a ***** bar when I was 14 and not since, If I cant touch it I don't need to see it. BUT, 3 ****s, very nicely done haha. When I control evolution I'll put another two on the back for when the more subservient guys get suckered into going dancing.
-Impeachment has nothing to do with Steele Dossier. I don't have any idea how you are tying those two things together. You really are detached from the facts.

I didn't say that. I was quoting the DOJ as THEY stated that's what started all this impeachment clown show, so take your snivel to them.
Sorry to make YOU so upset on A SUNDAY YOU of course YOU has Christian values ? Or a Putin man as your chief in business ?
I have been in my neighbour contrys Denmarks capital Copenhagen in 3 days for Christmas vacation ; Drinking their good beer and some Irish whisky... they are nice friendly people there, seen totally 6 cops in 3 days and just 2 outside a Israelian Synagoge with a Rifle thats a Country with the good "feeling"; Friendly and comfortable and nice to discuss with them on their PUBs but here on site ? Crazy no argumetation at all ! Rifles as usual only answer boss can behave as he want .... hes choosen .....(VMax guru) Why always talk about the other Presidents?
BUT Go on Love Your Rifles and have a good time me to old to behave as a ********" as many of the "Pontus" believiers love to as chief in state do the same . Shitholes like shitholes....
IF Feel very Sorry of todays US and thx for this time will leave this forum now; gives nothing but sadness....

Or... maybe it's time for someone to change your diaper...
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