Once again CA shoots themselves in the foot with counterproductive policy and law. Seems they are intent on taxing and regulating many industries and individuals right out the door. They not only fail to protect tax payers, they are overtly hostile to them. CA has spread almost all the way north up the left coast. I was born in SoCal, dad passed in late 70s when I was still young, and it wasnt two weeks later CA was in our rear view mirror for good. There were a lot of people leaving WA when I left in 05 too, but so many more flooding in from CA that the population grew immensely in the time I was there. Many of them were pretty alright but many others brought their California ways with them and ****** up the whole western chunk of the state.
I fear ID is in danger of the same thing. My favorite cuz lives in Nampa valley, I often hear in vivid detail how it has changed in recent years. Thankfully ID is still full of great scenery and state law is still reasonable. It's probably more vital than ever to encourage those you know to be active voters in that area to prevent further damage from a leftward shift. Political leanings aside there are just soooo ******* many people on the west coast that it's unlivable. There is no getting away, the overcrowding and traffic are soul crushing on the best of days.
Thank **** for the electoral college or the entire country might be run like CA. We were so dangerously close to having Clinton as POTUS, it's downright frightening. I hope that was a wake-up call for everyone to become informed and take part in voting to try and isolate the liberal damage to the left coast.
Full disclosure, I'm a liberal myself, but only socially. I'm still a fiscal conservative. I dont care who does what what as long as they don't come to the taxpayers when their ****** life choices leave them ******. My liberalism does a hard stop when personal accountability is replaced by entitlement and growing an already out of control government that we should be desperately trying to reign in and remove from our personal choices/lives.
I definitely feel your pain and I'm glad you escaped that nightmare. ID is still largely a pretty damn decent state so probably quite an upgrade.
Yep, yep, yep, and yep. Lol! Sounds like you identify as a (original) liberal in the true sense. I call them "the old liberals", I just didn't want to call you old. Lol. The original liberals embrace the constitution and just want to be left alone. And I definitely get that. I always distinguish (old) liberals from (contemporary) progressives. BIG difference. I have a good friend (beer drinkin' buddy) that actually describes himself Exactly as you did, "socially liberal and fiscally conservative". We still have some spirited conversation though. Lol! Especially after we get a few high octane beers in our guts.
What a great place CA use to be. I knew that I would not live my whole life in that state by the time I was in my mid-twenties. Don't know how bad it's gonna have to get there before people (progressives) realize the error of their ways. Oregon, Washington, and now Idaho have/are been/being changed, and CLEARLY not for the better, from immigration of Californians. I can speak freely about it because although I'm from there, I haven't been a "Californian" for a LONG time. I didn't leave that place, it left me. I grew up and have remained a Constitutional centered American and I'm probably more of a Libertarian than anything. The typical Californian (if they're even a f*ckin US citizen) is a hypocritical, self-serving, narcissistic, self aggrandizing, apathetic, pretentious/poser, opportunist *******. Oh sure, they present themselves as being morally better people. But their actions say otherwise. And they embrace socialism and sharing of the spoils. Yeah, they want to share the spoils of everyone else's labors because most of the lazy, confused, overpaid, cock-suckers don't have one bit of self discipline so they don't have **** to share. Much of the (paper) wealth in California is from equity awarded to people for just being a homeowner (whether or not they pay their mortgage and live up to contractual obligations or not) and credit. A LOT more comes from overpaid government entitlement jobs and the golden defined benefit pensions that come with them. They rob wealth from the private-sector and award it to the public-sector in exchange for political loyalty at the polls.
Every time one of those lunatic bastards does something stupid or unnatural, they think they need to pass ANOTHER new law to regulate everyone. The typical Californian has no interest in practicing moderation or self control of excess in their life, but the hypocrite bastards will self appoint themselves to tell the rest of us that we need to cut back or "pay our fair share", all while the rest of us are the ones that have been moderate in our actions and the ones that have already been carrying THEIR water. The short sighted pricks will vote for anything that immediately butters their bread, even though it will immediately screw someone else and even when any moron could see that the long term affects are going to screw everyone. The "Cali" m.o. is "I got mine". Self-sacrifice, accountability, and honor are just a few words that are rarely uttered within the California borders (except on a movie set), let alone practiced. The waste I use to witness was nauseating. But it's okay cuz they recycle or pass another law that symbolizes that they are "green". Virtue signaling, hypocrite, bastards will scream environmentalism while they stand at the southern border and hold the gate open for an endless amount of third world people that come from a scorched earth society and have no idea, or any cognitive desire or intention of changing. And the import of illegal aliens is done to perpetuate the democrat stronghold. To hell with everyone else's quality of life and the American dream be damned, their "gonna get theirs". "Environmentalism" in Kalifornia (and the world for that matter) is a dog and pony show designed to separate the citizens from MORE of their hard earned money, but to some it has become a religion. The "Earth God". As for me, I'm %100 for ecology and being a good steward of the planet. I truly love trees but I hate Tree-Huggers. I'm for more practice, less preach. I grew up hearing; "waste not, want not", "don't piss upstream from where you drink", "don't **** where you eat", etc. But don't think for a minute that your gonna live in Kalifornia and apply these good practices without being punished and having to pay the "green tax".
When you vote in Kalifornia it may or may not be a waste of time. It depends on how the vote turns out and the desired outcome from the point of view of the socialist-democrat over-lords that run the place. In the mid to late 90's, Kalifornia put affirmative action up for vote (should California continue to give jobs, college admissions, etc. to people based on their skin color and not on merit). The good people of California popularly voted to remove it. That wasn't the desired outcome of the despots, sooo.. they put it to the vote again. And again "affirmative action" was defeated by popular vote. Sooo... the obvious next step for the naked Marxist bastards to do was to have one, (1), uno activist judge make a "ruling" on the "democratic process". And, so the racism in Kalifornia continues orchestrated from the democrat leadership. Then, they did a repeat with gay marriage and proposition 8. See democrats love Democracy so long as it fits their narrative. They are the playwrights in Kalifornia.
Kalifornia progressives SCREAM diversity and damn western civilization and the American culture. They act impulsively based on emotion. They think that they are Intellectually superior to their objective-thinking counterparts. I would love to put a half dozen Islamic zealots in a locked room with a half dozen LGBTQ members and watch the fray. Sounds mean, but that's exactly what the delusional progressive cock-suckers want to do to the rest of us when they inject people with a culture that is simply not compliant with our culture and the US Constitution. And speaking of the "rainbow community" in Kalifornia, I could give a **** less what they do in their bedroom. It ain't none of my business! I wish they could reciprocate the same courtesy and respect for the non-gay community. Instead the militant cock-suckers want to force everyone to like, respect, and pay homage to them. They want everyone to embrace them for their bravery. LOL! Hell, I'm old enough to remember when they "just wanted everyone to stay out of THEIR bedroom", now I can't keep those f*ckers out of MY livingroom.
Pretty much, the typical Kalifornian claims to be everything they really aren't. All this and they have clearly expressed that they have absolutely no interest in even starting to correct the course they are on and that they will fight anyone or any policies that would. There are still some good people in California and we always said that if you could go right up interstate 5 from southern California to the top of Washington with a large saw and cut off everything to the left side, California, Oregon, and Washington would be good again.