three percent the truth

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Sorry to have to point out something that should be so abundantly obvious to even the most casual observer but, every law in every land that supports peace and civility and opposes lawlessness IS ultimately enforced with gun powder. Maybe not yours (which might explain a few things), but my local constable as mild in demeanor as he might be will ultimately use gunpowder to keep the peace and uphold the law if necessary. It's even half of the reason that law-enforcement choose to open-carry their side arm. It conveys the silent message that while they may have a benign demeanor, they are by no means inert. Peace through strength my friend.
Thx for #all obvious information must be a local lawyer ?" Please explain me a "few things" I dont know them yet .....
First, your claim of 'world leaders laughing at Trump' was nothing more than one reporters claim. But let's say they were. Why? Laughing, under certain circumstances, is a defensive mechanism. The 'world leaders' realize they don't have the buttocks kissing traitor that they had their way with during the last administration. Now they have Trump who doesn't take any crap off anybody. He puts AMERICAN interests first and doesn't care who does or doesn't like that. THAT'S WHY HE WAS ELECTED. The 'rest of the world' has taken advantage of the U.S. for far too long with your one-sided trade deals and refusing to pay back your debts owed this country since WWII. We are also not the world's policeman though you've thought of us as such. Trump recognizes that. No more. You folks are going to pay your fair share and shoulder your share of responsibility when required for whatever situation might arise. It's no longer "Let America deal with it while we sit on our *****"... You folks can't even control all the illegal refugees that are invading your country so badly it's become a plague. Entire towns have been taken over by these two legged animals while people who lived in them, some for up to 8 generations, have lost their homes, their businesses and yet your Govt. sits by and does nothing. Well WE have the means to stop that crap. Southern California won't but they don't count because of an overabundance use of recreational drugs out there that it's fried their itty bitty brains. You won't see that problem here otherwise 'Farmer John's' pigs are going to be MUCH fatter.... You don't see ANTIFA pulling their BS where I live because they KNOW what will happen. Where I live 85% of men AND women have concealed carry permits.... You loot we shoot.... Guns owned by citizens is the ONLY reason Japan did not attempt to invade California after Pearl Harbor.... Thank the good Lord our Forefathers had the good sense to write the Second Amendment, one that half this country is willing to die for to preserve.... so if you decide to take on America, our military is the second thing you'd have to worry about.... Take care of your own problems before you start criticizing us....

Yep, yep, yep, and yep on all of your points. Japan's Admiral Yamamoto (always seemed like a fitting name for Yamaha's line of dirt bikes) during World War II was quoted in a letter in reference to invading the US mainland, as writing, "to invade the United States would prove most difficult because behind every blade of grass is an American with a rifle." Yes the founders of this country were wise beyond their time, and ours for that matter. Make no mistake about it, the second amendment has nothing to do with sporting clays, target practice, or hunting. It was by design written into the constitution to defend (in symbiosis with the first amendment) the rest of the Bill of Rights. Beautiful thing about the second amendment is that it is self perpetuating. If a tyrannical government was to somehow attempt to usurp the peoples Republic (sound familiar), and try and remove the peoples "god-given" (meaning; it ain't up for discussion) right to keep and bear arms, the people can defend the second amendment with the second amendment.
Thx for #all obvious information must be a local lawyer ?" Please explain me a "few things" I dont know them yet .....

Maybe I'm mistaken, but it appeared judging by your previous posts that you are a citizen of a European country. If not, then I was mistaken and I retract the " might explain a few things".
Maybe I'm mistaken, but it appeared judging by your previous posts that you are a citizen of a European country. If not, then I was mistaken and I retract the " might explain a few things".
Hi Rynoman Im from a European Country.... whats the problem with that ?
Why should Trump show his tax returns?
-Maybe because in his lifetime he's had to pay approximately 30 million dollars in fines for fraud.
-Maybe because the Trump Foundation got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump University got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump was so notorious for fraud American banks stopped lending to him.
-Maybe because multiple tenants in Trump Tower were arrested and convicted for money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump casinos got fined for over 10 million dollars by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Treasury Department for NOT following anti-money laundering procedures required by the gaming commissions.
-Maybe because Trump and his son in law Kushner went through Deutsche Bank -- a bank that has to pay 15million in fines for -- wait for it -- money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump's personal lawyer is in prison for multiple reasons, but a few of them being for committing crimes on the behest of Trump. And the ONLY reason Trump isn't sharing a cell with Cohen is because he is president.

Now I realize that for a Trump supporter none of the facts above concern you because the name in those line items is Trump and not Clinton. So then how about this simple reason:

-Because he said he would. Many many times.

Why should Trump show his tax returns?
-Maybe because in his lifetime he's had to pay approximately 30 million dollars in fines for fraud.
-Maybe because the Trump Foundation got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump University got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump was so notorious for fraud American banks stopped lending to him.
-Maybe because multiple tenants in Trump Tower were arrested and convicted for money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump casinos got fined for over 10 million dollars by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Treasury Department for NOT following anti-money laundering procedures required by the gaming commissions.
-Maybe because Trump and his son in law Kushner went through Deutsche Bank -- a bank that has to pay 15million in fines for -- wait for it -- money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump's personal lawyer is in prison for multiple reasons, but a few of them being for committing crimes on the behest of Trump. And the ONLY reason Trump isn't sharing a cell with Cohen is because he is president.

Now I realize that for a Trump supporter none of the facts above concern you because the name in those line items is Trump and not Clinton. So then how about this simple reason:

-Because he said he would. Many many times.

Kronx, welcome to the party
Sorry Mate to make You more upset ....seems that in Your world gunpowder is the only solution..... BUT US earlier has have friends in many different Countrys around World; what will happen with POTUS behavior in the next Year ?
Dictators in China ,Korea, Russia Hungary, Turkei, Syria etc, feels very good just now with such a leader in US I can assure.
All Our Countrys have different problems but some Countries are not FREE... Your POTUS like bosses in that type of Countries ... WHY ?
Me like old US with freedom and possiblity to make a good living.... Just now what happens ?

lol.. you're not making me upset, you're making me laugh. Our "World gunpowder" is the ONLY reason you are not eating 'weinerschnitzel'... Simply put, America has bailed you out of not one, but TWO World Wars. You (your country(ies) refuse to pay us the legitimate debt that is owed us. I pay my bills, why don't you pay yours? The problems you are experiencing with illegal refugees you completely brought on yourself by not dealing with it before it became such a problem. Everyone I know is free to make the living they strive for. The reason you like the 'old US' is because your country took such advantage of us under past administrations. NO MORE.... We didn't put you and your country into the mess it's in and it's NOT our responsibility to get you out of it. Here's an idea... why don't you try growing some balls and actually help yourselves for a change and stop looking for us to bail you out because of your inability to help yourselves. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Trump. The rules have changed. No more azz kissing Obozo... whose only idea on foreign policy was to throw money at him. Obozo is responsible for Iran's resurgence with their nuclear program by spiriting away 150 BILLION dollars in cash in the middle of the night which under the law was ours to legitimately keep. That money could have gone to our Veterans, our Infrastructure, and probably hundreds of other uses that would have served this country so much better than helping Iran build nuclear bombs.... thank Obozo for that one. In the Revolutionary War only 3% of the population fought the British, which at the time had the far most powerful military the world had ever seen and had never been defeated. We kicked their ass. Why?? Because real Americans don't take any **** off anybody. Our country was 'birthed' with guns. Our culture is steeped in guns. And for those of you who don't like that, WE DO NOT CARE. We can take care of ourselves, unlike you European weenies who can't even protect yourselves from the Immigrant invasion that have proven to be be nothing more than locusts... Fix your own problems and don't worry about ours.
Why should Trump show his tax returns?
-Maybe because in his lifetime he's had to pay approximately 30 million dollars in fines for fraud.
-Maybe because the Trump Foundation got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump University got shutdown for fraud.
-Maybe because Trump was so notorious for fraud American banks stopped lending to him.
-Maybe because multiple tenants in Trump Tower were arrested and convicted for money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump casinos got fined for over 10 million dollars by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network of the Treasury Department for NOT following anti-money laundering procedures required by the gaming commissions.
-Maybe because Trump and his son in law Kushner went through Deutsche Bank -- a bank that has to pay 15million in fines for -- wait for it -- money laundering.
-Maybe because Trump's personal lawyer is in prison for multiple reasons, but a few of them being for committing crimes on the behest of Trump. And the ONLY reason Trump isn't sharing a cell with Cohen is because he is president.

Now I realize that for a Trump supporter none of the facts above concern you because the name in those line items is Trump and not Clinton. So then how about this simple reason:

-Because he said he would. Many many times.

Then there is the Clinton Foundation which is largely recognized as THE biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the U.S.... And I personally wouldn't show my tax returns because frankly, it's none of your damn business. The ONLY reason Dimbocrats want to see his tax returns is just part of their desperate plan to find something, anything, they can snivel about with regard to Trump. I don't like Trump personally, but there is absolutely NO argument he has put the train on the tracks after Obozo with pure intent, derailed it. He was the right man for the job at the time and continues to be. Democrats in this country have done NOTHING but become the lastest homegrown terrorist organization. They have no connection with Democrats of even 30 years ago. People are leaving the Democratic Party in droves because even they are seeing through all the 'New Democratic BS'.... The Democrats of today will be extinct in less than 12 years.
Then there is the Clinton Foundation which is largely recognized as THE biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the U.S.... And I personally wouldn't show my tax returns because frankly, it's none of your damn business. The ONLY reason Dimbocrats want to see his tax returns is just part of their desperate plan to find something, anything, they can snivel about with regard to Trump. I don't like Trump personally, but there is absolutely NO argument he has put the train on the tracks after Obozo with pure intent, derailed it. He was the right man for the job at the time and continues to be. Democrats in this country have done NOTHING but become the lastest homegrown terrorist organization. They have no connection with Democrats of even 30 years ago. People are leaving the Democratic Party in droves because even they are seeing through all the 'New Democratic BS'.... The Democrats of today will be extinct in less than 12 years.

It's pretty tough to argue against any of this. It's why Clinton is not POTUS and Trump is. She's even more vile than he, and by no small margin. Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it.

The extreme dems have put themselves in line for this extinction, they were nothing like this when I came of voting age, "domestic terrorists" is a very strong reference but it sure looks like they are trying to don that hat with all the damage they intend to do, and have done. On the flip side, all these extreme, meddle-in-your-personal-affairs bible-thumping, pro-life, anti-freedom righties are probably right behind them out the door. We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador.

I move that we place a mandate on anyone running for any public office that active US military service be on their resume along with a willingness to submit to a lifelong audit of all finances and business records, short of PHI. I dont see any other way to weed out those of extremely weak charactor (Bush, Obama, Clinton (all of em) and Trumps (all of em), including the first lady that looks like a badly aging pole dancer. Actually all these names make Bush look good, but I remember that he was only less bad.
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It's pretty tough to argue against any of this. It's why Clinton is not POTUS and Trump is. She's even more vile than he, and by no small margin. Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it.

The extreme dems have put themselves in line for this extinction, they were nothing like this when I came of voting age, "domestic terrorists" is a very strong reference but it sure looks like they are trying to don that hat with all the damage they intend to do, and have done. On the flip side, all these extreme, meddle-in-your-personal-affairs bible-thumping, pro-life, anti-freedom righties are probably right behind them out the door. We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador.

I move that we place a mandate on anyone running for any public office that active US military service be on their resume along with a willingness to submit to a lifelong audit of all finances and business records, short of PHI. I dont see any other way to weed out those of extremely weak charactor (Bush, Obama, Clinton (all of em) and Trumps (all of em), including the first lady that looks like a badly aging pole dancer. Actually all these names make Bush look good, but I remember that he was only less bad.

The only issue I'm aware of that is 'inflexible' as far as the majority of the right is 'Pro-Life'. Other than that, the Right primarily just wants to be left alone to live their lives as they see fit. Nothing wrong with that. If someone chooses to believe in God, that is their personal choice. I believe very strongly in God, but I have nothing whatsoever to do with any 'Church'....I don't like the hypocrisy of it. 'Sin' six days a week then spend 90 minutes in church being 'absolved' and 2 hours later 'they' are right back 'at it'... no need for that. And I certainly know of no 'anti-freedom' anything that the Right is trying to invoke which is the exact opposite of the left. If everyone would simply respect the right of others to live their lives as they see fit, and shut the hell up about it, we would not have this divide in the country that exists today. If Liberals want Gun Free Zones, let them. No skin off my butt. I ignore them anyway. If San Francisco allows people to crap in their streets even though it's against the law for dogs to do that, go ahead, I'm never going there... that's their problem. There is nothing whatsoever wrong with people having different political ideologies, as long as no one tries to shove theirs down anyone else's throat which is EXACTLY what today's Democrats are doing. It will NOT work with me... And for the record I consider myself an Independent who leans toward 'Pro-Choice'.

I don't understand your slam against Melania as she's the classiest first lady we've had since Jackie Kennedy. The woman is fluent in 7 languages (I think that's the number) and is EASILY as smart as anyone.
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Hi Rynoman Im from a European Country.... whats the problem with that ?

Lars, I just sat down in front of my computer and saw that you had left me a reply. As I was pondering how I wanted to answer you, I scrolled down and read the other new posts left by others on this thread. Looks like GuruedVMax left a post that says EXACTLY, ON ALL POINTS what I wanted to reply back to you.

"Our "World gunpowder" is the ONLY reason you are not eating 'weinerschnitzel'... Simply put, America has bailed you out of not one, but TWO World Wars. You (your country(ies) refuse to pay us the legitimate debt that is owed us. I pay my bills, why don't you pay yours? The problems you are experiencing with illegal refugees you completely brought on yourself by not dealing with it before it became such a problem. Everyone I know is free to make the living they strive for. The reason you like the 'old US' is because your country took such advantage of us under past administrations. NO MORE.... We didn't put you and your country into the mess it's in and it's NOT our responsibility to get you out of it. Here's an idea... why don't you try growing some balls and actually help yourselves for a change and stop looking for us to bail you out because of your inability to help yourselves. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Trump. The rules have changed. No more azz kissing Obozo... whose only idea on foreign policy was to throw money at him. Obozo is responsible for Iran's resurgence with their nuclear program by spiriting away 150 BILLION dollars in cash in the middle of the night which under the law was ours to legitimately keep. That money could have gone to our Veterans, our Infrastructure, and probably hundreds of other uses that would have served this country so much better than helping Iran build nuclear bombs.... thank Obozo for that one. In the Revolutionary War only 3% of the population fought the British, which at the time had the far most powerful military the world had ever seen and had never been defeated. We kicked their ass. Why?? Because real Americans don't take any **** off anybody. Our country was 'birthed' with guns. Our culture is steeped in guns. And for those of you who don't like that, WE DO NOT CARE. We can take care of ourselves, unlike you European weenies who can't even protect yourselves from the Immigrant invasion that have proven to be be nothing more than locusts... Fix your own problems and don't worry about ours."

Nothing personal with yourself Lars, and I wasn't trying to attack you but, Europe as a whole needs to pull it's head out of it's ass, (for that matter, so does half of the USA), man-up, take care of your own affairs, and stay the hell out of ours. Also, maybe I misinterpreted your original post and you were just giving a light-hearted opinion or being inquisitive, in which case I apologize, but us genuine Yankee Patriots are a little defensive right now of our way of life and the man who appears to be the first POTUS in years to interested in preserving it.
It's pretty tough to argue against any of this. It's why Clinton is not POTUS and Trump is. She's even more vile than he, and by no small margin. Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it.

The extreme dems have put themselves in line for this extinction, they were nothing like this when I came of voting age, "domestic terrorists" is a very strong reference but it sure looks like they are trying to don that hat with all the damage they intend to do, and have done. On the flip side, all these extreme, meddle-in-your-personal-affairs bible-thumping, pro-life, anti-freedom righties are probably right behind them out the door. We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador.

I move that we place a mandate on anyone running for any public office that active US military service be on their resume along with a willingness to submit to a lifelong audit of all finances and business records, short of PHI. I dont see any other way to weed out those of extremely weak charactor (Bush, Obama, Clinton (all of em) and Trumps (all of em), including the first lady that looks like a badly aging pole dancer. Actually all these names make Bush look good, but I remember that he was only less bad.

I don't mean to plagiarize GuruedVMax, but he pretty much summed up my feeling on your post. I agree with 95% of what you said here. Very well put in fact. I personally choose to believe in God and feel that society does much better when they believe in a (their) higher power, although I don't like the commercial side of organized religion nor the hypocrisy that I have personally witnessed from churches. I do not regularly attend church. Many of our (the USA) laws, values, and ethics are born out of Judaeo-Christian beliefs. Seems everything in life is better when it is tempered with moderation. And the First Lady. I think she's a pretty, elegant, and intelligent women. I think people just kind of take out their dislike of Trump on her. BTW I really, really liked this sentence; We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador. Well stated!!!
Then there is the Clinton Foundation which is largely recognized as THE biggest money laundering scheme in the history of the U.S.... And I personally wouldn't show my tax returns because frankly, it's none of your damn business. The ONLY reason Dimbocrats want to see his tax returns is just part of their desperate plan to find something, anything, they can snivel about with regard to Trump. I don't like Trump personally, but there is absolutely NO argument he has put the train on the tracks after Obozo with pure intent, derailed it. He was the right man for the job at the time and continues to be. Democrats in this country have done NOTHING but become the lastest homegrown terrorist organization. They have no connection with Democrats of even 30 years ago. People are leaving the Democratic Party in droves because even they are seeing through all the 'New Democratic BS'.... The Democrats of today will be extinct in less than 12 years.

That's the response I expected.
- You're well within your right to keep your tax returns to yourself. Just don't expect to ever hold any public office of import. It's hilarious that ya'll tout one of Trump's great appeals is he's going to drain the swamp which we can all agree is rife with corruption. Greed is universal and bi-partisan. Yet you COMPLETELY fail to see the need for transparency of financial disclosures. I take it you've never held a security clearance in order to have access to highly sensitive information, because if you did, you'd know you financial disclosures are one of the biggest things that is looked at during the security clearance process. There's a reason - greed is universal. It is the grease that lubricates all the cogs of the engine of corruption. And Trump is covered in grease. And yes Clintons is too. As far as your argument that Democrats would look to find something -- you're right. Just like the Republicans did when Hillary Clinton released her tax returns. Take off the diapers and crying about Democrats going after Trump. Because back before the election Republicans were BRAGGING that they already had years of investigations lined up for Clinton if she won. Just google "Chaffetz Years Of Clinton investigations" and pick anyone of the results.

-You're point about Obama purely intending to derail the train. This makes ZERO sense. You know why? Because the recession hit during the Bush administration. Did you forget that? Apparently you did. The train was already derailing. If he wanted the derailment to succeed he could have just stepped out of the way and let it continue its course. But he didn't. But maybe I'm missing something. Educate me. Explain to me why someone intent on derailing the US economy would even bother stepping in front of it when it was already coming off the rails? Reminder: the last 6 months of Bush's presidency the country lost 3.4 MILLION jobs.

-Democrats being homegrown terrorists is just bombastic fiction. How are you even qualifying that statement? What are you defining as terrorism these days that Democrats are engaging in? Is this where you spout a bunch of Antifa/BLM stuff? If so, please do me the favor of citing specific examples and then tell me why those count as Democrat terrorism but folks like Dylan Roof, Edgar Maddison, Cesar Sayoc don't count as Republican terrorism. Please note, I'm not saying Republicans are terrorists. If you plan to just dismiss what the folks I mentioned did just like you dismissed Trump being found guilty by our courts of fraud then don't even bother trying to explain it. We can just file it away with all of the other bombastic fiction like Hillary ran a child sex ring out the basement of a pizza shop.

Previously in this thread I saw the phrase "Look at the numbers!" when it comes to proving the good Trump has done. So which numbers do you want us to look at specifically?
- I remember some folks on this forum have a being problem with Obama's deficit which was a fair criticism. Trump is on track to double it. So I guess deficit isn't a problem.
- I remember people having a problem with Obama spending 12billion to bail out the auto-industry -- claiming it was socialism. Most of that money was paid back by the auto makers by the way. Yet Trump has already spent 24billion bailing out farmers for the Trade War he started. Is that socialism too?
- Maybe immigration numbers? We can do that too although I think you'll be surprised to see Trumps deportation numbers compared to Obamas.

I'm just trying to figure out the baseline here. What numbers do we need to look at?
It's pretty tough to argue against any of this. It's why Clinton is not POTUS and Trump is. She's even more vile than he, and by no small margin. Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it.

The extreme dems have put themselves in line for this extinction, they were nothing like this when I came of voting age, "domestic terrorists" is a very strong reference but it sure looks like they are trying to don that hat with all the damage they intend to do, and have done. On the flip side, all these extreme, meddle-in-your-personal-affairs bible-thumping, pro-life, anti-freedom righties are probably right behind them out the door. We need the balls of Trump, the eloquence and decisiveness of Hannibal lecter and the selfless loyalty to their masters (us and U.S) of a Labrador.

I move that we place a mandate on anyone running for any public office that active US military service be on their resume along with a willingness to submit to a lifelong audit of all finances and business records, short of PHI. I dont see any other way to weed out those of extremely weak charactor (Bush, Obama, Clinton (all of em) and Trumps (all of em), including the first lady that looks like a badly aging pole dancer. Actually all these names make Bush look good, but I remember that he was only less bad.

I find it pretty easy to argue against it. But you seem to be confusing my argument. My argument isn't that Clinton was an angel. My argument is everything you claim Clinton is, Trump has proven he is too. But you're fine with that. Here's a classic example. This is your statement: "Trumps presence in the WH is (IMHO) due to the fact that society in general has had it's fill of business as usual in Washington. Trump is a middle finger to the establishment as we knew it."

Tell me what "business is usual" is for you? Trump's personal attorney(Cohen), campaign manager(Manafort) are in jail. His National Security Advisor(Flynn) is going to jail soon(his sentencing is Dec 18). Roger Stone guilty... getting his sentence next year. Is that the middle finger you're referring to? **** the laws? Do you need me to list all of the high level positions Trump has appointed his largest campaign donors? Heck, lets talk about the big one right now - Sondland -- the main who donated 1 million to Trump and got an EU Ambassadorship out of it with no foreign policy experience. Is that NOT business as usual? How about the fact that Trump keeps making trips to his own properties on the tax payer dime? Did you know that Saudis have literally paid for floors for rooms in Trumps hotels for days while never stepping foot in them? Other countries have done similar. Speaking of Saudis I guess you missed the news where we're sending thousands of US troops to guard their oil fields? But it's all good because Trump said they paid in cash. But that's not business as usual.

Did you forget when Pence went to Ireland and they stayed a Trump property that was quite literally on the OPPOSITE side of the country than where he was having his meetings? Check the image I attached. The red marker is where the Trump property is -- Pence's meeting were in Dublin. That's not business as usual? Or maybe it's Ivanka and Jared holding senior White House positions while still running their business. They made 80 million their first year in the WH, 135 million their second year. But right, that's not business as usual -- Hunter Biden is. Interestingly enough Trump, and his kids have all been doing official government business with their personal accounts. You know... the same stuff everyone was chanting "Lock Her Up" over. But that's not business as usual. That's entirely different.

Trump's got balls though. Tells it like it is. Like saying a POW isn't a hero because he got captured. Or saying Gen Mattis was an overrated general. Or standing in front the world next to Putin in Helsinki and saying he believed Putin over all of the US intelligence agencies. Yep, Trump's a real profile in courage alright.


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Was going to post this link yesterday. I always think of this scene in "The Jerk" when people talk about safe zones and gun control. The thing about parody and sarcasm is it has the ability to brutally display the extrapolated outcome of peoples irrational unwillingness to accept facts. Enjoy!!
That's the response I expected.
- You're well within your right to keep your tax returns to yourself. Just don't expect to ever hold any public office of import. It's hilarious that ya'll tout one of Trump's great appeals is he's going to drain the swamp which we can all agree is rife with corruption. Greed is universal and bi-partisan. Yet you COMPLETELY fail to see the need for transparency of financial disclosures. I take it you've never held a security clearance in order to have access to highly sensitive information, because if you did, you'd know you financial disclosures are one of the biggest things that is looked at during the security clearance process. There's a reason - greed is universal. It is the grease that lubricates all the cogs of the engine of corruption. And Trump is covered in grease. And yes Clintons is too. As far as your argument that Democrats would look to find something -- you're right. Just like the Republicans did when Hillary Clinton released her tax returns. Take off the diapers and crying about Democrats going after Trump. Because back before the election Republicans were BRAGGING that they already had years of investigations lined up for Clinton if she won. Just google "Chaffetz Years Of Clinton investigations" and pick anyone of the results.

-You're point about Obama purely intending to derail the train. This makes ZERO sense. You know why? Because the recession hit during the Bush administration. Did you forget that? Apparently you did. The train was already derailing. If he wanted the derailment to succeed he could have just stepped out of the way and let it continue its course. But he didn't. But maybe I'm missing something. Educate me. Explain to me why someone intent on derailing the US economy would even bother stepping in front of it when it was already coming off the rails? Reminder: the last 6 months of Bush's presidency the country lost 3.4 MILLION jobs.

-Democrats being homegrown terrorists is just bombastic fiction. How are you even qualifying that statement? What are you defining as terrorism these days that Democrats are engaging in? Is this where you spout a bunch of Antifa/BLM stuff? If so, please do me the favor of citing specific examples and then tell me why those count as Democrat terrorism but folks like Dylan Roof, Edgar Maddison, Cesar Sayoc don't count as Republican terrorism. Please note, I'm not saying Republicans are terrorists. If you plan to just dismiss what the folks I mentioned did just like you dismissed Trump being found guilty by our courts of fraud then don't even bother trying to explain it. We can just file it away with all of the other bombastic fiction like Hillary ran a child sex ring out the basement of a pizza shop.

Previously in this thread I saw the phrase "Look at the numbers!" when it comes to proving the good Trump has done. So which numbers do you want us to look at specifically?
- I remember some folks on this forum have a being problem with Obama's deficit which was a fair criticism. Trump is on track to double it. So I guess deficit isn't a problem.
- I remember people having a problem with Obama spending 12billion to bail out the auto-industry -- claiming it was socialism. Most of that money was paid back by the auto makers by the way. Yet Trump has already spent 24billion bailing out farmers for the Trade War he started. Is that socialism too?
- Maybe immigration numbers? We can do that too although I think you'll be surprised to see Trumps deportation numbers compared to Obamas.

I'm just trying to figure out the baseline here. What numbers do we need to look at?

I am not going to go on and on to rebut all you wrote.. Just haven't got the time. And frankly anything can be twisted and distorted to meet a desired appearance.

However the comment about the Democrats NOT being Home Grown Terrorists.. I have to disagree. Since the Democrats have had control of the House pretty much NOTHING has gotten done.. This is not because all the pending bills are bad.. Most notably USMCA, but rather, Nancy P just will NOT give Trump a Win.. And when i say Win I specifically mean that USMCA will benefit ALL. I is my understanding that this is a VERY Bi Partisan bill, and will easily pass both houses and would be signed by Trump. USMCA will no doubt boost the economies of all countries [read people]. [And I think would make China take a second (or 3rd) look at the deal on the table]. It seems simple enough to me that any action that intentionally targets and hurts people is a terrorist act.

Further, if you think for 1 minute that the Chinese are not watching this Dem **** show, hoping that a Democrat will end up in the WH in 2020, you are sadly mistaken. They [Chinese] know dam well that Trump is not going to roll over like other presidents and Congress's have over the years. He is a tough hard nosed New York bastard and they know it. Every time the Dems throw some new BS accusation out there thru the Left media channels the Chinese balk on the deal.

While on the subject of USMCA, I heard the other day that this trade deal between US Mexico and Canada account for more trade $$'s then the China deal which is getting more press. Interesting. If USMCA could get thru, i think the Chinese would feel they would be in a much weaker negotiating position.. Good For Us.. Right?? So what is the hold up??
lol.. you're not making me upset, you're making me laugh. Our "World gunpowder" is the ONLY reason you are not eating 'weinerschnitzel'... Simply put, America has bailed you out of not one, but TWO World Wars. You (your country(ies) refuse to pay us the legitimate debt that is owed us. I pay my bills, why don't you pay yours? The problems you are experiencing with illegal refugees you completely brought on yourself by not dealing with it before it became such a problem. Everyone I know is free to make the living they strive for. The reason you like the 'old US' is because your country took such advantage of us under past administrations. NO MORE.... We didn't put you and your country into the mess it's in and it's NOT our responsibility to get you out of it. Here's an idea... why don't you try growing some balls and actually help yourselves for a change and stop looking for us to bail you out because of your inability to help yourselves. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Trump. The rules have changed. No more azz kissing Obozo... whose only idea on foreign policy was to throw money at him. Obozo is responsible for Iran's resurgence with their nuclear program by spiriting away 150 BILLION dollars in cash in the middle of the night which under the law was ours to legitimately keep. That money could have gone to our Veterans, our Infrastructure, and probably hundreds of other uses that would have served this country so much better than helping Iran build nuclear bombs.... thank Obozo for that one. In the Revolutionary War only 3% of the population fought the British, which at the time had the far most powerful military the world had ever seen and had never been defeated. We kicked their ass. Why?? Because real Americans don't take any **** off anybody. Our country was 'birthed' with guns. Our culture is steeped in guns. And for those of you who don't like that, WE DO NOT CARE. We can take care of ourselves, unlike you European weenies who can't even protect yourselves from the Immigrant invasion that have proven to be be nothing more than locusts... Fix your own problems and don't worry about ours.
Still NO answers on any of my questions : Why ? Dont YOU have any answers or ?.....and then giving a lot of economical figures from WW1 o 2 and all other Countries not paying ...?
Can You describe what Source you use to get all that interesting info ?
We on the "weak side" of the World eagerly waiting for a real source......To be fair ; We must see the bill first before paying but of course if You work in the State department controlled by Trumph it will be no problem show real figures OR ?
Or **** can Your Words just be coming from a Trumph campaign meeting ??
About Trading think once again Mate your in an Open world with companies working all over the continents;
China has more than 1000-1200 miljon people , US 200 ? Who has the manpower ? The Chinese already trying to "charm" European Union and others with better contracts to get better business. leaving US companies outside... and YOU think this man is smart in business ! CRAZY !
Apple, GM, Harley D, Ford , Google and a lot other big US companies will be losers in the World Wide business for sure, but POTUS "US first" dont understand International business .....thats why they laugh at him on international meetings all over world ( more than one reporter for sure mate...) hes just weening all time and of cause Mr Putin likes the situation more and more!
Lars, I just sat down in front of my computer and saw that you had left me a reply. As I was pondering how I wanted to answer you, I scrolled down and read the other new posts left by others on this thread. Looks like GuruedVMax left a post that says EXACTLY, ON ALL POINTS what I wanted to reply back to you.

"Our "World gunpowder" is the ONLY reason you are not eating 'weinerschnitzel'... Simply put, America has bailed you out of not one, but TWO World Wars. You (your country(ies) refuse to pay us the legitimate debt that is owed us. I pay my bills, why don't you pay yours? The problems you are experiencing with illegal refugees you completely brought on yourself by not dealing with it before it became such a problem. Everyone I know is free to make the living they strive for. The reason you like the 'old US' is because your country took such advantage of us under past administrations. NO MORE.... We didn't put you and your country into the mess it's in and it's NOT our responsibility to get you out of it. Here's an idea... why don't you try growing some balls and actually help yourselves for a change and stop looking for us to bail you out because of your inability to help yourselves. There's a new sheriff in town and his name is Trump. The rules have changed. No more azz kissing Obozo... whose only idea on foreign policy was to throw money at him. Obozo is responsible for Iran's resurgence with their nuclear program by spiriting away 150 BILLION dollars in cash in the middle of the night which under the law was ours to legitimately keep. That money could have gone to our Veterans, our Infrastructure, and probably hundreds of other uses that would have served this country so much better than helping Iran build nuclear bombs.... thank Obozo for that one. In the Revolutionary War only 3% of the population fought the British, which at the time had the far most powerful military the world had ever seen and had never been defeated. We kicked their ass. Why?? Because real Americans don't take any **** off anybody. Our country was 'birthed' with guns. Our culture is steeped in guns. And for those of you who don't like that, WE DO NOT CARE. We can take care of ourselves, unlike you European weenies who can't even protect yourselves from the Immigrant invasion that have proven to be be nothing more than locusts... Fix your own problems and don't worry about ours."

Nothing personal with yourself Lars, and I wasn't trying to attack you but, Europe as a whole needs to pull it's head out of it's ass, (for that matter, so does half of the USA), man-up, take care of your own affairs, and stay the hell out of ours. Also, maybe I misinterpreted your original post and you were just giving a light-hearted opinion or being inquisitive, in which case I apologize, but us genuine Yankee Patriots are a little defensive right now of our way of life and the man who appears to be the first POTUS in years to interested in preserving it.
Sorry mate just copy some others answer is not ok !
Do YOU also as "Your partner GURUvm...." work in a Triumph department in the State ? Who the hell are You two describing costs not payed from other Countries ? ?
MY country was not involved in either WW1 or 2 why should we pay MR Potus with his big balls....
Do You know anything of situation in Europe ? (more than Trumph campaign talk....) interesting to here a description of it not in just some rude words...
I am not going to go on and on to rebut all you wrote.. Just haven't got the time. And frankly anything can be twisted and distorted to meet a desired appearance.

However the comment about the Democrats NOT being Home Grown Terrorists.. I have to disagree. Since the Democrats have had control of the House pretty much NOTHING has gotten done.. This is not because all the pending bills are bad.. Most notably USMCA, but rather, Nancy P just will NOT give Trump a Win.. And when i say Win I specifically mean that USMCA will benefit ALL. I is my understanding that this is a VERY Bi Partisan bill, and will easily pass both houses and would be signed by Trump. USMCA will no doubt boost the economies of all countries [read people]. [And I think would make China take a second (or 3rd) look at the deal on the table]. It seems simple enough to me that any action that intentionally targets and hurts people is a terrorist act.

Further, if you think for 1 minute that the Chinese are not watching this Dem **** show, hoping that a Democrat will end up in the WH in 2020, you are sadly mistaken. They [Chinese] know dam well that Trump is not going to roll over like other presidents and Congress's have over the years. He is a tough hard nosed New York bastard and they know it. Every time the Dems throw some new BS accusation out there thru the Left media channels the Chinese balk on the deal.

While on the subject of USMCA, I heard the other day that this trade deal between US Mexico and Canada account for more trade $$'s then the China deal which is getting more press. Interesting. If USMCA could get thru, i think the Chinese would feel they would be in a much weaker negotiating position.. Good For Us.. Right?? So what is the hold up??

-You're equating political squabbling over legislation to home grown terrorism. Do you even realize how ridiculous that sounds? Lemme read you a statement Mitch McConnel said in April of THIS YEAR. "If I'm still the majority leader in the Senate think of me as the Grim Reaper. None of that stuff is going to pass." Tell me Jerry. Is that domestic terrorism too? And since you clearly forgot, the Republicans had the House and Senate for TWO YEARS and didn't get anything done either. Were they terrorists? There's over 100 bills passed by the Dem House sitting on Moscow Mitch's desk that he wont even bring up for a vote. Is that terrorism? Of course not. It's politics. As far as the world knowing Trump wont roll over. That's pretty laughable. He's proven all it takes is saying nice things about him and he'll roll over like a good boy. Just like he did in Helsinki.

Or grease his palms like the Saudi's are doing. A Saudi soldier kills people yesterday and the Naval Air Station and now reports are coming out he and other Saudi trainees had a dinner party the night before watching videos of mass shootings. I guess the Saudi's call it "Netflix and Kill." Some of the Saudi trainees are still unaccounted for. Has Trump "talked tough" towards the Saudis? Nope. Quite the opposite. He carried water for the Saudis on Twitter. Passing on their apologies. But he's still got US Soldiers protecting them Saudi oil fields. You know, because they pay in cash.
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