trumpski is a vile man; a liar and a cheat, a bigot, a self-serving narcissist who works only for himself. He brings out the worst in humanity. He further enables that which he comes from; that being the very, very wealthy (I'm mostly retired, and paid more in taxes this year than I did before the GOPs tax-cut for the wealthy). The national debt has sky-rocketed because of that very tax cut. I can afford health coverage only because of the ACA; we all watched as trumpski and the GOP tried to drop health care with no replacement whatsoever, which would have left tens of millions of US citizens without coverage. As supposedly the most robust western economy, why is it that it is only the US that "can't afford" quality health care for all? He directs the brutal treatment of immigrant families at the southern border, while pushing for a stupid and very expensive wall which would have little impact other than displacing some landowners and being an eyesore.Comrade trumpski cozies up with foreign autocrats while damaging ties, perhaps irreparably, with our long-time allies. He rolls back environmental protections, and denies the reality of what is probably the greatest danger that life on this planet is facing, that being climate change. He undermines the military leadership by over-ruling the penalties they impose on rogue service members.
If all the myriad accusations against trumpski are fiction, why does he fight so hard to cover up the evidence? He should welcome the public display of evidence, if it only vindicates him. He promised to reveal his tax returns, as all modern presidents have, once elected, but (surprise!) he has no intention of doing so. He's a multi-failed businessman who manged to con a minority into getting him the Electoral College vote. We lost an elegant, well-regarded, thoughtful leader with the retirement of Obama, and gained a wannabe mob boss, whom most of the population rightfully despises. The right wing seeks out vindication for their wacky conspiracy theories by ignoring the real news and visiting propaganda machines like Faux News, Breitbart, etc. They shun honest journalism and flock to quacks like Limbaugh, Hannity and Coulter. Their ignorance and gullibility astonishes me, but as PT Barnum is said to have mused, "there's a sucker born every minute". Come 2021, the US will begin rebuilding its place on the world stage, absent Don the Con.