V-Max Speed Wobble (ran it up to 115mph and...)

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Please provide evidence of this assertion.
Everything I posted is my opinion. Regarding evidence, the various comments over many years is evidence of a wobble problem. If more riders rode at 145 mph, we just might have many more such wobble reports. Well, more reports at leastvfrom the the riders who managed to survive a high speed wobble. The riders who didn’t survive the wobble are just considered another unexplained motorcycle fatality.
If you’re riding at 145 you get what you get.
I am not suggesting routinely riding at 145mph. I am suggesting that a built in wobble might be in your bike and you would not ever notice it. I don’t like riding that fast, but I do like knowing whether or not my bike will throw me off at 145mph if for some reason I try and test the bikes limit.
I had the wobble at low speed, reading all these so called problems with the max I ordered Race Tech Springs and Emulators with new seals and bushes. After stripping it down I found that that one fork had way too much hydraulic oil in it and the other one had a fraction what should have been in it, my bike is the 2004/5 anniversary model so already had the progressive springs in but I replaced everything including the head race set and it is rock solid whatever speed I ride at, I have taken it into three figures and no weave or wobble and very stable. If this had been properly serviced before I got it who knows may have been ok, the only major problem with these upgrades, it shows the back up up for how bad the shocks are, but even then it's still a nice ride.
Solid motor mounts made my entire bike feel tight. And ride straight and true no wobbles. They make the motor tight in the frame.so everything has a nice rigid feel.Even feels more soild.when I take it to the drag strip.with struts on the rear instead of shocks. No more shaft lift at launch.
Everything I posted is my opinion. Regarding evidence, the various comments over many years is evidence of a wobble problem.
If it is an opinion then prefixing your comments with 'IMO' would be helpful rather than stating opinion as fact e.g. "You know Yamaha is aware of the infamous V Max speed wobble."...unless you know something that the rest of us don't?
If more riders rode at 145 mph, we just might have many more such wobble reports. Well, more reports at least from the the riders who managed to survive a high speed wobble.
If more riders rode at 145 then IMO they get what they deserve as no one should be on public roads at that sort of speed.
The riders who didn’t survive the wobble are just considered another unexplained motorcycle fatality.
...or an example of natural selection weeding out those with undesirable characteristics? :eek:
I've had a brainwave. I am going to experiment with weight at the rear next week to see what difference it makes to the weave. Stay tuned.

I already tried this a month ago. Think I mentioned it on this thread.

I believe it was about 4 stone/60lbs of weight that I carried in a backpack.

It absolutely made a noticeable difference, but nowhere near the stability gained by carrying a 150lb passenger....
I have a 95 that I got in 2013. It had a 55 mph speed wobble but only when I lightened my grip on the handlebars. The bounce test was revealing and a simple tightening of the head bearing solved it. I have regularly ridden my max at the track and the straight at New York Safety Track is good for 140 or so. No wobble or weave. Now I do run radials, frame braces, solid motor mounts, progressive 444’s in the back and progressive springs up front. Both 1” shorter than stock.
I don’t want to be Mr. Negative,, but one reason I sold my 1999 VMax, was because of the well known speed wobble. And I will never buy another one. You know Yamaha is aware of the infamous VMax speed wobble. Yamaha should have used their immense technology to have solved it long ago. My theory is that Yamaha was in such a rush to get the VMax on the market that they didn’t pay enough attention, it didn’t spend enough money on research, that they ended up putting a defective frame on the VMax. JMHO
Yes they did …it’s called a Gen2
I just ride tested after readjusting the steering head. No headshake wobble anywhere so bearings seem about right. It tracks straight with no hands on bars, too.

Bike is still oversensitive above 75ish / freeway speed. It just wants to wiggle the steering head back and forth too many times before it settles down. It rides straight but at freeway speed and above, it isn't fun. Always worrying about wind buffeting, lane changes, passing, etc.

Tests I have not done: lowering the front an inch and putting the 60lb weight over the tank instead of on the rear seat.

I do try to test changes one at a time and with slow and steady speed increases...
If it is an opinion then prefixing your comments with 'IMO' would be helpful rather than stating opinion as fact e.g. "You know Yamaha is aware of the infamous V Max speed wobble."...unless you know something that the rest of us don't?

If more riders rode at 145 then IMO they get what they deserve as no one should be on public roads at that sort of speed.

...or an example of natural selection weeding out those with undesirable characteristics? :eek:
Did you not notice my placement of “JMHO” at the end of my post? And yes, as many times and in various places, I have read about the VMax speed wobble, I would bet real money that Yamaha knows full well about it. In addition, if indeed Yahama has callously been ignoring the problem, any of the posters here who choose to criticize me, should instead voice their displease at the Yamaha management. JMHO
Today was a good day for tests.

I swapped back in the OEM springs with no preload to increase sag on front and soften it up. Also double checked oil levels.

Noticeably worse. Bike wants to wobble at 75 easier.

So... reinstalled the progressive springs with the inch of preload.

Reinstalled the old rim, tire, and rotors and took another ride test. I could tell that the Shinko is stickier and turns easier but there was little or no significant difference with the wheel change.

I should have a 43mm newer front end soon. Not difficult to swap and try. If that doesn't improve things, I can try motor mounts and that may be the give up point. 😆
If it is an opinion then prefixing your comments with 'IMO' would be helpful rather than stating opinion as fact e.g. "You know Yamaha is aware of the infamous V Max speed wobble."...unless you know something that the rest of us don't?

If more riders rode at 145 then IMO they get what they deserve as no one should be on public roads at that sort of speed.

...or an example of natural selection weeding out those with undesirable characteristics? :eek:

If you’re riding at 145 you get what you get.
Don’t be at the drag strip or public day at race track when you say that. :)
I suggested a steering damper, but you didn't seem interested.
lots of sports bike have them for extreme speed riding which is what you're doing.
i installed one and it fixed any wabble in my bike.
Death wobble begins with sideways motion. The first thing to create that is the 90 degree angle in drivetrain. That transfers to rear fork and engine mounts primarily. A quality set of polyurethane bushings will solve most of the erratic behavior. I decided to go full polyurethane and never had wobble issues after. Steering damper is a good idea too. Just my two cents.

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