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Our guys do that almost daily. Although most of the towers in my area are 350' or less. And, our guys practice 100% tie off. They don't want to die. Free climbing is not a smart thing to do.

I spent a little time working on the tower but 99% of my experience is on the other end down under the ground, not way up above it. The attached picture is of the hole we dug for a pad a pier type foundation for a 300' self support type tower.


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Being born in 1990 I have no idea how long "Johnson" has been slang for penis, but outboards have been sold under the Johnson brand since around 1920. From the look of the motors in the commercial I'd place them mid 70's.

On a side note, "Johnsons" are no longer made. After OMC went bankrupt in 2000, Bombardier bought the Evinrude and Johnson brands(since the fifties when OMC bought them, Johnson/Evinrude were mechanically identical. If you wanted white you got a Johnson, if you wanted blue you got an Evinrude). Bombardier made Evinrude the marquee for the new E-TEC technology, with Johnsons being cheaper "regular" outboards. E-TECs vastly outsold the Johnsons, and they downsized the line to only small tiller motors(both 2 and 4 stroke). By 06 or 07 Johnson was completely discontinued.

Another interesting tidbit(I work at a marina, I pick some of this stuff up) for any Evinrude/Johnson motor made since the early 70s....unlike Mercury, they don't obviously put the year anywhere on it. You have to "decode" it out of the model #. The second to last two digits of the model will be letters...for example EI. You use the word "INTRODUCES" to decode it. It's a 10 letter word with no repeating letters. I means 1, N means 2,.....to S meaning a 0. So a code of "EI" would mean it's a '91 model. BRP has continued to do this on new motors also, going around again. SE means an 09, IS were this years models.

Sadly you'll no longer be able to go boating with you your kids and your johnson. :rofl_200:
Yes, but I'm pretty sure penises have been around pretty much forever, besting Johnsons by millenia.

Motors that old are extremely rare. I worked on this little one, seem to remember it was an early 50's Evinrude 3hp. It got the whole works...carb job, coils, points/condenser, water pump, and it starts on the first compression every single time now. Snapped a pic of it burbling away in the test tank. It gets to the point where keeping it running becomes increasingly difficult/expensive, and people toss 'em and get new ones. A lot of marinas won't even touch things older than the 70's.

The oldest I've ever seen in person was an early 40's Merc, but I didn't have anything to do with it. Someone else worked on it.


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Yes, but I'm pretty sure penises have been around pretty much forever, besting Johnsons by millenia.

Motors that old are extremely rare. I worked on this little one, seem to remember it was an early 50's Evinrude 3hp. It got the whole works...carb job, coils, points/condenser, water pump, and it starts on the first compression every single time now. Snapped a pic of it burbling away in the test tank. It gets to the point where keeping it running becomes increasingly difficult/expensive, and people toss 'em and get new ones. A lot of marinas won't even touch things older than the 70's.

The oldest I've ever seen in person was an early 40's Merc, but I didn't have anything to do with it. Someone else worked on it.

i got an ol 76' Sears Ted Williams I need coils for. Where do you buy parts for the old outboards? You can Inbox me if you want.
I thought the F1 would take the Veyron, but once those 1000 hp got the Veyron moving it was over. The Mclaren would be much more fun/ faster car to drive on a track like Estoril or Bahrain(2010 version) while the Bugatti would be a downright wicked car to drive on Imola, Monza or Spa(Eau Rouge!).
F1 car would be the fastest, easily. They carry higher speeds through the corners (better grip), have better brakes, and are comparable in acceleration.
Could you imagine driving a F1 race car; "The cars are constructed from composites of carbon fibre and similar ultra-lightweight (and expensive to manufacture) materials. The minimum weight permissible is 620 kg (1,367 lb) including the driver, fluids and on-board cameras. However, all F1 cars weigh significantly less than this (some as little as 440 kg (970 lb)[citation needed]) so teams add ballast to the cars to bring them up to the minimum legal weight. The advantage of using ballast is that it can be placed anywhere in the car to provide ideal weight distribution."
1367 lbs and +/- 800HP!!!!
I thought the F1 would take the Veyron, but once those 1000 hp got the Veyron moving it was over. The Mclaren would be much more fun/ faster car to drive on a track like Estoril or Bahrain(2010 version) while the Bugatti would be a downright wicked car to drive on Imola, Monza or Spa(Eau Rouge!).
F1 car would be the fastest, easily. They carry higher speeds through the corners (better grip), have better brakes, and are comparable in acceleration.
Could you imagine driving a F1 race car; "The cars are constructed from composites of carbon fibre and similar ultra-lightweight (and expensive to manufacture) materials. The minimum weight permissible is 620 kg (1,367 lb) including the driver, fluids and on-board cameras. However, all F1 cars weigh significantly less than this (some as little as 440 kg (970 lb)[citation needed]) so teams add ballast to the cars to bring them up to the minimum legal weight. The advantage of using ballast is that it can be placed anywhere in the car to provide ideal weight distribution."
1367 lbs and +/- 800HP!!!!

Id like the Mclaren more as I see the veyron like a very expensive tool for rich people...just for showing Your rich friends how fast I can go in a straight line.
Veyron is very very ugly IMO.
According to that video F1 was faster up to 200kph.

If I can ever afford a supercar I will buy Ferrari Enzo or Lamborghini Murcielago or Reventon.
They're fast, they're bueatiful and they can corner like a Porshe!

Imagine the formula 1 car on the road with 440kg. :surprise:
5th gear, hit the throttle and You will perform nice tripple back flip :rofl_200:
Formula 1 car can win with evrything either speed or cornering.
From year after year formula 1 cars becomes more limited.
I can see f1 with 500cc engines and limited air in the tyres in the near future...or another stupidity like extra burger for a driver...
Thats why it is not an intresting sport for me anymore..
I love F1 from turbo era to new millenium (2000).
For me F1 died around 2000.

I was always in love with F1 technology.
Somethimes its very hard to find any info about F1 technology, but
like always some tips and tricks will be relased to publicity.
They're V aspirated engines with the unique sound.
I've heard more then once that V engines cant turn that high rpms like inline engines.
But F1 runs with 90' V engines, mostly.
20K rpms on e V?
Inlines can propably go higher but they have very heavy crank and they cant be used in F1.




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