With tongue firmly planted in cheek...
This guy is a fool! He picks on a motorcyle saying that it is ruining the enviroment! He should be bashing the 4 wheel suv/ minivan segment instead. I for one don't drive my full size gas guzzling 4wd truck because I am driving my Vmax. During the summer my "carbon footprint" is greatly reduced!
Demonstrating once and for all that the company is run by a bunch of rabid motorheads with no perspective on reality
I say Thanks for the complement....
Comment from Hal Licino......
Tony Lee: Can you please tell me where you were riding your Vmax at 155 mph? If it wasn't on a sanctioned race course, you've done more to prove my point than anyone else ever could: Most Vmax riders are dangerous thrillseekers who put the lives of innocent motorists at risk every day. Let's only pray that you continue to stay poor and can't afford the vastly more powerful 2009 model.
Rriiiiiiiiight. Like an expensive second generation Vmax is the only bike that can do this. Yeah, and most of us Vmaxers are the only ones on two wheels that ride like that.
Where does this guy live? Mayberry?