WTF is wrong withe people

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Mine never leaves my side when I'm carrying and it's always concealed. Leaving a firearm out unattended someplace is negligence and at that point you should have a serious conversation with yourself if you should be carrying at all. Not trying to start **** guys, it's just the way I feel because it is a responsibility and it MUST be treated as such. I still think training should be provided for teachers that want it and concealed carry should be allowed but that's just my opinion and I'm not pushing for policy.

I waited many posts before I decided to reply as a high school teacher and a gun/CCW owner. This was posed in Cal. a few years ago and I thought it was stupid for teachers to take the place of "trained" secruity personal.


Even before the massacre at Sandy Hook our school district is spending 100's of thousands of $'s to have only one point of entrance at each school. I don't think this has proven to be effective in the past. Each high school has a "school policeman" and some of the middle schools also. But even so--- if a sicky with a weapon gets into a theater/school--- some innocent will die before one or two armed " security" can stop him.

I think the mental health community must have some responsibility in helping these sick/demented kids from getting thier hands on materials that can kill many. Victim #1 should have had some help or at least good advice from any mental health professional who ever met her kid. And, where was good old Dad. And, where was the gun safe.

Some people are going to use this incident as an excuse for more weapon control but it's just a slippery slope that leads to confiscation. Good luck.
Sick people will murder the innocent( no matter what the weapon) because they are sick cowards.

So, no, I don't need more responsibility at school than I already have. And teaching Metal Shop and Auto. Tech. I have plenty. Carrying a weapon to protect others is a huge responsibility that 99% of the staff at a school should not be saddled with.

But maybe a simple sign on the entry door might suffice.
" Armed guard here"

I pray for those poor souls who died at school and thier familes.

Wow Scott i gess your true colors show. I have never left my gun unattended. Tell me the truth scott how offten do you carrie Im sure its not 12 hours a day 5 days a week like a teacher would. Or 18 hours a day 5 days a week and 8 hours a day 2 days a week for 2 years like i have. If you carrie part time it could help but more than likley you wont have it when you need it. I dont see how you could be the only one in the world that carries often enough but never needs to lock it up in your car or something. I dont know how many kids you have or how many parent teacher conferences you have been to but i have one and i went to most of his and that alone tells me i dont want a crazy ass teacher carring a gun. (not all teachers) but at least half. I dont think our kids should live in fear. and im sure we can come up with a better way. Hell if we need to arm our teachers why dont we just say the hell with it and all off us go to socialism. We can all turn in our guns and usa will be a little safer. NOT ME. We can come up with a better way.
Wow Scott i gess your true colors show. I have never left my gun unattended. Tell me the truth scott how offten do you carrie Im sure its not 12 hours a day 5 days a week like a teacher would. Or 18 hours a day 5 days a week and 8 hours a day 2 days a week for 2 years like i have. If you carrie part time it could help but more than likley you wont have it when you need it. I dont see how you could be the only one in the world that carries often enough but never needs to lock it up in your car or something. I dont know how many kids you have or how many parent teacher conferences you have been to but i have one and i went to most of his and that alone tells me i dont want a crazy ass teacher carring a gun. (not all teachers) but at least half. I dont think our kids should live in fear. and im sure we can come up with a better way. Hell if we need to arm our teachers why dont we just say the hell with it and all off us go to socialism. We can all turn in our guns and usa will be a little safer. NOT ME. We can come up with a better way.

Wasn't meaning to piss you off Mike, you should know me better than that by now... You are correct in the fact I don't have kids but I do carry alot and I understand that sometimes you have to do what you have to do but if I'm going to a place I know I can't carry at then I do leave it at home. As much as I want to protect myself I won't be put in a situation of having to be separated from my weapon just because I do know that **** happens... As far as teachers, I don't have kids of my own but I do have kids in my family and I do care about them... As I said it should be at the discretion of the teacher if they want that responsibility. I just said it was the way I feel and I'm not "pushing" for anything. By the way, I never ever hide my true colors, we are all in this **** together and don't need to be getting our panties in a bunch (myself included) over something that's hypothetical to begin with.
MIKE---- I have almost droped my gun a few times going to the bathroom and now i set it aside until im done. i have never left it behind but i have started to walk away. I have put it in the glove box because i could not keep it on me and left it until the next day. If you carrie often enough you will catch yourself ******* up

SCOTT---- Leaving a firearm out unattended someplace is negligence and at that point you should have a serious conversation with yourself if you should be carrying at all.

Scott im not pissed at all. Im human and so are teachers. I dident brake any laws when i almost ****** up. My point is you can do all you want to carrie a gun safe but we all are human. When i told everyone about what i almost did it was to let them know that even as safe as i am with a gun a red flag can pop up and get you. My side-arm is in a fbi forward cant holster and when i bent down my belt sliped out of a loop and when i stood up i thought i had a hold of my pants and belt but i dident catch that i dident have my belt and the weight of the gun pulled the belt out of another loop and slide to the floor. My holster is as safe as a holster can be and most others dont carry this way. I did have a quick draw holster that was alot more comfertable but i went to sit in my wife's car and it cought on the seat belt roller housing and poped my gun up and almost out of the holster. This holster is for sale if you want to buy it. Im sure other people that carry or hunt can go on and on about human mistakes. I now you are into guns big time yourself and im sure you have made humen mistakes also. Do the math you have one killer that shows up at maybe 1% of all the schools in the usa. Not even 1% and you want to arm every school with a few teachers that carry a gun. Teachers are teachers not law officer. People get killed by guns more times by mistake than intent. Our kids need to know that the usa is a safe place to live. If you let people put guns in our schools it will help promote gun ban. carefull what you wish for scott. The usa already stinks of socialism.

You deny that Euro is not in major fiscal crisis?? Do you ever read, Pal:rofl_200:

The US has bases all over Europe because you have proved you cannot be trusted.


WOW! What an ignorant claim to make. I'm glad not all Americans think like you. Before you get your shorts all in a twist I'm not saying you, personally, are ignorant but your claim as to why the USA has military bases in Europe is so far from the truth that it is almost laughable. Almost. You probably believe that and that is scary.
WOW! What an ignorant claim to make. I'm glad not all Americans think like you. Before you get your shorts all in a twist I'm not saying you, personally, are ignorant but your claim as to why the USA has military bases in Europe is so far from the truth that it is almost laughable. Almost. You probably believe that and that is scary.


My claim as to not being trusted is based on two, small, unimportant events, those being WW-1, and WW-2.

Now, since you have the class to call me ignorant and scary, I do invite you to
employ your vast wisdom as a H.S., (metal shop?), teacher and correct my scary thoughts.

I will be awaiting your dissertation:rofl_200:.

I'm no expert here guys but strong political views should not be aired in puplic. Although certain truths may be at times completely transparent if you scream your opinion, others will most certainly follow.. This forum, I believe, is not the place.. I suggest PM' ing each other..

Cheers !!
I'm no expert here guys but strong political views should not be aired in puplic. Although certain truths may be at times completely transparent if you scream your opinion, others will most certainly follow.. This forum, I believe, is not the place.. I suggest PM' ing each other..

Cheers !!


Maybe in Canada, where political discussion and disagreement can land you in prison, you should not have public discussion,,, but this is the U.S., and we want to hear both sides, no matter how ugly, in public, at least for now, we still can.:clapping:

It's called being considerate.. The fact "I'm" from Canada is moot. The only reason too belittle others in public is hoping others will join your cause. Weather or not I agree or disagree..
The US has embassies and bases with allies for position, trade, resource, and other reasons... not to babysit because we think the world hasn't changed since WW2. I... I don't even know what makes you guys think we maintain costly military installations just in case the world reverts 50+ years overnight.
Karm i agree and disagree with you. Scott and i are friends and we have beat this horse long enough. I also have two friends that agree with him. All three of them have showed me great care about this subject and im glade we have talk about both sides. I feel we understand both sides alot better. But i still feel the way i feel and so do the three of them. But we can only go so far with with a one sided conversation.
Hey Mike..
Thanks brother!! I didnt mean to intrude in on a conversation.. I just feel sometimes there aren't too many places left where I can go to unwind and really enjoy myself.. I got a bit defensive.. No disrespect to you guys at all!! This forum is a great place to learn and "hang out" with fellow riders.. I just thought it better to leave the "politics" at the door is all.. Regardless, have a great day to all you guys and safe riding!!
Karm i agree and disagree with you. Scott and i are friends and we have beat this horse long enough. I also have two friends that agree with him. All three of them have showed me great care about this subject and im glade we have talk about both sides. I feel we understand both sides alot better. But i still feel the way i feel and so do the three of them. But we can only go so far with with a one sided conversation.

Mike just nailed it, we all have our own feelings and Mike is a friend of mine so I value his input greatly and I'll always respect his opinion even if it differs with mine (we agree on a hell of alot more than we disagree, especially on this subject) but that's the beauty of the first amendment... We can all discuss and try to get our points across and still remain friends! :punk: My only real objective in all of this is to stimulate people to think from themselves and not just blindly believe the regurgitated **** that keeps being said over and over.
Mike just nailed it, we all have our own feelings and Mike is a friend of mine so I value his input greatly and I'll always respect his opinion even if it differs with mine (we agree on a hell of alot more than we disagree, especially on this subject) but that's the beauty of the first amendment... We can all discuss and try to get our points across and still remain friends! :punk: My only real objective in all of this is to stimulate people to think from themselves and not just blindly believe the regurgitated **** that keeps being said over and over.

Scott, what I would like to know is that you on your Vmax racing that sportbike? Who won and what was ET and trap speed? It looks like my Max. Same jacket, same color helmet, same color Max, also appears to be the same taillight mod.
Scott, what I would like to know is that you on your Vmax racing that sportbike? Who won and what was ET and trap speed? It looks like my Max. Same jacket, same color helmet, same color Max, also appears to be the same taillight mod.

I wasn't spraying that day so probably about 11.20 at 119mph and yes I did get him, he was only running 11.8's or so if memory serves...

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using Tapatalk 2
The US has embassies and bases with allies for position, trade, resource, and other reasons... not to babysit because we think the world hasn't changed since WW2. I... I don't even know what makes you guys think we maintain costly military installations just in case the world reverts 50+ years overnight.


Embassies are not in question, but military bases are another thing.

Ok, since you admit "we maintain costly military installations", many in Europe, just why do you think that is and when did we begin having them. ??

I know you have,( at least what appears to me to be), a very big spending liberal view of economics, now let us hear your stance on foreign policy.:wink2:

I do enjoy your input and arguments, actually very interesting and enjoyable.

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Did I mention that when I go to a public rest room My 1911 often pulls my belt thru the belt loops and ends up on the floor? Maybe I should drop a few lbs and try a shoulder holster..

I have carried concealed for about 40 years. Back in the day, it was very very hard to get a CCW and you had to have sign offs from about half the government. In all that time, I have only had to pull my weapon once. Even with that big hole in the barrel pointed at them, 2 young men with shiny switchblades took another step toward me. When I cocked the hammer (I carry one in the chamber but hammer down unless I'm in what I feel is a high threat area where I go to 'condition one'), those young men decided to leave the area ASAP.

When my Son was growing up, the rule was that If he ever wanted to look at or feel one of the guns, all he had to do was ask, but he could not ever touch them without me there. When I had a break in, they knew enough to drill my gun safe and take all my rifles. The handguns were in a second gunbox inside the safe with a big cable and lock which they did not get. They did NOT get my 4 barrel set or a couple of skeet guns . They did NOTt get the 12 ga. pump hidden in a compartment between my mattress` and box springs. And, of course, they did not get my .45 or my .380 because I had those with me.

I also admit (at least to you guys) that I'm a very bad CCW holder, because I often carry where I'm not suposed to. The one time I had to pull my weapon, I was not suposed to have it on me. I often wondered if those kids didn't turn and run, if I would have been arrested for saving my Wife's and My life. (OK we may not have died)

It can be a bitch taking a **** with a full frame gun. I came up with a safe place to put my full frame when i take a **** these days but i would rather not say. Most of the time i carry my lcp .380 with laser. I dont even know im carrying. I also have pulled one time. I was at bosch in southfield mi of 8 mile. It took 3hours to get my load and a guy comes woundering in and starts bagging everyone for money so he can put gas in his truck and the hi-lo driver said **** him he comes and trys this all the time so i said no. Well bosch closed as i got my bills and when i pulled up to close my swing doors he came over and started giving me a hard time about not giving him money. It was dark and no one around so when i walked around to unlatch my swing door i pulled and took a step back and said i think its time for you to leave. He **** his pants and said its cool man its cool and booked it. I still had to close up my trailer and depart and thats a crazy feeling when you dont get to watch the guy s every move. Is he going to pop out and get me was going through my head. After a few lights up 8 mile all was ok and i felt ok that i pulled but in the eyes of the law he could have legally shot me.