Well, the deal is done! I trailered '99 down to the NYC area yesterday, met the new owner who had ridden the train up from Washington DC and rented a u-haul to bring her home.
The transfer went off well other than the area we chose to meet in being a little confusing....but cell comm. and good ol' visual contact served us well!
His only drawback was the seat....being a long time Corbin rider the MAXGASSER just wasn't to his liking, so I will list the MAXGASSER for him in the buy/sell section, along with contact info.
The dim lights on my truck burned out on the way home so I had to leave them on bright....either that or 'stealth' mode (which didn't seem wise :biglaugh

so after 3 hours of oncoming drivers 'flashing me off' it was nice to get home! :worthy:
Congratulations on the transactions.
Why didn't you just use the headlight adjustment screws to aim the lights 'down' for the trip? Cops like to give tickets for people using their brights, especially if you are behind them!
Twenty-four years ago I was hauling a 16' trailer containing a disassembled WW II-era Mercury to Montreal. As I went thru the metro NY/NJ area, I came to a tollbooth. Being the same time of year as now, the weather was cold, overcast, and dark all-day. I had my lights on. I also had my properly-aimed Lucas driving (fog) lights on. When I got into the toll booth/gate area, I paid my toll and waited for the gate arm to ascend. And waited, and waited. I rolled-down the window and asked my toll booth attendant, "do I owe more money?"
"No," she replied.
"Is the gate broken?" I asked.
Again, she said, "no." Nothing else.
"Well, then what's the matter?" I asked.
"Turn-off your lights," she said.
"But it's dark out!" I replied, wondering why she told me this.
"Turn-off your lights, your 'extra' lights!" she demanded.
"What?" I wasn't sure I heard her correctly.
"You can't have those lights on and I'm not raising the barricade until you turn 'em off!" she said.
So I thumbed the switch off and she raised the barricade, and I made sure the rear of the trailer was clear of the thing before I flipped 'em back-on.
Maaybe it was snipe-mating season and the light pollution distracted the amorous critters! :ummm::biglaugh: