The dim lights on my truck burned out on the way home so I had to leave them on bright....either that or 'stealth' mode (which didn't seem wise :biglaugh

so after 3 hours of oncoming drivers 'flashing me off' it was nice to get home! :worthy:
They say it takes a good man to laugh at himself....I don't know about that but I do find myself in these huge belly laughs quite often.....seemingly for no apparrent reason.............:confused2:
Anyhow, in my GMC P/U, there is a large stretchable cord going to the BOSS snow plow control, which is velcro'd to the dash. This cord passes directly over the "Truck - Plow" rocker switch which directs the power to the plow tower lights (if attached) or truck lights if the plow is not attached.
The BOSS plow was sitting in the barn back at BRC at the time of this trip.....ya get where this is going?
Yup, I remember noticing that the velcro was coming off the dash so I reached up and pressed, wiggled, jiggled the control so the velcro would re-stick.....which it did! But, that wasn't all it did, the wiggling and jiggling jostled the cord enough to flip that little rocker switch to "Plow"....which, as noted, was roughly 150 miles north of the truck at the time! plow, no lights!!
I noticed this after trudging up to Chatham, getting a couple new bulbs, trudging back and carving my hands all up replacing the drivers side bulb, only to find the new one didn't work either!!
Did I immediately fall into fits of! Am I laughing, but I'm beginning to see some humor in the whole mess! :rofl_200:
My apologies to that long list of pissed off drivers I left in my wake Saturday's really not my fault.....these things happen!! :worthy: