An Inconvenient Truth

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I believe the Fed gov't DOES require a certain % of electricity purchased by a PUBLIC Electric Co to be from a RENEWABLE source. Not sure what that % is, but I believe it goes up over time. That provision of whatever law only applies, so far, to PUBLICLY traded Electric companies. It does not apply to rural electric companies which, currently, are completely under Federal oversight already.
All I know is that given the choice between avoiding a potentially bad situation or ignoring a potentially bad situation, I'll steer toward the safer alternative if I can.


It is exactly this thought process that makes the selling of fear by our politicians so successful. They "do it to protect the children", and anyone that opposes saving "the children" is a maniac. "You better give us more of your money, or the world will melt!!" Ask yourself one simple question, how is imposing massive tax increases on our country going to prevent global warming? Do you really feel handing over more of your money to the government will stop the climate change that is theorized to have always existed?

It WON"T. If they really felt this issue was that critical they wouldn't sell taxes as "cap and trade". These catch phrases exist simply to keep you from understanding they are robbing YOUR wealth, and creating an almost unstoppable political power base that takes from you by force. Don't wan't to pay the government to live on YOUR PROPERTY? Tough, pay your taxes or you will be sent to prison. If global warming (now "climate change) is so critical they would push to make illegal many of the things they are, or are trying to tax.

The EPA has ruled that carbon dioxide, THE GAS YOU EXHALE, THE GAS THAT PLANTS LIVE OFF OF, is a pollutant that can be regulated. That means TAXED, pure and simple.
Our society has reached a point where the money needed to fund the spending of our political leaders can't continue unless they find a way to take more of your hard earned money.
The main reason for Gore trying to sell the global warming theory is that he wants the Carbon Credit system implemented. If this is pushed through, he stands to make billions...yes billions! He's invested heavily in the company that would control the carbon credit system. Funny how he didn't invest it in something that tackled the pollution problem, as all the carbon credit system does is allow the corporation to keep polluting while they buy credits from companies that don't need it.

That's a very good point about the carbon tax. The carbon tax concept reminds me of the salary cap in baseball where you can't exceed a certain amount...but if you can afford the tax to go above this set amount then the sky's the limit.

Again, I fully acknowledge that Gore could hit paydirt with his agenda. Fear is a powerful motivator and if it's fear of global warming or even WMD's it is going to have its profiteers.

This is nothing more than an excuse for a power grab...more for the government and less for us . It's called socialism . Nothing new...
I remember Britain having a flood a few years back. It was blamed on U S pollution from cars. They stated that it hadn't rained like that since 150yrs ago. Ok, what caused it to flood 150 yrs ago, elephant gas?
We buy these new fangled energy saving light bulbs, mercury included. Good for the water supply when these bulbs hit the dumps. Mercury just doesn't dissipate and go away.
Burning corn in our tanks seem to invent ozone, at ground level. From reading cross talk of professors, scientists and students, not a good thing. We get less miles to the gallon, compared to real fuel. It takes about an equal amount of std fuel to make corn gas.
Egore invested in green BS companies. After flyning around telling the world the sky is falling, within a decade, he went from a 2 millionaire, to 100. If Cap & Tax would of went through, he would of made it into the billions, with our tax money. Hopefully, he's pizzed and crying. He's a swindler, as well as a wuss. I always enjoyed the way he would talk to people, like always talking to 3rd graders. No wonder he was a hit in colleges. Tipper figured Al wasn't going to make much more when Cap & Tax didn't fly, so she got smart and had enough. Take him to the cleaners, Tipper!
It is exactly this thought process that makes the selling of fear by our politicians so successful. They "do it to protect the children", and anyone that opposes saving "the children" is a maniac.

I know what yuou mean by selling fear. Saddam and WMD's is an excellent example of how fear can make people support decisions that are very costly.

Whether it's CO2 pollution, acid rain, liquid or particulate industrial waste, radioactive fallout, or ozone depletion, humans ARE having a negative impact on the environment and I don't need a politician to scare this info into me. Attempts by provincial/federal govt's in Canadda to impose a carbon tax have failed. Taxes are not the answer. However, cleaner alternatives to fossil fuels would be a good start.

'I know what you mean by selling fear. Saddam and WMD's is an excellent example of how fear can make people support decisions that are very costly'

Yeah, We're suppose to fear the Libyan king so our king just tossed a hundred mil+ of missiles on Libya. All for the Brotherhood that will come back to bite us in the azz. Pinkos and pro Brotherhood supporters found that this guy isn't the pushover they had in Egypt. Always a war going on in Africa. Why get into this one?
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'I know what yuou mean by selling fear. Saddam and WMD's is an excellent example of how fear can make people support decisions that are very costly'

Yeah, We're suppose to fear the Libyan king so our king just tossed a hundred mil+ of missiles on Libya. All for the Brotherhood that will come back to bite us in the azz. Pinkos and pro Brotherhood supporters found that this guy isn't the pushover they had in Egypt. Always a war going on in Africa. Why get into this one?

Between Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya the US must be spending a ton on military intervention. I'm no economist but this must be a real strain on your economy.

IMO, the U.S. healthcare bill that has been passed is a assault on our economy.
I wonder how much of the Canadian GDP is spent on healthcare.
I want to hear more about " Global Warming" Mr. Gore??

I.m in the middle of a snow storm ( again, and again). The ski resort near me has gotten over 400 inches of snow. The "f" word has been mentioned for the spring runoff.

BTW---- How can you tell when a politicion is lying?? They are talking

Lew :: In lovely Reno, Nevada
IMO, the U.S. healthcare bill that has been passed is a assault on our economy.
I wonder how much of the Canadian GDP is spent on healthcare.

As recently as 2006 a study found that, per capita, the US spends 15% more on healthcare than Canada. Also in 2006 the US GDP spent on healthcare was 15.3% while it was 10% in Canada. A conclusion based strictly on numbers states that the US private/public healthcare cost is the highest per capita of any nation in the world and is the only wealthy industrialized country in the world to lack some sort of universal health care (pre-Obama).

If you are concerned about money being spent on healthcare, check out the following site:

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The U.S. pays about $6.4 Billion per year on health care for illegal immigrants. I wonder how much other countries pay?
100 % of an illegal immigrant & his familys healthcare is paid for by the USA gov't / health care system , as we do not turn anyone away. We have more people , legal and illegal , from other countries , trying to get here than any other country. Wonder why ? Capitalism maybe ? Certainly not Socialism .

Stands to reason we have higher healthcare costs than any other country. I still don't want National Health Care . The gov't has proven over time that none of their big programs or departments work or cost what they predict will cost. This one could take us down. It needs to be repealed .
The gov't has proven over time that none of their big programs or departments work or cost what they predict will cost. This one could take us down. It needs to be repealed .[/QUOTE]

I hear what you're saying about cost over-runs. I just saw an excellent documentary on x-planes; how Boeing and Lockheed Martin were trying to win the bid for the next generation of fighter. The F-22 Raptor is an awesome aircraft but costly to mass produce at 150 million each.

Lockheed Martin won the bid and was supposed to provide a jet for 80 million each. Because of glitches and delays the costs just escalated to 132 million and there's still bugs to be fixed. If the costs continue to escalate they might as well continue to build the Raptor.

I hope Canada keeps its present system of healthcare. After 40-plus years and living in several parts of Canada I've never had an issue with it. My appendectomy cost nothing up front, my father's double bypass was the same. Maybe we get nickled and dimed on opur paychecks, at the beer store, tobacco shop, and gas station but I can live with that. I guess I'm not bothered by "socialism" when it comes to our healthcare.

100 % of an illegal immigrant & his familys healthcare is paid for by the USA gov't / health care system , as we do not turn anyone away. We have more people , legal and illegal , from other countries , trying to get here than any other country. Wonder why ? Capitalism maybe ? Certainly not Socialism .

Stands to reason we have higher healthcare costs than any other country. I still don't want National Health Care . The gov't has proven over time that none of their big programs or departments work or cost what they predict will cost. This one could take us down. It needs to be repealed .

Canada is not a socialist country although we employ elements of socialism, like healthcare. We get quite a few immigrants and capitalism is alive and well here too. I don't feel like our healthcare system was forced upon us so I never had to feel bitter about it. In Alberta they use universal healthcare plus a privatized system where you pay out of pocket; it's supposed to have the advantage of less wait-time.

Canadians get upset when our govt spends too much on military equipment (subs, jets, helicopters) but don't bat an eye when we get taxed royally for healthcare...seems a bit opposite to US.
