An Inconvenient Truth

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Hay, it is what it is!
It can't be just when it happens somewhere else.
I don't know how to get my head around putting a wall up as being free!
Since you didn't answer my ? on what is socialism , let me help . A theory or doctrine whereby the means of production and distribution are owned by society rather than individuals ; a Marxist , communist , radical , social-democrat , non-capitalistic . Sorry , not what we believe in.[/QUOTE]

Socilaized medicine does produce or distribute hospitals, doctors, or healthcare facilities. This infrastructure is already in place. A trillion dollars re-directed from wars 6000 miles away to a fund to help US citizens makes more sense to me.

The civilized world is not ready to stop terrorism . Until you can strike fear in the hearts and minds of the friends, sympathizers , financial supporters and familys of the terrorists , they will continue to strike and hide forever , or until we surrender . That fear could be generated , but the civilized world will not get down to that level in the near future.

Terrorism is an ideology, not a target you can you shoot or a country you can invade. Almost any country could be harbouring terrorists whether they know it or not. You may kill some of your enemies, scare the crap out of others, destroy one or more of their financial avenues...more will always crop up and you cannot stop that...with luck, lots of casualties abroad, and untold trillions of dollars you may be able to slow it.

Iraq: While the reason for invading (WMD) was skewed, the end result was removal of brutal dictator who was killing his own subjects. It was/ is a messy situation that still needs work but IMO they are bettor off now than they were.

Afghanistan: Another difficult situation of political corruption and insurgency. Our efforts to stabilize the government has been rocky to say the least but the insurgency is somewhat less now to allow a new government a better chance at surviving. It is not perfect but the goal needs to be focused of getting them up and self governing.

Libya: Needs more definition from our slow to act, wishy washy, elected President. Supporting the uprising is a slippery slope and Gaddafi needs to go. Obama has said as much but has offered no insight on how this might be accomplished, which is normal for him to hope for a solution that will fall in his lap.
One curious aspect of this whole Libya ordeal is the strong positions of England and France(FRANCE?WHAT??) in this so called unilateral UN resolution.
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If France is leading the effort to oust Gaddafi, then there is some questionable politics going on.:ummm:

In Iraqi, I believe Saddam did have WMDs, but got them moved out to Syria before we got there. I think our intel was too late getting here.

As for Afghanistan, The Russians couldn't beat them in their war with them, what make us think we can do better? We missed our shot with Bin Ladin. We knew about where he was in the mountains and we blew it. IMO we should have have turned those mountains into a glass factory, and went home. We have the capability to do that with conventional weapons, no nukes involved. But we didn't.

Of course if we had used nukes, then the survivers would glow in the dark and we could hunt them at night. :biglaugh:
The civilized world is not ready to stop terrorism . Until you can strike fear in the hearts and minds of the friends, sympathizers , financial supporters and familys of the terrorists , they will continue to strike and hide forever , or until we surrender . That fear could be generated , but the civilized world will not get down to that level in the near future.

Some research on illegal alien / immigrant costs / spending in the U.S.A. has revealed we spend approx. $ 338 .3 Billion a year .

$ 11-22 B welfare by the state gov'ts
$ 2.2 B on food assistance , food stamps , WIC , free school lunches
$ 2.5 B on Medicaid
$ 12 B primary and secondary school education
$ 17 B for education of American-born children / anchor babies
$ 3 M ( per day ) to incarcerate illegals - 30 % of all federal Prison inmates are illegals - Illegal alien crime rate is 2 and 1/2 times that of white non-illegal aliens . Their children will add to these figures
$ 90 B Welfare & social services by the Federal gov't / taxpayers
$ 200 B in suppressed Americal wages

Thank you for finding that. I stated earlier that we spend about a tril every three years for illegals, that the Russians figured we'd go bust by the way of Mexico. 'Winning'
Incredably, the White House undershot the deficit by 2 tril (not in the taxpayer's favor).
With regard to deathcare... I recieved an email that stated, some religions like mins and izlamists are not required to get on Uncle Sugar's deathcare plan. Prob true. I understand there will be a cap. We are bringing in this elephate of costs at the expense of helping our elderly. Guess the gov't thinks, when you get old and unproductive, you're useless/ worthless.
Back to the green ween thing. Stock up on you light bulbs! Looks like we may be force to buy the $3+ bulbs soon, the ones with mercury. :banana:They do have instructions on what to do if one is broke in the house. Get the kids out of the area, is one. It tells ya how to safely get it out to the trash and to the dump. Later, you may have a chance to get it back via the water supply. See? You get to live healthy a little longer. EGore has to be a stock holder here.
Give it a year or two, LED bulbs will be the new fad. There's a lab at school here that has all sorts of LED can light up an entire room for a watt or two of power with a single diode. Just isn't cheap enough yet to make it "consumer friendly"...a single bulb would cost like $50.

Just that CFLs are the new save-the-planet "fad", just like ethanol. Doesn't really matter if they are the best or most practical solution, just that some politicians got ads for them plastered everywhere, probably because they're invested in the company.
I am not surewhat European countries you are currently helping unless you're referring to WWI and WWII in which, yes, you did save the day.
Then I suggest you research the amount of money the US handed over to bail out much of Europe recently due to the fact that their socialist programs bankrupted many of these counties (NOT JUST GREECE).
Our military serves every country in Europe by securing the delivery of oil from the middle east. Like it or not, every aspect of our lives is dependent on oil, from the food we eat, to the clothes we wear, to the heat in our homes and on and on. Socialized Europe has gotten a free ride often times on the backs of the US soldier.

1 trillion spent so far in Iraq and Afghanistan (Middle East) over the last decade and hundreds of millions in Libya (after 3 days!). This is just the current tally. This money is being sent to countries thousands of miles away to reduce the threat of an attack on domestic soil.

And here there is a clear goal. To Stop the spread of Wahabism via MILITARY VICTORY. Whether it is achievable is debatable, but no one I know desires to continue that conflict. Win yes, continue forever - absolutely not.
There is no end for Socialized health care, it will by nature continue to grow and the average citizen is going to be forced to pay the increasing tab, or be jailed for refusal to comply. That is a perfect example of tyranny.

Obamacare is projected to cost about 2 trillion over ten years and the object is to help your own. If Obamacare is not the answer I know there are smart people in the US who could make it work. The thing is, Obama promised health care reform and mentioned a type of universal healthcare in his campaign. He was then elected. Should he attempt to make further socialist reforms (e.g. firearms control) then he could be voted out in the next election by a leader who supports the values of the majority.

"Obamacare is predicted to cost"......Give me a break! Provide ONE example of a government "entitlement" that came in at budget, and is sustainable. You CAN'T, because they were never designed to. It isn't reform, it's a takeover, pure and simple the government is TAKING it.

In a nutshell, big govt WILL find a way to spend YOUR money...given a choice, I would rather they spend it at home to help our own.

Not necessarily, and that was the point of the US being a constitutional republic and NOT A DEMOCRACY.


Our constitution exists to limit the federal government. Combined with the constitution we can prevent this by VOTING. Resignation to defeat is a willingness to agree to serfdom.
Hay, it is what it is!

I don't know how to get my head around putting a wall up as being free!

Freedom from the murders, extortion, bombings, torture, and kidnapping of the cartels can only be achieved by stopping them at our southern border at this point. Most are not willing to do what is needed to stop that in Mexico. Consider yourself lucky that this violence really hasn't made it to Canada yet. Narco-terrorism has been spreading through south america for decades. Research Farc, the Ton Ton Macoute and other criminal organizations from the past and present.
"Tearing down the wall" and inviting them here unchecked will not result in them "Playing Nice". It will be the opposite, compounding our drug and gang violence. The violence on the south side of Chicago seems like a paradise compared to many areas in Mexico lately.
Iraq: While the reason for invading (WMD) was skewed, the end result was removal of brutal dictator who was killing his own subjects. It was/ is a messy situation that still needs work but IMO they are bettor off now than they were.

Afghanistan: Another difficult situation of political corruption and insurgency. Our efforts to stabilize the government has been rocky to say the least but the insurgency is somewhat less now to allow a new government a better chance at surviving. It is not perfect but the goal needs to be focused of getting them up and self governing.

Libya: Needs more definition from our slow to act, wishy washy, elected President. Supporting the uprising is a slippery slope and Gaddafi needs to go. Obama has said as much but has offered no insight on how this might be accomplished, which is normal for him to hope for a solution that will fall in his lap.
One curious aspect of this whole Libya ordeal is the strong positions of England and France(FRANCE?WHAT??) in this so called unilateral UN resolution.

Your involvment in the Middle East and Libya has its merits. I just keep wondering how all the money you're spending to remove dictators/regimes and establish peaceful governments for foreigners could be used to help your own people.

I think Colin Powell should run next election. I was going to suggest Ted Nugent but he may be a little too conservative for some!

I think Colin Powell should run next election. I was going to suggest Ted Nugent but he may be a little too conservative for some!


I like that!! "Nugent for President and he will make sure that there is a deer in every freezer!!" :rofl_200::rofl_200:

On a serious note I will say that I find this entire thread quite interesting. I would be willing to bet that even though here folks from Canada and the US seem to have diametrically opposed views on some important items, but it has been my experience that they really are not that far apart, it is just that Canadians have certain entitlements, ie health care, that they hold sacred that Americans do not. I will continue to read the posts here with great interest and comment when I feel the urge:eusa_dance:
Powell would have to run on the Dems ticket to first whip O'Bamer ' cause he has already chosen his path , and it ain't Republicaan or Conservative or Tea Party. Ted I could get behind , or the Donald , or Herman Cain .
I find "The Donald" quite the interesting potential candidate. What the US needs is a businessman in charge instead of a lawyer for sure. The government needs to be run like a business and become much more fiscally responsible. He certainly knows how to be successful in business so why not give him a shot. Personally I think that the people of the US need to clean out the entire system and flush the professional politicians down the crapper and start over. JMHO....
I think 85Maxfan makes a good point.
Living in Canada, to our south is you guys!
That's a lot different than having to share a border with Mexico!
And to continue on with Themaxrider thought, both countries lack talent.
The best minds in our countries aren't interested in running the country.
So...we get whats left!
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One thing I wish would happen is no lawyers could hold political office. Maybe use the "conflict of interest" excuse..... :damn angry:
And to continue on with Themaxrider thought, both countries lack talent.
The best minds in our countries aren't interested in running the country.
So...we get whats left!

Excellent point. Take a look at who gravitates to politics much of the time. Many of these types are purely motivated by a desire for power. That really doesn't coincide with freedom.