I personally like the name Alowishus.unk:
I was always curious what Alo was actually wishing for......:confused2:
The '96 regulator was the newer finned model so I bolted it up....the wiring was the same on both bikes except for the black wire on the newer R/R, which I ran directly to the battery....is that acceptable?
Everything is working fine, gauges, fuel pump, neutral light, tach, etc. but the output voltage seems a little odd.
got 13.8 - 13.9 at idle
got 12.9 - 13.0 on the road
If I rev it while idling it will drop from 13.8 down to 13.4....shouldn't it go up with rpm's?
Oh, after driving for 15 - 20 miles I shut it off and it only will start 2 or 3 times, then there isn't enough power left to start it again.