New York & gun control

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I'm going way out on a limb here Dave....I think you may find there are plenty of laws already on the books that this individual totally ignored during his violent rampage. Having a few more certainly would not have prevented this tragedy....I don't believe.

But, I could be wrong.....:confused2:

Well said, It is true that if someone is going to some a heinous act they arent going to take into account the various laws, they are going to do what they do. :bang head::bang head::damn angry:

There may be change coming from the Hill though
This is the only threat to the Constitution that means anything right now.... It's Not Funny....

I took an oath to do exactly what is said and Never Ever Laughed about it. I considered it a Lifelong Obligation.


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I'm going way out on a limb here Dave....I think you may find there are plenty of laws already on the books that this individual totally ignored during his violent rampage. Having a few more certainly would not have prevented this tragedy....I don't believe.

But, I could be wrong.....:confused2:

The only way society could be assured that this wouldn't have happened would be if the shooter could not gain possession of a gun. A law in of itself doesn't stop someone breaking laws, that part is obvious. But yet something needs to be done and I'm quite sure it will be done. Trying to stonewall efforts by using outlandish rhetoric will only get laws passed that doesn't serve anyone. Sort of like by default. The Federal Government is looking at limiting the size of magazines, full background checks, and an outright ban on some guns, logical or not and registration. That is not confiscation, plus not outside of what the Supreme Court has already decided as OK. That is a key point. Call your Congressman, go to his office and talk reasonably to his Aids. Your State Rep. would be more assessable. Donate a few bucks and the door will open easier.
The only way society could be assured that this wouldn't have happened would be if the shooter could not gain possession of a gun. A law in of itself doesn't stop someone breaking laws, that part is obvious. But yet something needs to be done and I'm quite sure it will be done. Trying to stonewall efforts by using outlandish rhetoric will only get laws passed that doesn't serve anyone. Sort of like by default. The Federal Government is looking at limiting the size of magazines, full background checks, and an outright ban on some guns, logical or not and registration. That is not confiscation, plus not outside of what the Supreme Court has already decided as OK. That is a key point. Call your Congressman, go to his office and talk reasonably to his Aids. Your State Rep. would be more assessable. Donate a few bucks and the door will open easier.

Because someone was able to kill with a gun...that means that we should outlaw guns..right? That way people wont be able to get their hands on one to perform the killings.....correct? What about cars? More people are killed by cars, than what have ever thought about being killed by guns. are inherently dangerous...and need to be outlawed and banned.

I am just following the line of thinking. In 2010 3.56 people per 100,000 people were killed with guns. In 2010 10.65 people per 100000 were killed with cars. So your almost 3X more likely to die by car, than by guns.


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The only way society could be assured that this wouldn't have happened would be if the shooter could not gain possession of a gun. A law in of itself doesn't stop someone breaking laws, that part is obvious. But yet something needs to be done and I'm quite sure it will be done. Trying to stonewall efforts by using outlandish rhetoric will only get laws passed that doesn't serve anyone. Sort of like by default. The Federal Government is looking at limiting the size of magazines, full background checks, and an outright ban on some guns, logical or not and registration. That is not confiscation, plus not outside of what the Supreme Court has already decided as OK. That is a key point. Call your Congressman, go to his office and talk reasonably to his Aids. Your State Rep. would be more assessable. Donate a few bucks and the door will open easier.

Dave these things aren't going to make one bit of difference in the amount of violence, they are simply stop-gap, kneejerk reactions to a problem that is out of control, designed by the lawmakers to appease the 'anti-gunners' without pissing off the 'pro-runner's' too badly. It will, of course, fail....the violence will continue, the gun folks will become very angry and the anti-gunners will soon realize they've been duped!

The real issue is of course, not guns, their availability or lack's angry people!! The guy in NY that shot the firemen, Adam Lanza, the kids in Columbine, this latest jerk in CA.....these people are really pissed off about something (different in every case of course)....the guy who picks up a pistol and shoots his wife....real mad! The common factor here is anger, not the choice of weapon.....ever see the tv show, "Wives with Knives"....could have been "Kids with Shives", "Bub's with Clubs", "Nannies with Hammers".....there is no end to the weapons and it's the anger that drives most people to kill. Pass all the gun legislation you want, it won't affect the outcome one bit!!

I'm only talking about random, domestic type violence, gang and drug related violence is beyond reach, in fact anti-gun legislation only serves to make those types stronger and bolder. In fact it wouldn't surprise me any to discover down the road that this current paranoic hype over guns actually served to increase the level of violence.
Limiting magazine capacity will have as much effect on crime as limiting the available horsepower in vehicles. It will make zero difference.

Crimes with modern sporting rifles account for less than 3% of all gun crime committed and the number of people killed in "mass shootings" is close to being statistically insignificant.

Dannymax had it right. If you want to reduce gun violence, then concentrate on the violence not the means it was administered. People have been and will always be violent in nature. They will always find a way to kill each other. Take away the guns and you get knife and bludegoning or people getting run down with cars. Until you address the root cause, you will only shift the violence from one method to another. Yaaaaay, gun crime is down 10% but knife crime and being beaten to death is up 250%. What is next, outlawing baseball bats?....You know a carbon fiber bat has no sporting purpose, it is designed for one purpose and that is to kill people.

Propose a real solution and not some thinly veiled attempt at further restricting our rights and I will consider it, but until then....

Not one inch....not one frickin' inch.
Ban Assault Weapons and criminal elements will use machine shops to make their very own. Super Hi Cap Magazines, absolutely no problem to make. Very Good Drawings have been available On Line,,,,, Forever. Hell, you can make an AR-15 Receiver from some plastics. No matter what gun laws are passed, it will only hurt the legal citizens. I mean, Really, you can kill people with fertilizer or household chemicals. Again, Get A Grip on reality before reality becomes a very violent country,,,, right here.......
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Don't see a lot of support for the 'King's' directive at the county level!

. Opposed to the SAFE Act

. Discussing resolution to oppose, not voted on yet

White....Slackers and fence sitters who, so far, have chosen not to act! (Includes my county....I'm ashamed of them, bunch of cowards! They've been elected to represent the people, they don't get the luxury of doing nothing!!)
The only way society could be assured that this wouldn't have happened would be if the shooter could not gain possession of a gun.

Impossible, and he/she could have killed with any number of different methods, like explosives. Again Dave what about all of those killers that stab, beat, or strangle their victims?

A law in of itself doesn't stop someone breaking laws, that part is obvious. But yet something needs to be done and I'm quite sure it will be done.

So, you admit the legislation won't stop anything Dave? Interesting, then tell us all why it should be done. Please tell us. That is the definition of insanity Dave, doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results. It would indicate you are either insane, incompetant, or that you have a comepletely different objective Dave. Which of those three things describe you?

Trying to stonewall efforts by using outlandish rhetoric will only get laws passed that doesn't serve anyone. Sort of like by default.

What outlandish rhetoric exactly Dave? Like your admission that any new law won't prevent anything?

The Federal Government is looking at limiting the size of magazines, full background checks, and an outright ban on some guns, logical or not and registration. That is not confiscation, plus not outside of what the Supreme Court has already decided as OK. That is a key point.

Wrong Dave. The US goverment has been successfully sued, along with some states, due to the illegal creation of a firearm owner/serial number database. Subsequently those data bases were ordered destroyed by our court system. The NICS background check does NOT create a record of any specific purchaser owning any particular firearm. There is precident against registration. They may pass it anyway, because they do not care how much of our money they must confiscate from us to argue it in court yet again and again.

Call your Congressman, go to his office and talk reasonably to his Aids. Your State Rep. would be more assessable. Donate a few bucks and the door will open easier.
Bribing officials will open the door for what Dave?

You still refuse to answer what you propose to help stop those that kill with methods other than a firearm Dave. Please tell us why you don't have any comment about all of those victims? They far out number those that were killed with "assault rifles". Don't you care about all of those poor victims Dave?
Here's our New York Governor making an ass out of him self. The way he carries on, makes me wonder if I can even leave the house without being blown away. Nothing but heart strings. Even the mention of hunting shows his ignorance or manipulation of 2nd Amendment. So far there are 24 county legislatures in NY that voted yes on a resolution to repeal the "Safe Act".
Yeah....things just aren't going the way he planned! This is some unprecedented stuff.........

Here's our New York Governor making an ass out of him self. The way he carries on, makes me wonder if I can even leave the house without being blown away. Nothing but heart strings. Even the mention of hunting shows his ignorance or manipulation of 2nd Amendment. So far there are 24 county legislatures in NY that voted yes on a resolution to repeal the "Safe Act".

He's a real showman this 'king' is!! Just need that little mustache under his nose and woalla....back to 1938!!
Should you manage to do only one thing today, watch this YOU-TUBE video. It is very well done and explains the differences between what the politicians are calling "assault weapons" and what really are REAL assault weapons.

There is also an excellent demonstration near the end of the video about why banning magazines holding more than 10 rounds is nothing more than political smoke and mirrors. As you will see, it makes little or no difference what size magazine you have on your weapon, because changing magazines is a very short and quick process.

This is an excellent video that you owe it to yourself to watch -- especially if you honestly want to understand what all this talk about gun legislation is about. Feel free to share this with your friends.
Should you manage to do only one thing today, watch this YOU-TUBE video. It is very well done and explains the differences between what the politicians are calling "assault weapons" and what really are REAL assault weapons.

There is also an excellent demonstration near the end of the video about why banning magazines holding more than 10 rounds is nothing more than political smoke and mirrors. As you will see, it makes little or no difference what size magazine you have on your weapon, because changing magazines is a very short and quick process.

This is an excellent video that you owe it to yourself to watch -- especially if you honestly want to understand what all this talk about gun legislation is about. Feel free to share this with your friends.

Need to send the video off to Albany, In care of "his highness" Andy Cuomo:red ass:
I personally would wage $10,000 thats TEN THOUSAND dollars that Obama personally in one way or another albeit in his name or a brokerage companies name holding his accounts, has a huge investment portfolio with some major semi-automatic weapons manufacturers and ammo producing companies as well. **** Bush did it with oil and gas prices. Why wouldnt Obama bulge his pockets off of a gun ban scare to create a false market driving up prices for a nice little profit? THis is another wag the dog by yet another president that will walk away laughing with a pocket full of money and a population a further screwed people. When will we stop being led by the nose???
The counties are standing up....that's good to see. Several Sheriff's Associations have condemed the law and a recent report from a central NY radio station says at least 50% of NYS Police spoken with have said they will not enforce the SAFE Act.

Around here, They've been pushing the rally in Albany on the 28th. I know there's at least 6 bus loads of guy from here. Looks like it's going to be big. Our local radio station is going to broadcast live.

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