New York & gun control

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Around here, They've been pushing the rally in Albany on the 28th. I know there's at least 6 bus loads of guy from here. Looks like it's going to be big. Our local radio station is going to broadcast live.

It's going to be huge! Buses coming from every direction. And of course the opposition will be showing up too....SEIU 1199 (which is a union of hospital and nursing home service employees) plan on a bus or two. I don't quite understand their involvement but heard their bus ride and meals are free so that may explain that! :confused2:
It's going to be huge! Buses coming from every direction. And of course the opposition will be showing up too....SEIU 1199 (which is a union of hospital and nursing home service employees) plan on a bus or two. I don't quite understand their involvement but heard their bus ride and meals are free so that may explain that! :confused2:

The guy thats going to be broadcasting there commented about the unions that are supporting the "act". When he labeled the SEIU union, he said, "better know as Obama's *******." Sad part is, even if you don't agree with the views, if your in that union, your dues are paying for that bus ride.
Allow me to state a simple fact that seems to not make it into the gun conversation...20,000 out of the 30,000 gun deaths are from suicide...that's a FULL 2/3rds...a good 90% of these mass shootings are commited by people on personnality altering about some discussion on the mental health issue/aspect ?

It's not on the liberal agenda...if you're looking for an answer...:bang head:

Have a nice day...
Allow me to state a simple fact that seems to not make it into the gun conversation...20,000 out of the 30,000 gun deaths are from suicide...that's a FULL 2/3rds...a good 90% of these mass shootings are commited by people on personnality altering about some discussion on the mental health issue/aspect ?

It's not on the liberal agenda...if you're looking for an answer...:bang head:

Have a nice day...

You are right....if you look at gun deaths vs homicides....the numbers are drastically different. One person didn't care for it when I posted accurate numbers from the CDC on gun homicides. Homicides is around 11000..(going off of memory)
Sad part is, even if you don't agree with the views, if your in that union, your dues are paying for that bus ride.

There's an EASY REMEDY for that BS! Tell that particular union, you don't want to support their political crap, and they MUST allow you to take on an Agency Fee Payer status. Your dues will be lowered accordingly. It's a Federal Law giving each worker the right to do so. You may have to pay for their representation at the contract negotiating table (assuming you are not in a Right To Work State), but nothing requires you to continue supporting their political agendas. Nothing.
There's an EASY REMEDY for that BS! Tell that particular union, you don't want to support their political crap, and they MUST allow you to take on an Agency Fee Payer status. Your dues will be lowered accordingly. It's a Federal Law giving each worker the right to do so. You may have to pay for their representation at the contract negotiating table (assuming you are not in a Right To Work State), but nothing requires you to continue supporting their political agendas. Nothing.

Thanks for the info..
There's an EASY REMEDY for that BS! Tell that particular union, you don't want to support their political crap, and they MUST allow you to take on an Agency Fee Payer status. Your dues will be lowered accordingly. It's a Federal Law giving each worker the right to do so. You may have to pay for their representation at the contract negotiating table (assuming you are not in a Right To Work State), but nothing requires you to continue supporting their political agendas. Nothing.

Good to know.
There's an EASY REMEDY for that BS! Tell that particular union, you don't want to support their political crap, and they MUST allow you to take on an Agency Fee Payer status. Your dues will be lowered accordingly. It's a Federal Law giving each worker the right to do so. You may have to pay for their representation at the contract negotiating table (assuming you are not in a Right To Work State), but nothing requires you to continue supporting their political agendas. Nothing.

That should make you very popular with the union thugs .
Allow me to state a simple fact that seems to not make it into the gun conversation...20,000 out of the 30,000 gun deaths are from suicide...that's a FULL 2/3rds...a good 90% of these mass shootings are commited by people on personnality altering about some discussion on the mental health issue/aspect ?

It's not on the liberal agenda...if you're looking for an answer...:bang head:

Have a nice day...
I aplaud your effort to better understand the statistics. Some here believe if your neighbor shoots themselves in the head to commit suicide it is somehow worse than if they take a handful of pills, swallow a bottle of whiskey, and check out that way.

I say ********. DEAD IS DEAD. The liberals are perfectly happy to ignore those that die without firearms involved, just as they are to ignore the mentally ill........
That should make you very popular with the union thugs .

I wouldn't give a nasty rats' arse what any union thug thought of me to begin with.

Yeah....just what I was thinking too!

The word 'scab' comes to mind.....they generally don't enjoy a long professional life!

Danny, if you have scabs, I suggest BandAid Brand bandaides (speeds up the healing process).

I feel confident you weren't inferring me to be a Union picket line crossing variety of the word. :ummm:
I wouldn't give a nasty rats' arse what any union thug thought of me to begin with.

Danny, if you have scabs, I suggest BandAid Brand bandaides (speeds up the healing process).

I feel confident you weren't inferring me to be a Union picket line crossing variety of the word. :ummm:

Don't see anything personal there jfeagins, Just saying Most unions don't play well with people who don't just go along. :boxing00:
Don't see anything personal there jfeagins, Just saying Most unions don't play well with people who don't just go along. :boxing00:

Touche! Cause I don't play well with them either. lol fight-239.gif :biglaugh:
I wouldn't give a nasty rats' arse what any union thug thought of me to begin with.

Danny, if you have scabs, I suggest BandAid Brand bandaides (speeds up the healing process).

I feel confident you weren't inferring me to be a Union picket line crossing variety of the word. :ummm:

No, absolutely not!! If it came across that way please accept my apology....I was only referring to my limited experience with big unions back in the day. They can be brutal sometimes.
No, absolutely not!! If it came across that way please accept my apology....I was only referring to my limited experience with big unions back in the day. They can be brutal sometimes.

No worries. It was good for a chuckle here.
Scab gets thrown around out here a lot in Cali by these IBEW guys, loosely and improperly since they use it to refer to any non union guy, not strike breakers.
This Linemans local in San Jose is strong, top Journeymen making $52/hr, and DOUBLETIME after 40, there is no time and a half. Plus per diem for anything more than 50 miles from the hall.
(We use local guys and bring our own project management and technical guys)

It's funny tho cause they complain about not being able to stay with one company very long in one breath, and with the next breath make fun of what they call "shop rockets" who are hands that are loyal to and stay with one company. Thinking that to stay with one company you must be a suck ass.

That being said I wonder why no company keeps them very long??
I think its a work ethic and entitlement mentality thing. We've gotten some good ones now tho and were hanging on to them, after turning around twice as many guys as we have on site that answered the calls out of the hall till we found guys who "wanted" a job.

I don't begrudge them their hourly wage, The union does provide talented people, if always the most motivated, while higher than what the IBEW guys working for us back in Texas make, (shop rockets one and all) when you consider cost of living and the taxes in this insane state its not as good as back home.

My dad was an IBEW contractor for 35 years, he shut down and opened a non union shop to keep from being bled dry, he had bills too after all. And the technical schools (the real ones, not that **** that advertises in TV) are churning out as good if not better talent anyway.
Todays the big day!!!! wish I could have gone but they wouldnt let me off of work. We got an inspection going on. Cant wait to see how many people travel to Albany to protest this rediculous Legislature. I dont know if it was talked about before on this thread but everyone hear about Steve Hawley ( from right down the road from me) the assembly man pushing for seperation between upstate NY and NYC. if there was a vote i think it would pass. Alot of upstate NY government officially arent to happy about this law
I'm really torn about jumping in the truck and taking a ride into Albany....have to see what the day brings I guess.

It sure will be a big event, one of the largest Albany ever saw, that's for sure. Every meeting held on this issue, from the village level to county level has been packed with upset gun owners and supporters of the 2nd Ammendment. I doubt the lawmakers anticipated this strong a reaction.

It's encouraging to see everyone standing up! :clapping:
Something I read on another forum this morning is that apparently Oblome is divorcing Herr Cuomo and his bleeding edge gun grabbing legislation as he mentioned not one single word about it is his state of the union....that's a little odd considering the potus seems able to stoop to any levels to support his dragging those poor folks from Newtown all around to 'perform' on camera. (Imagine how crushed they will be when they are no longer of any use to him....:wave bye:)

Anyhow it's starting to look like instead of being the 'piper' Cuomo may actually be the 'pariah'....starting to hear things like 'he should be brought up on charges....' etc. Not gonna happen, of course, but he may not want to burn his bridges with the unemployment division!!:biglaugh:
None of this matters anymore. As of Thursday it is now a felony under federal law to assemble and protest. I just added a new thread about this. We are now being attacked by the president, the senate, and congress....

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