Hmmmm maybe they are expecting trouble in the Homeland????
The Liberals do not want "the people" to focus on their actions, they are all about having some movie star tell how good things are, what is good for them and the sheeple just trudge along at their heels idolizing them. When someone speaks against their ideals they are quick to repeat the trash that their idols use to disparage opposing thoughts. I even heard that George Bush was responsible for all the recent bad storms too!:bang head:Oh, don't worry. It's not that bad, debt is good, if they don't spend ourselves out of depression it will be worse, it was worse after WWII, George Bush is responsible, we can't afford not to spend more, even though we have increased government spending and devalued our currency on top of that for over 40 years its OK, nothing to see here, move along.
Just go back to watching Survivor on TV and let the liberals take gooood care of you, after all it has worked so well in Argentina, france, Zimbabwe, Greece, Spain etc etc.....
The Liberals do not want "the people" to focus on their actions, they are all about having some movie star tell how good things are, what is good for them and the sheeple just trudge along at their heels idolizing them. When someone speaks against their ideals they are quick to repeat the trash that their idols use to disparage opposing thoughts. I even heard that George Bush was responsible for all the recent bad storms too!:bang head:
"What would you do to attempt to control violence perpetrated by people with guns?"
Not sure again why you separate violence involving a gun, from those incidents I referenced before. It's violence Dave. John Gacy methodically tortured and strangled his victims to death, and you are silent about that. Thousands stabbed and or beaten to death in last few decades in New York, and you say nothing.
But if someone is shot, you rave about "gun violence".
"Gun violence" is a term specifically created by the statist to instill fear in the uninformed through its use as a soundbite. A well documented method to influence the easily misled people of the world.
Its not "gun violence" Dave. The gun doesn't fly arround Los Angeles firing itself killing people. Instead the reality is the US has literally thousands and thousands of people that would have no reservation about killing. Gun, knife, bludgeon, murder is murder. Comitted by a PERSON. They, and only they, hold the blame.
So what would I do about it? I would stop selling the lies that the social engineering our government has been doing is good, and that it is working. Our welfare state is largely responsible for creating generations of people that do not have any moral compass, and they are breeding like flies. I would CONTROL THE BORDER. Thousands of criminals come here and our statist politicians rant about how they are only here to work. ********. I would allow people to BEAR ARMS, for their own protection and the protection of their loved ones. I would fire up ol' sparky and and execute those pieces of filth that don't deserve to ever shatter the lives of good people through their acts, and I would present a documentary about who and what they were, what they did, where it got them, and I would show their death publicly so that people understand that this will not be tolerated. Thats a start.
Well Dave sounds like you have a great life. I found some interesting facts and figures that i will post. These are snippets from the numbers from it match the numbers for gun homicides from the CDC. It seems that as Americans get better armed and more people become CCH owners....homicides are falling...but rising in Mexico. In 2010 in Mexico 10 people per 100,000 died in a gun related homicide...and in the united states its 3.59 per 100,000.
One thing I can see....your trying very hard to say how good and safe Mexico is, and how unsafe and violent the States are. Why are you trying so hard?
Oh, don't worry. It's not that bad, debt is good, if they don't spend ourselves out of depression it will be worse, it was worse after WWII, George Bush is responsible, we can't afford not to spend more, even though we have increased government spending and devalued our currency on top of that for over 40 years its OK, nothing to see here, move along.
Just go back to watching Survivor on TV and let the liberals take gooood care of you, after all it has worked so well in Argentina, france, Zimbabwe, Greece, Spain etc etc.....
Dealing in facts, government spending;
more than enough info to chew on. Also read link on right about child gun deaths. 29,771 gun deaths in the U.S in year 2003, way more than Mexico's 50,000 since 2006. I have to laugh when people claim Mexico is dangerous but never experience it. Old fragile women live here without fear but tough Bikers are afraid. What is wrong with that picture?
Anyhow, yesterday I had a good ride on my Max. filled up with non-ethanol gas and cruised down the coast. Nope, I wasn't carrying, concealed or otherwise. No need to. Didn't have to worry about getting stopped by the police for an equipement check, no speed traps, no radar, not even a hard look by the police at the gas station. Some guy that I exchanged good morning with gave me some pistachios. I did make sure no burritos were stuck in my exhaust with a short blast to 115. Freedom is more, much more than a second amendment. Chris Dorner has been in the local news alot. Along with this totally paranoid affliction about the second amendment and needing guns to correct problems. He won alright. put a bullet in his own head and denying the police the pleasure. Yah, he won alright. I just hope when and if it comes down to crunch time sanity overtakes pararnoia.
I don't give a **** what other countries do because they don't have a second amendment, before you try the "well regulated" argument read the federalist papers and it becomes overwhelmingly clear what the founders meant if you can't comprehend the English language enough to grasp what the second amendment actually says.
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Good, Scott. leads right into my link. This is a long read but worth it.
Good, Scott. leads right into my link. This is a long read but worth it.
And so that is one man's INTERPRITATION of the 2nd amendment. Good for him....I don?t see it that way, and I know a lot of people that don?t see it that way either.
And so that is one man's INTERPRITATION of the 2nd amendment. Good for him....I don?t see it that way, and I know a lot of people that don?t see it that way either.
Of course your figure for the US is intentionally misleading in that it includes criminals shot by police in the comission of a crime, those shot by law abiding citizens in self defense, those willfully commiting suicide. What is the real number Dave?? Lets take it a step farther how many are criminals shooting other criminals with firearms obtained illegally as they laugh at your brilliant concept of disarming lawfull citizens while they will never be disarmed by any of your proposals. Why do you deny the working class the right to defend themselves while the political elites are surrounded by armed guards Dave?Dealing in facts, government spending;
more than enough info to chew on. Also read link on right about child gun deaths. 29,771 gun deaths in the U.S in year 2003, way more than Mexico's 50,000 since 2006. I have to laugh when people claim Mexico is dangerous but never experience it. Old fragile women live here without fear but tough Bikers are afraid. What is wrong with that picture?
Anyhow, yesterday I had a good ride on my Max. filled up with non-ethanol gas and cruised down the coast. Nope, I wasn't carrying, concealed or otherwise. No need to. Didn't have to worry about getting stopped by the police for an equipement check, no speed traps, no radar, not even a hard look by the police at the gas station. Some guy that I exchanged good morning with gave me some pistachios. I did make sure no burritos were stuck in my exhaust with a short blast to 115. Freedom is more, much more than a second amendment. Chris Dorner has been in the local news alot. Along with this totally paranoid affliction about the second amendment and needing guns to correct problems. He won alright. put a bullet in his own head and denying the police the pleasure. Yah, he won alright. I just hope when and if it comes down to crunch time sanity overtakes pararnoia.
Dave, why is it that you wish to allow muderers, rapists, and thieves to wander the street preying on the innocent as long as they don't use a gun? You won't answer that.So, Ok just use violence in a larger sense.
Violence in a larger sense? Nonsensical Dave. I realize it fits your political agenda to allow wholesale slaughter of the honest working class people to bolster your support of statism, but I do not accept being rendered powerless to defend my loved ones against street trash to make your utopian world/statist's paradise. Executing savage murderers and allowing honest people to use force to stop those intent on harming them is hardly "in a larger sense". In fact it is very focused, and specific to those that ignore the law while laughing at your socialist controls.
It seems you think that stopping violence is simply a matter of killing and locking up more people. With the highest incarceration rates in the world how is that working for you?
Actually since the implementation of the three strikes law it has been largely effective at reducing our violent crime every year since it became law Dave. You simply refuse to acknowledge fact. You again intentionally include those incarcerated for petty drug crimes (which your statist leaders support) to try to create numbers that support your dillusions.
With one of the highest gun ownership in the world how is the Bearing Arms working?
It works perfectly Dave. If your mind can process it, read the book More Guns, Less Crime. A summary of the largest most indepth study of the effects of firearms ownership ever compiled. Of course you won't acknowlge the fully supported factual data, but that doesn't reduce the fact that it was compiled by a gun control supporter whose view was permanently changed when he debunked the liberal lies (like your statistic of US gun deaths) and studied the reality.
Just as I thought, when you lay out your thoughts they are half baked, not thought out and have no empirical basis. Your position is called paranoid delusional. About "stop selling lies", you have bought up all the available stock.
Typical Statist lier, when confronted with the facts you resort to name calling. If your going to call me names Dave, please use spell check, a dictionary, or consult someone that can speak English. Your broken verbage indicates you are an idiot. That along with your plan to disarm honest people and let criminals rape, loot and pillage at will. We wouldn't want to incarcerate them now would we Dave??
Oh, and by the by, hoplophobia is the epitomy of paranoia now isn't it Dave?