Proud Vmax lover
My finalized and installed version.

My finalized and installed version.
And will not work in EU cuz we have a lot of tunnels and spees cameras inside LOLI am using a couple of speedhut ones. I have a GPS speedo but not the Speedhut one. i got one a few years before Speedhut put theirs out. Don't have any pics of my gauges at the moment though. One thing annoying w the GPS is that when you go WOT it takes a few seconds for the signal to catch up w your actual speed. Also there are some dead spots where the speed will just cut out and then a half mile later will come back.
Like the color KJ but where is your new rear rim? Old bubble v-max style
tyre does not fit your new design man...
Finalized?? FINALIZED??!
Come on, KJ, we all know you better than that!:rofl_200:
Love your setup KJ. How much of a pain is it to get the Koso speedo/tach up and runni g?
why ?? why ??? why did i see that. I want it bad these are all from Koso right ? i had something similar in my my mind but i have to finish my rebuild first
That is way too high for a Vmax. Should be set at 9,000 as it will go higher by the time you make the shift. Some say you can rev as high as 10,000 but I use 9,500 as my absolute redline. I would set a shift light on my bike at 9,000 so wouldn't rev past 9,500.